Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Trinity Doctrine (Found in the Old Testament)

The Trinity Doctrine

In my book “The Last Trumpet…” (2002), I tried to explain the trinity, in the form of who each person was, but never did I try to connect it to the Old Testament, and especially Genesis. During my graduate studies in the 1980s, in Old Testament Studies, I became interest in this area; perhaps it helped me with my Christianity, in that everything has to be proven to me, I’m a Doubting Thomas. So I shall with you at this juncture of my life share a few things I think I learned on the subject—you may or may not already know.
I studied theology; it was my major—in terms of total biblical theology, and other religions, and I looked deep into the canons of and for interpretation.
Also I looked at it carefully to compare lexicography, etymology, usage of words, form and syntax.
I have set my mind to the fact there is a divine origin of the Old and New Testaments, a common authorship and design. In essence, if you look in the New, you can find the roots in the Old Testament.
So my belief is that the Godhead is not simply found in the New Testament, but in the Old as well. So for those who do not know what I am leading up to let me say it plain: I will show you the eternal existence of God in the person of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the Old Testament.
Most Christians will agree, Jesus claimed deity, the Jews and Islam will not of course agree with this. And this claim is supported by the apostles. The Holy Spirit, is more than a Spirit from God, it is God himself: thus forming a tri-unity of God. But remember what I said, the roots of this claim are found in the Old Testament. I am not claiming people of the Old Testament knew this, or understood this, but those that looked for it; it would be improbable they would not acknowledge it. On the other hand, an example might be: you may not understand there is an apple tree simply because you found an apple. In the New Testament, you discover more clearly, that the Apple is part of the Apple Tree if that makes any sense. What is clear now is the full revelation of God that is the bonus of the New Testament, a kind of progressive development.
(Genesis I) Elohim “God” this plurality is used describing the deity of God, referring to the God of Israel. Elohim is equal, plural of majesty, this is the God of the Old Testament. Some folks have said this was used in the time Israel may have used multiple deities, and the religion through evolution, became a one God Religion—and retained the polytheism usage of the word for God. Thus, Elohim would be a carry-over from such primitive times. We are getting quite grammatical here, but it is as it is.
In poetry, or in any such discipline as this, one must look at it from a context in which this plural form is used, when referring to God as a single being. If we look in Genesis 1, verse 26, we see “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” The subject is clear it is God talking, who for the Jews is normally perceived to be singular, but we got another plural.
I can get farther into this, but my point is made, God was not talking to his angels, he was talking to whom you think he was talking to, which was Jesus and the Holy Spirit, plain and simple. Yet, people will not make it simple, as I have, perhaps over simplification, but for me that works.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rewards in Islamic Heaven

Rewards in Islamic Heaven

I didn’t understand what Adolf Hitler meant by saying, “You can fool the masses more easily, than the few.” I came to an understanding of it, when I was introduced to Islam though. I was told if I followed the path of Islam, and its clergy, its spokesmen, I would have rewards in heaven. It kind of sounded like Christianity to me, until I understood what the rewards were. If I get killed in a mission, while trying to kill Islam’s enemies, I would go to heaven, and have wine and girls. I mean they will be naked and waiting for me at the gates—this was the impression I got. This kind of sounded like the Playboy Plaza, but in heaven? It was something to look deeper into, so I asked a student of Islam: you mean God has hired whores to meet me at the gates of heaven and take my pants down, and we do it? Well he said: “It is not quite like that.” Then I stated: “It must be that God created some dumb girls if this is the case, or he constructed some machines, for his martyrs.”
My Saudi Arabian friend looked at me again, said “You still just do not get it.”
“Get what?” I asked.
He didn’t say anything, then I asked a simple question, “If this is a truth, why then do so many Islamic Arabs before they go on their missions get drunk, and find a whore to lay with? I mean, if they are going to have both them items (alcohol and women), shortly after they give their lives up for the cause?”
He said, “You are making fun of my religion!”
I said, “No I am not, I am although interested in the concept of rewards in such a manner, that it almost sounds like something someone made up to get someone else to give up his life, for earth pleasures in the heavenly realm. It just doesn’t make sense.
“Who are these women?” I then asked, adding “I mean, are they someone else’s wife, or angels having orgies with the souls of men, when they return from Battle Ground Earth: my guess is, this is Satan’s plan, not God’s, not the Almighty’s plan, it is to vulgar plan, and only one someone like Satan would come up with. It is really as dump if not, silly path to follow. I mean, if God wanted you dead, why does he have to have his followers do it, he can simply move his little finger and goodbye to us all!” (On the other hand I knew, Satan worked through the physical, him being spirit, he needs flesh and blood to do his actions.)
Now I do not know what sects in Islam believe this, but my friend believed it, and he was from Saudi Arabia. Perhaps this is the wishful thinking of the male division in the religion—it almost sounds like penis envy.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Capital Punishment: Right or Wrong?

Capital Punishment: Right or Wrong?

We all have opinions and views, so I am not looking for a fight with my readers on this controversial subject, I have just not said much on it ever in my writings in the past, of over 5000-poems, articles, books, short stories, and so forth, and why I ask myself, have l left out Capital Punishment? The best reasoning I came up with was: I never got around to it, I always had my beliefs, opinions, thoughts on the subject: so right or wrong, here area a few. Most of my view comes from my Graduate Studies at Liberty University, in Old Testament Studies (and perhaps, being in the Army for 11-years also framed my thoughts on the subject):

“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made he man.” (KJV Genesis 9:6) Yes, I got to get a little biblical about it as I said I would, because God plays a heavy part in my life, beliefs, and direction. So you got my answer to Capital Punishment quick. But let me explain, there is more to it. Scripture is one thing and ethical decisions are another, but closely interwoven for me. I was, and you were, created in God’s image, believe it or not, it is written (Lev. 17 and Exod. 20). I am also ruling out murder, for it is not biblically grounded. I also must say, God and mankind do not have what I’d say is an understanding, or His permission to do so, but to do harm to man, is to do harm to the image God created in every human. In the old days, if an animal was to kill a man, the animal was destroyed by stoning, and the flesh of the animal was not eaten.
We should remember all life is God’s creation.
There should be a respect for the godly ground all creatures live on; thus, life given is by a supernatural power. So we are prohibited from shedding blood of man, Before the Great Flood, and after it, we never lost the divine image, and yes we do stand out in distinction form, from the animals, and vegetable worlds. God did not impose the death penalty on Cain, he gave him mercy of course for murderer (and I’ll explain that later). I do not find a clear cut pattern of law in the Bible to deal with murder in particular—we have concern, but not procedure in the Bible. The Mosaic Law restricts the right of blood vengeance.
In the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 21, we see murder endangers the whole community, and puts it at risk. It seems to me, that only the blood of the individual murderer (stranger) could make atonement for such pollution in a village, and so execution was accepted for his crime, but if it was a kin, like Cain to Abel, it was not permitted. (Deut. 24).
I do realize the 6th commandment says “Thou shalt not kill” (Exod. 20)—this really indicates murder, not the authorized taking of human life of the murderer.
In the old days, when the Old Testament was being written, sixteen offences could get you stoned to death. Of course, we are more civilized are we not, than those old times way back when, we just have wars, and protect the murderers on our city streets. Anyhow, the death penalty was also for adultery, incest and such things also.
We of course are not living in a divine theocracy (or government by religion) now. So that is often times taken into consideration by societies.
In essence, and to make this article shorter, I must simply say, the Old Testament emphasis punishment based on matching the seriousness of the crime, or offense; such as, a serious injury would equal a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, a burn for a burn (Exod. 21). On the other hand, I do not believe the Old Testament teaches that Capital Punishment is the solution for every murderer, nor mandatory. Discretion should be used. When they hung Saddam Hussein, I felt he had it coming, there were hundreds of eyewitnesses to his evilness, and murderous mind, and rulership. But I do not think one should kill a thief if over taken in the act.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dictators: a Way of Thinking

Dictators: a Way of Thinking

The president of Zimbabwe thinks a certain way, a way the west does not understand, for it will allow its people to suffer and get raped, and so forth. Hamas, has a different way of thinking that the rest of the world does not understand, it also will allow its people to die and parish for its end goals. The North Korean president has a way of thinking, the world does not understand likewise, and will allow his people to starve to death, but wants nuclear arms (but they will take a handout if you offer it, so they can feed their soldiers); they will find money for that arms. President of Venezuela uses his countries oil to slowly gain a grip here and there, not really caring about his people, because he gives most of their resources away to gain control of leaders in other countries, but he does not step beyond a limit, one he made for himself, and perhaps because he knows the United States is too close to home. Burma is in the same status as all of the above, run by an assortment of generals, hiding in the background so no one can finger who is who, and who is responsible for their chains. Al Qaeda has a special way of thinking also, anyone not under their heel, is the enemy, and therefore has a license to kill them.
What I am driving at is this: all of the above have a different way of thinking than Americans, or Europeans, for the most part. We can add Australia into this category, or most English speaking countries, also Canada. What is inside of these dictators’ heads that they do not care? Haiti is another example of one of the so called new democratic dictatorships (Russia and China have formed a thin form of capitalism, and a thinner form of Democracy for Russia, and Cuba, is trying to form one now—more in name than truth and reality).
Again, I have to say, what is it makes people like these (excluding: fame, jealousy, envy, power and control), and we can add Saddam Hessian, into this rule, and Hitler from the past and Stalin. It is a certain way of thinking, and America has never grasped it.

It is really an old way of thinking. The new way is for the people by the people—a Christian way of thinking and its origins go back to Adam and Eve. Cain, when he left the Garden of Eden for killing his brother, was a bad seed, but could have repented, and he knew this, and he was going into the old world, and he knew in this old order the folks did not have much heart for anything beyond self interests, it was part of the old soul, or had became part of it, for Satan was in that part of the world, and ruled it long before the Garden was created.
It is that God’s breath was blown into Adam’s mouth, and thus he became the new creature, his soul was automatically different than those outside the Garden of Eden—God never blew life into those older souls, he never said he did, and he didn’t, there is a difference, a soul of God, or by God (and Satan had done his homework long ago, by grabbing God out of them old souls). It had to be, because the way of thinking outside the Garden was as it is with those folks we are talking about now, whom we do not understand why they do what they do; the soul of these folks are sick and do you expect something healthy from something sick? No way.
So when we deal with these folks, we need to keep this in mind, they do not care if a hundred, or a thousand, or a million have people have to die for their cause, it is the end they are looking at, not you.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Islam Unknown

When I read the New Testament Bible, I know it has a good history, I mean, a good reliable history. Let me explain, many people have a testimony as to its reliability, even a powerful legal proof follows it. I perhaps am a Doubting Thomas, God knows this, and it is not the unpardonable sin—thank goodness, but I suppose it shows a lack of faith, which I’ve prayed for, for 50-years to build on, still I am a Doubting Thomas. Anyhow, this is me, and I believe the New Testament has endured the test of time in addition to its legal testimonies. When I studied at the seminary for several months in the 1980s, I looked deep into the research around the Old and New Testaments, it was one of the major reasons I went to Liberty University, and did perhaps half of my graduate studies there, prior to this I had studied psychology for four years. But doing this research, it created for me evidence, strict legal evidence, and a reliable history. I just do not want to believe simply to believe in something without substance.
There is a long stream of intellectuals who can bear witness to the New Testament, such as Saul of Tarsus, Augustine, George Lyttleton, C.S. Lewis, Sir William Ramsey, and on and on we go. These folks were converted on its legal history, not forced fed it and then ordained a Christian—they looked at it as I did, as a lawyer would, expertly trained in the matter of evaluating the evidence at hand.
Now you are perhaps saying “What does this all have to do with Islam?” I will tell you: everything (perhaps you can also put Mormonism and the Jehovah Witnesses in this category also, which are off the mainstream of the New Testament Bible, whom have even changed the New Testament to accommodate their religious cults, and I say cult, meaning it is a religious faction, shoot off from Christianity, as Islam is a faction from Judaism and Christianity).
But what I am trying to get to is this: throughout history, even to include Harvard Law School Simon Greenleaf, demonstrated the reliability of the gospels, Lord Chancellor Hailsham a lawyer in England, also was also convinced of the NT authority and reliability, where is the reliability of the Koran? The Islamic holy book?
I’ll try to put this in a nutshell, there are many errors and biblical distortions in the Koran, and most folks will agree with this if they study the both books, and we will also agree I think, God does not inspire error in His Word? Even the Muslims I think would agree there are many errors, unless they are uneducated in their own holy book. Dr. Robert Morey has shown 100 examples of such errors. One in particular, in Sura 11:44, where the Ark of Noah came to rest on the top of Mt. Judi, now we all know it was on Mt. Ararat, as the bible indicates. And it says Abraham’s father was Azar (Sura 6:74), not Terah as the Bible teaches, and that the sacrifice was to be Ishmael (Sura 37: 100-112), not Isaac, as the Bible says. And I could go on and on and on, such as with Mary, the mother of Jesus, Noah’s flood, Mary’s father’s name is incorrect; they have also incorrectly compared the Book of Genesis wrongly I say in the Koran—along with many more biblical characters. So what is one to believe? I was befriend by a man many years ago, from Saudi Arabia, and we went to the Saudi Arabia club in St. Paul, Minnesota, by Hamlin University in which he was attending, and I had put my application for graduate studies in there waiting for admission, in which he and I compared by reading each other’s books, and made comparisons. Sadly but true, he did not want to believe what he saw and read, said it was American propaganda—yes indeed, right in the Bible. We even went to his set of Encyclopedias to gather information on Mohammad’s life, and again he said, it was distorted by American propaganda—being American Encyclopedias, thus, what can you say to a man so stubborn? I hope if you are Muslim, you are not as stubborn as he—more open minded, check it out. Don’t believe just because you were raised to believe. I went to many Christian churches before I chose to be who I am. Not ever Christian Church teaches the correct Christian doctrine, so I discovered. And so many people are lead by the blind, because they are blind.


Friday, April 04, 2008

The Double Curse of: Senor Leonico Cesar Palma

The Double Curse of:
Senor Leonico Cesar Palma

(Advance) I wasn’t going to get into, or tell you what happened to the so called “New Arrival,” but I got a nagging in my head this morning, to do so, and I couldn’t get it out of my head until I wrote it out on toilet paper—the quickest paper available, put it in my pocket, and hopped it all went away later, meaning I file 13 it, or write it out. But it didn’t. My wife Rosa and I went to Wong’s to have lunch, and then purchased some CD’s, and she had asked if I was going to go to Starbuck’s and have some coffee, as I usually do in the afternoons abut 2:00 or 3:00 PM, to about 4:00 or 5:30 PM, coffee and a cookie, and home I go. But I said no, thinking about the story I wrote out on toilet paper, on in my shirt pocket, an outline I should say, on what happened to the Arrival in the book “The Cadaverous Journey.”
To be honest I didn’t know until it came to me like a flash of lightening, as if trying to wake up Frankenstein from the dead. I mean, my pen hand started writing it out like it had the story packed away in my fingernails; I didn’t even have to think, for it just came. So I must say at this juncture, it is all from the depths of some mysterious cellar vault, that was opened up for me, and now I must tell you what came about with this fellow who arrived at the Asteroid prison, and a part of his soul, the third part if you’ve read the story “The Cadaverous Journey,” what actually took place soon after he left the prison house.
I call this a double course, and you will see why in a moment, but the first curse was of course, dying, and ending up in a prison (something on the order of purgatory, waiting for the last judgment, or simply waiting out whatever punishment you must, and thus, waiting on your reprieve to go to heaven—hopefully).

Well, the man who was or is called the ‘New Arrival’ had died in a car accident, as most of us readers know now, and his wife and child died with him. His actual name was Leonico Cesar Palma, from Peru. They had been on their way to Huancayo, from Lima, while about 15,000-feet up in the Andes, they took a sharp curve, and crashed. The child went right to heaven, and the mother had found herself wandering within that vicinity of the accident, but a little farther down the road, when upon a stranger and his wife (Dr. Dennis Siluk, and his wife Rosa, along with his godchild Ximena) found her wondering, picked her up, and ended up in a car accident themselves.
Anyhow, Leonico never did find out what took place with his daughter and wife, and I shall explain why here. Now you need to listen closely, read every word, keep an open mind, and remember this is what came to me, told to me you might say, but first I must explain some of the dimensions in the other world.
Ghosts are the residue of those who were once human, having physical souls and flesh beings. Demons are to the contrary, they are, or have no physical parts to them; this is why they must find substance, an essence to incorporate their intangible elements into, around, within them; so they can operate in the physical world. They housed themselves in humans, animals, even inanimate objects, and believe it or not, the residue of a runaway soul of a past human.
Ghosts are not all bad folks, they are searching usually for something, but demons are again to the contrary, almost always bad news, and once they enter a living thing, that thing is taken over by its character and all by the demon’s possession, and thus becomes the personification of that of which possesses them.

With this being understood, here is what took place.

Leonico left the prison house, also known as the asteroid-prison, and when he arrived on earth, for the prison house is in the cosmic universe, he was about to get his direction. The demon named Woodbridge, was present, had been present hiding in a dojo, second floor (karate gym) down at 97 Collingwood Street in San Francisco, in the Castro district, he saw Leonico Cesar, and he looked lost, he looked closer and he approached him slowly, slyly, and like a whirlwind, like a spider to a fly, he sucked the essence of Cesar into his web, and Woodbridge subjugated his essence as if it was woven into his, and thus, Cesar lost his capability to act separately, and acquired the character of Woodbridge, bound to him until he would find a more suitable human being to do his bidding.
Demonic beings, and angelic fallen beings must find a physical force to enter to do their bidding for them; often times, the human filled demon thinks he is he, when in essence, he opened the door for the demon, and the demon took advantage of it. Thus, if you are in magical practices, or things like reading or watching, or allowing this side of life to influence you, it opens more doors than you think.
Cesar was now stung and paralyzed within this gripping unstable creature’s mist, and with this, there was a little substance to him now (to Woodbridge), even could appear and be seen if in certain light reflections. Yet this was not exactly Woodbridge’s full desire. He wanted to be inside of a more open-minded human, that didn’t mind the aggressive side of life, but Cesar would do. It is you see the nature of the beast. Demons have not mercy side to them, no practical side you may say, to a psychologist, they would be categorized as psychotic, some with paranoia, and others with other un-wishful maladaptive behavior styles.

(Conclusion :) What Cesar did not know was this: he was sent to the prison house, as a penitence to be served. He believed in Christ, but was a bad Christian, and so he needed to be punished somehow, hence, he was actually given 10-years, a minute for each sin he committed in his lifetime. Then with all three parts of his soul intact, he would have been given a white coat, and a seal of approval, and would have been escorted to heaven. Now, his time for penitence would not start until the third part of his soul returned, and the truth of the matter is, Woodbridge would not leave Cesar for thirty-years, whereupon, he quickly returned to his prison, connected with the other two parts of his soul, the personal part and the pure part, the part that returned was the negotiator (or rebel part), and in the year 2008, at its end, he will have served his time completely, and onto heaven he shall go.

Written 4-4-2008

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Book of Judgement

The Book of Judgment

A Vision seen in the early, 1980s by the author of “The Last
Trumpet…” which was to be put in into the book, but never
Was, and drawn shortly after the vision, while living in
Roseville, Minnesota, USA; named ‘Judgment.’

(Advance) It is believed in Christian eschatology there will be one if not two judgments of man and his destiny after death: depending on which Christian grouping within the faith he belongs to—is where he may end up, which several have their own system and view; thus, which denomination you look at makes a difference, for each has a slightly different interpretation on the judgment concept so I want to take a look at it from a Birdseye view (but first a poem):


Death, has its deathwatch, it knows when the vigil
Must start, sometimes it is tradition, other times it
Is religious; no matter which, it never rests:

Death appeared out of nowhere, said
“I am unknowing, it is finished, and it is time to move away from the sun towards the shadow lands.”
I said, “I want to speak to the devil first?”
He asked, “Why?” And I mumbled,
“I want to know about God,” and Death laughed, and said,
“I could take you now!”
But he hesitated, he was snooping, I think, waiting to find out more about me. Then death said,
“I haven’t got time; I got things to do….”
And I said, “Then annul it!”
He looked at me with those big dark eyes, said in a rustic voice,
“Is it not that, not to know what to believe in, is to suffer? Or is it, when Death visits one on that day, vivid as I am, it becomes a fearful, and suffocating task?” And Death added, “It is the same for all, many have tried to out wit me, but they forget I am a betrayer, and I out trick them.”

#2346 (4-3-2008)

Note on Death: I do believe, death has its own personality, and besides being a thing, it is a person, and there are places where one goes, yes, death has its maze, one could say. Death has its squad as well, and it has its angels, the good and the bad. You may ask, “Why must we die?” It is simply falling to sleep and waking up in a new world order, what is perhaps nerving is where are we going to exist next? Heaven, Hell, the grave, the fire, the frozen lands. Does not our proper reasoning tell us we will exist again—someplace? I think so, and so we leave the only world we know, to a new existence we have heard about. It sounds to me often times but a simple jump from one to the other. The sad part is you live a world that is perhaps worse off than when you arrived. The good part is, you go to another adventure.

Uri’el: The Flame of God
He stood at the Gate of Eden
He holds the key to the Pit, during the End Times
Seraphim, the highest known rank of angels: also known as a
Cherubim (Muhammad claimed he was even taken from
Mecca to Heaven by one)

As told to Ezra by Uri’el:

“God’s ways cannot be understood by human minds!”
“When the end comes, God’s justice will manifest”
“The present state of Israel is in transition”
“No one can escape his destiny”

“…the woman is Zion; the Eagle is rebuked by the Lion, and then burnt
(Europe vs. United States), the Eagle is the forth kingdom in Daniel;
then comes the man who says he is the Messiah…(but is not)”

See Jewish Apocalypse of Ezra (4 Ezra)
Revelation 20: 12-15
“The Apocalypse of John”

(A View) Satan’s rule through man at this time is destroyed…; first comes tribulation, then Armageddon, then the return of Messiah; peace is restored to the world; Satan imprisoned; then 1000-years region of the Messiah; then Satan released for the final rebellion; God’s final judgment over Satan; the Great White Throne Judgment; the new earth.
But what about the Judgment?

Judgment of the Soul
Islam vs. Christianity

During judgment, a person's own "book of deeds" will be given to the person, and they will be apprised of every action they did and every word they spoke (Qur'an 54.52-53). If given in the right, that Person will go to Jannah (paradise). If he gets it in his left, he's going to Jahannam (Hell).

The Qur'an states that some sins can condemn someone to hell. These include lying, dishonesty, and corruption, ignoring God or God's revelations, denying the resurrection, refusing to feed the poor, indulging in opulence and ostentation, and oppressing or economically exploiting others.[12] However, if someone had the true Islamic belief in their heart, then they will eventually be allowed into paradise after their just punishment.

Salvation is granted, based on the individual's surrender and commitment to Jesus Christ.

A second particular judgment they refer to as the Bema Seat judgment occurs after (or as) salvation is discerned when awards are granted based on works toward heavenly treasures.[

Some believe all people sleep in Sheol until the resurrection

Other beliefs, Christians dwell in Heaven and pagans wander the earth, and others consider the time to pass instantaneously. Nevertheless, the body is not fully redeemed until after Death is destroyed…

Judgment is forth coming!

So what is right and wrong here? Many beliefs, or perhaps
Many sides to one perfect belief: Judgment is forth coming!

Particular judgment: is the doctrine that immediately after death the eternal destiny of each separated soul is decided by the just judgment of God. The dead begin their eternal fates after death, either immediately or after being purified in purgatory (a waiting place, where one is actually somewhat judged, and cleaned, and it maybe uncomfortable, more on the order of a sentence of repentance before released to the Arms of Heaven). On the actual judgment day, the dead are reunited with their bodies and their eternal fates continue.

In Eastern Christianity: the dead are judged from the 3rd to the 40th day after death. They then await their eternal fate on judgment day, anticipating judgment either in dread or in peace.

Contrary doctrines: hold that the soul sleeps unconsciously until the General Judgment or that it is annihilated at death, to be recreated on Judgment Day.

General View: For the most part, a final Judgment is a belief, and held firmly by all Christian religions, Islam, and Judaism likewise. Some immediately after death feel the soul under goes the particular judgment (depending on the state of the soul): and goes to heaven, purgatory, limbo, or hell. But there also is a last judgment, no matter what is in-between now and then, thus, making for a resurrection of all the dead, or those who have ever lived and died, a kind of reunion of humanity, at which time, one’s physical body will be united with his soul. At this point, Christ will descend to earth in human form, for his is the judge; this is called the perfect justice. Those in heaven and hell will remain there, and those in waiting, will be released into heaven (limbo, I don’t know where that came from or even if it exists).
So we see the above case two judgments, experienced by most individuals, be it Christian or non-Christian. And we see where God will send the souls during the first, and perhaps the second and final one will be conceivably more on the order of degree of punishment to be given, and degree of the pleasures of heaven to be granted.
There is another part to this riddle of sorts, the soul sleeps upon death. And that may be so; it has been written there are seventy-two deaths. If this is one, and if this is the case then when a person wakes, he wakes upon the final and only judgment day, it will be a long day, and no time for the intercession of the Saints (and if there is such a thing as intercession?).
I feel one needs to look at himself, and his beliefs, and how he feels God would do things after he checks things out: I mean, here we got God, bestowing the free gift of Divine grace upon us, one we cannot earn, and by the asking, our sins are forgiven, but there is also another side to this coin, the deeds done by each person needs to be weighed, thus separating the sheep from the goats, and by counting the good and the bad, one can come to a conclusion how God’s grace, and forgiveness is to be balanced. Not everyone who knocks on his door and says ‘Here I am’, is going to get into the plaza. Faith in Christ is the key at the Last Judgment, other than that, it is by the mercy of God, and he will not declare that until the final days.

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Death Snoops (Poetic Prose)

Death Snoops

Death appeared out of nowhere, said
“I am unknowing, it is finished, and it is time to move away from the sun towards the shadow lands.”
I said, “I want to speak to the devil first?”
He asked, “Why?” And I mumbled,
“I want to know about God,” and Death laughed, and said,
“I could take you now!”
But he hesitated, he was snooping, I think, waiting to find out more about me. Then death said,
“I haven’t got time; I got things to do….”
And I said, “Then annul it!”
He looked at me with those big dark eyes, said in a rustic voice,
“Is it not that, not to know what to believe in, is to suffer? Or is it, when Death visits one on that day, vivid as I am, it becomes a fearful, and suffocating task?” And Death added, “It is the same for all, many have tried to out wit me, but they forget I am a betrayer, and I out trick them.”

#2346 (4-3-2008)

Note on Death: I do believe, death has its own personality, and besides being a thing, it is a person, and there are places where one goes, yes, death has its maze, one could say. Death has its squad as well, and it has its angels, the good and the bad. You may ask, “Why must we die?” It is simply falling to sleep and waking up in a new world order, what is perhaps nerving is where are we going to exist next? Heaven, Hell, the grave, the fire, the frozen lands. Does not our proper reasoning tell us we will exist again—someplace? I think so, and so we leave the only world we know, to a new existence we have heard about. It sounds to me often times but a simple jump from one to the other. The sad part is you live a world that is perhaps worse off than when you arrived. The good part is, you go to another adventure.

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The Potential Dangerous Side of Islam

None of us really want to talk about this subject, the potential dangerous of Islam, we’d rather hide our heads under a pillow, scared Islam may condemn us or something, and not sure what else. Islam has done a great fear job on the world; exactly what they’ve wanted to do, but let’s look at why it is dangerous (I wrote a book on Islam a few years ago ‘Islam, in Search of Satan’s Rib’ sorry I did not add this article into it, but I hadn’t wrote it then).
This is not slander, this is simple facts, so please don’t throw the black skull flag up before you read it. This whole article will be done simple and in brief, but you will be about to extract a lot of information from it.
As I have already said, Islam can, and has influenced dramatically the world, its economy through OPEC. It has a billion followers, thus is an important reason to look close at this growing religious influence, it is also having an in pact on nations outside its Islamic boundaries. And because of it oil and massive following it can play and does play a key role in the social stability, or instability of governments, and it does both—in war, and less in peace. But the most dangerous element I see is its code, its premise, to bring Islamic law to every nation (and within this structure, almost anything goes if it is blessed by the elders: so I call the ruling parties).

So we see so far, Islam has the power to change the present world, and it is, and has, and will: increasing daily. Only a few nations in the world are willing to speak up on this matter, and one is not the USA. So we see this fast growing religion in the world taking root, dominating more than 40-countries now, and silencing double that amount from criticizing them. All other religions are allowed to be looked at and criticized, but Islam, why is that? What are they afraid of?
It is a dominating force in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It now is the second largest religion in Europe, and the third in the USA. And in England, it is number three, and soon to be two, and then one. In 1974, France had one mosque, to my understanding, there are over 2000-today (and perhaps that is a conservative figure).
In the Midwest in the USA, all the way to Los Angeles there are uncountable Muslims. In 1991, there were about 1000-mosques and Islamic centers in the US, perhaps double that now. Don’t get me wrong, this is neither good nor bad, it is just fact; and the other fact is that a Christian Nation is turning Islamic, pure and simple. The problem is, with this increase, the ideological influence goes with it, and Islamic fundamentalism increases, the aggressive kind, and let’s not hide from the fact, there is such a creature. And what becomes changed, if not infected is: the social, political, economical, and military elements in a nation.
If you are Christian, do not think this to be of little concern, Islamic-domination, there is normally a progression with this kind of revealed pattern, that being, persecution of Christians, which is happening and has in the near-past, severe persecution of Christians in Islamic states.
South America, predominantly, Christian is also becoming inundated with this religion.

So what beliefs are we looking at? 1) Faith in Allah (and who is Allah? A good question, sometimes it seems to be the elders, and I can’t figure who works for whom 2) Angels, yes Muslims believe in angels, especially Gabriel, who translated the Koran for or to Muhammad, so it is claimed, I wonder what Gabriel would say if I could talk to him personally? I know he wouldn’t agree, because Micha’el told me 3) The Holy Books include the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, but only to a degree, thus, the Koran supersedes everything else. 4) The prophets, about 25-are mentioned in the Koran, such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and so forth, but of course the revelations of Muhammad’s predominate.
Muslims believe in predestination. Meaning, it is all done for a purpose, and perhaps on purpose, the good and the evil.
Day of Judgment: on this day, Muslims believe their deeds will be put on a scale, and weighed, and Allah will judge which way you go, up or down. I hate to think which way for Bin Laden (unless it is Allah’s will for his aggressive behavior to continue unabated).

(Islam says:) During judgment, a person's own "book of deeds" will be given to the person, and they will be apprised of every action they did and every word they spoke (Qur'an 54.52-53). If given in the right, that Person will go to Jannah (paradise). If he gets it in his left, he's going to Jahannam (Hell). The Qur'an states that some sins can condemn someone to hell. These include lying, dishonesty, and corruption, ignoring God or God's revelations, denying the resurrection, refusing to feed the poor, indulging in opulence and ostentation, and oppressing or economically exploiting others.[12] However, if someone had the true Islamic belief in their heart, then they will eventually be allowed into paradise after their just punishment.

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

God's Answer

God’s Answer

(God’s Answer) Michael was by me, I said silently in my brain, “…how does one know what religion to seek, when there are so many cults, like the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and Islam?’ And I looked up towards heaven, asked God that question, and his reply was (and I think it was to me, but could have been through Micha’el, it seemed he knew what I had asked anyhow): “Search for me with all your heart and soul, not religion, go after my heart, you will find me, and I will put you into my palm, and no one will ever harm you….” (Yes, I was a man after God’s own heart, and this sounded reasonable, it should be God we seek, not religion per se.) This answer came as quick as a click of my fingers. Thus, I knew it came from him, once you find God, all else will fall in line.


On Demons

On Demons

I had a question for Moun’el the Lesser, “Look,” I said, “I’ve encountered in my life many demons, in lamps, in pictures, in my bedroom, in a Karate dojo in San Francisco, in an attic, in a building in Babenhausen Germany, and on and on I could go. Once even in my car, he started to stink it up, and I had to stop, and cast him out right there; once one was looking through my mother’s living room big window, my mother say it; and in several visions.
Moun’el looked at Micha’el, and Surr’el’s face (Surr’el is about six-foot five, huge broad shoulders, perhaps two-hundred and forty pounds, I only saw him once, but he didn’t smile, he just guarded my bed, so the demons could not harm me after my stroke, and bypass, back in 1994) and they both being archangels, nodded their heads thinking, I think, he did really have all that much experience, so I also would have guessed, by the looks of things, I mean he had to search his data banks or whatever angels do, for the information.
Said Moun’el, “Demons likened to some angels, are falling beings, intangible spirits, being on earth, they need to work though the physical, they often times embody things, animals, lamps as you said, even pictures, this is how they operate; if it is not human, an animal will do: thus, once they embody a person, the person symbolizes the demon, man becomes what they are.
There are many kinds of demonic beings, spirits that are deceiving, lying, religious –just look at all the wars being fought over religion, Islam, at the present, with Judaism—; and homosexuals (they smell very bad, perhaps that is what you had in your car; there are also deaf and dumb spirits, or demon. They produce sickliness in families (see Acts 10:38: ‘…and healing all that were oppressed of the devil….’) and it should be noted, there are degrees of oppression and possession by these unholy spirits (meaning, how much are you allowing yourself to be filled by the Holy Spirit vs. the oppressive spirit?
“This all deals with the origin and operation of the fall of Satan and his angels; does this answer your question?”
I nodded my head yes, it did, and Micha’el gave a slant to his neck and head, as if say, you’ve impressed me.

Note: Where is man? Is he in heaven, or in hell? If in either place immediately after death, what is the necessity of a judgment in the end of the world to decide his case? Is there a possibility that some have at death gone to the waiting place? And those who have received Christ, do they need a judgment, for they have been wiped clean, and are without sin? And the demon that walk the earth, the intangible spirits, where do they go? Are they not condemned to walk the earth until the end of days (already judged?).
