Monday, March 31, 2008

The Sin that is not Pardonable!

The Sin that is not pardonable!

When one says, Satan’s works are done by the Holy Spirit, as the scribes did infer onto Christ, in the days Jesus walked the earth, by saying “…He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils he casteth out devils.” (Mark: Ch. 3) And when they know better, for they saw his miracles, thus, denying who Christ was, and why he came, such scribes committed the Unpardonable sin, and given over to a degenerate mind and do not desire salvation, nor will the Holy Spirit lead them to it (Romans 1:28).
As Christ had said, “How can Satan cast out Satan?” At that time Christ went on to say: “A house divided cannot stand” and “I can bind Satan, I can go into his house, but he cannot go into mine, nor bind me.”
What he was trying to tell the scribes was: what you are witnessing is a person stronger than Satan, and regardless of what you see, giving Satan credit for it.
The Godhead, three in one, the Father made the world, and sees to it, as a caretaker you might say; Jesus, came down from heaven (part of he Godhead) and ransomed himself for the sins of mankind, his blood wipes our sins away (see: Isaiah 1:18/ Mark Ch. 3/1st John 1:7).
“…though your sins be like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” And “All sins shall be forgiven…but he that blaspheme against the Holy Spirit…” “…and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans us from all sin…"
The Holy Spirit is different than the Father and Christ, He is the counselor, the soft spoken one, he responds to our desires, wishes, fears, and the reception and rejection of men to his calling. He never requires, like God the Father or God the Son, may do at times, and impose their wills.
(I was a licensed counselor for many years, thus I would plead the case of my clients to others, I was the intercessor you could say, I was the only one really that had the right to do this, while working in the clinics when clients were assigned to me. This is something like the Holy Spirit does, but the Holy Spirit is sensitive to rejection, but to get to Christ, and to approach God, the Holy Spirit is the one avenue you have to take. So to deliberately confuse God with Satan is unpardonable. So blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is rejection of the light he brings you, and you identify it as Satan not God, and knowing what you are doing at the time.)
It might be prudent to add, those who have in the past were blasphemers, and knew not what they were doing (out of ignorance) can still be saved (Timothy Ch. 1); we are not talking about these folks.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

—Global volcanism & WWIII (Watch the Antichrist on TV)

Everyday we seem to be on the edge of World War Three, from the war that just about took place in South America between three countries, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador; China wanting to slowly weed out the blood of Tibet subjecting them to live in a rats nest, and telling the world to stand back and watch. Russia trying to tell the world Kosovo has a right to be under slavery and the hate of Belgrade; North Korea telling the South, they will burn them to ashes if they do not bow and talk nice to them, and Iran, Syria trying to eradicate Israel, and slowly bombarding Iraq to submission.
Where will the spark be? It perhaps will not be the first spark that ignites WWIII, but the second (in essence we are in the first stages of WWIII now, it is just the spark we are waiting for).
Those who promise to use the big bomb and have it, most likely will. I don’t blame Japan or South Korea for its concerns over those who have the ability, to harm them, because it is always hanging over their heads, and can and will the USA get its self involved with a nuclear country over a non nuclear country’s first strike, or take over because of a potential first strike, perhaps they would have in the last century, but I doubt this new century they will, plus, we are not as strong as we were eight years ago, and everybody knows it—and we are stretched to our limits worldwide, and do not have the capability of fighting a third war while the other two are going on (Iraq and Afghanistan).
So the first spark will come from a third world country I think, trying to prove they are a big world player, with a country with conventional capabilities, is my guess; it is like the robber, they seek out the weaker ones to rob—like Iraq who warred with Kuwait. Like Cuba wanted Russia to teach America a lesson, so many years ago, at Russia’s expense—by using it nuclear capabilities.
And so we live by hanging onto a thread, and putting out little fires before the big one comes, actually, simply avoiding the unavoidable for another day.
The United States will get hit most likely before this decade is out (biochemical or something worse, let’s hope something less), and all the officials know it, that is why they have second homes in the Caribbean, Europe, Central and South America. That is why they got their money in banks that are out of reach of the IRS, and out of the country. America is the safest and strongest, and best country in the world, but the world is not as it used to be, it envies too much, before it was everyone’s dream to get there, now it is everyone’s dream to be like them, while living in their own countries, and if need be, hurt the country you so envy.
Israel is right, they know other countries will used people as bombs, those who have deadly diseases, or wishful thinking of being a hero and going to heaven with a dozen woman, and wine once you give up your life for their cause. That is why Israel is still standing tall. America needs to incorporate some of Israel’s decisiveness.
When America sinks, the world will feel the ripple effect, and be subjugated into a world power, so confining they will think China and Tibet are blossom buddies, which we know they are far from it.

—So who are we looking for? The dictator of course, and who is he? A TV personality—most likely; he will be able to master mind the media, and capable of drawing loyalty to him from all walks of life. His every move will be monitored, and he will know all there is to know abut military weaponry, and he will know economics, have a great political mind, and spiritual sense, for the world will be ready for him in all areas, low in economics, high in worry about war. He will step into power for these purposes, to stabilize everything (he will be the Antichrist, satanic influenced).
During this time, he will kill, or starve to death his victims, persecution will be rampant. We will all see him on satellite television. We can even see in the Bible, in prophecy where TV will be used: Revelation Chapter 11: the Antichrist will be seen at once by the whole world, this was written 2000-years ago. This is only one indication the Antichrist is on his way. Plus, this was not possible fifty-years ago. And so we see the Biblical timetable at its end-time events (Revelation 6). War, famine, pestilence will all occur before the actual Great Tribulation. It will seem like the end of everything, but it will not be.
—Global volcanism, the inner parts of the earth will fill the atmosphere, sunlight disappear, or reduced to such a low it will be very cold, no crops (several volcanoes will erupt). Food stores in the USA have only about five days supply of food, should this happen tomorrow. This means population relocation on an international scale, and mass starvation. If nuclear warfare has not started with the spark, it will now start with a chain reaction.
—We do not need psychics and prophets to tell us what will take place, it will be obvious, there will be changes in the geography of our planet, within this cataclysmic time, a pole shift perhaps. I really think we are overdue, living on borrowed time. My projection is 2016-19, and a projection is just that, not a prediction. When everything is in alignment

Note: The author has studied eschatology, at Liberty University during the early 1980s, working on his Masters Degree, and finds doing an article now and then in this area rewarding.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The New and Old Souls (to the Lands of Dead Souls)

The New and Old Souls
(To the Lands of the Dead Souls)
((DNA and the Genetic Code, Genesis) (like Dead Wheat))

And Micha’el quoted from the Book of John, and Mathew; for I had asked: “…what were the answers to the soul of Adam and those before him…,” and Micha’el quoted the New Testament, saying:

John 3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

(Micha’el was looking for me to give him an answer!)

Mt 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto the simple, and unto babes.

Mt 16:3 O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

And I said to Micha’el:
“I have never turned face on listening and looking at what my mind does not understand, for those are the things I find most simple, once told me, perhaps because I am not all scientist, nor all philosophy, plus I am a simple man, and God has given these things to such people like me.”
And Micha’el looked deep into my eyes, and then told Moun’el to explain (for I could not understand the difference between Adam, and those before him, what makes one different than the other?)

Moun’el Explains:

“God gave all living things life, but he did not breath into their nostrils as he did Adam, he gave them a living force only, connected to the cosmos (a spiritual force, one that can read and communicate in its own language), you call it DNA. This Genetic Code has a simple language of 26-letters; it is in all living life, animal, plant and human. Like all languages, it communicates; this code is formed in a honeycomb pattern, incased in cells, and these cells contain the essence of life. Each cell although primitive, is complex, these cells perceive (or recognize, see, take in) cosmic forces, no human knows why, yet the forces in life are inside the cell, cosmic in nature, not of earth, these forces you cannot see, because they are spiritual, these make up the DNA, and Genetic Code.
The breathe of God, his essence, life that produces a soul, an immortal soul, the one he gave Adam, that made the biggest difference, to the observer called Satan, now there was a part of God himself in man, before this time, they were dead souls in comparison—the difference being, souls of God or by God—now when death came upon man, those who came from Adam, were souls that were of God.
Before Adam: souls were created differently, and those whom were of the earth before Adam, were subject to their king, Lucifer, and they were of a different breed, like animalia souls almost, that died and forever were silent, and there were souls that took Lucifer’s side but he could only offer them his character, and so they took that upon themselves, when they died, they became his servants, some demonic, some remain silent in their graves, many are in the prison, others in hell, but a few made it to paradise.
The souls before Adam, were like dead wheat, and the old way of dying was put to death, for nothing was being born that was good, that could grow, and the old ways could not die, and God saw this and he needed to give new life, so it would grow, and so man unknowingly discovered a new way of dying—and living again, he had gotten a new soul—Adam was the hand picked first person, put into a garden and kept away from the dead wheat, and good came out of this. But in time, because of the forbidden fruit being eaten, and because of the son’s of Adam one king his brother and cast out to fend for himself among the ones before Adam, the growing wheat would be mixed with the old and dying.
But the old ones did not want to die, and let the new ones live, it is that survival instinct you know, but to those of the old ways, God was not born fresh inside of them. Oh, they knew of him, tried to make new gods to forget him. And this is how I recall it.”
And I knew from this vantage point, all the great prophets were linked to Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Christ; and so the linage goes to this very day.

I asked, what civilization can he tell me about, that lived back in those far off days, that were ruled by the old wheat like souls: and he told me in a flash of a second, I called this story “The Great Tower of Kura,” when he told it, it was as if he was using a parable (please see Appendix for the story).


End Times: Uri'el (a sketch)

End Times: Uri’el

And the Soul of the Earth moaned, and was quieted by God for a time, for many things were yet to take place…

I had a statement—having read the paper the other day on the great melt down in Antarctica— and said to Uri’el:
“What is going on with the weather now?”
Said Uri’el to me: “God has revealed from ancient times, the times of the future, as you can see the world is confused on the strange occurrence presently at hand, many scientists believe that global warming is occurring because of the cosmic forces (solar radiation) striking the earth from outer space. Other scientists say that an overactive sun causes this cosmic radiation. Millions of people believe that there is a definite climate change going on but they cannot agree on what is causing it. Some scientists believe that it is just a natural occurring weather cycle and these same people most certainly do not know why it is happening. Many scientists believe that there is a definite climactic change occurring on a worldwide scale especially in the Arctic area and the Northern Hemisphere.”
“And what do you believe,” I asked Uri’el? “There are things not yet done, and I shall quote from the book of Revelation, a part of them: ‘And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared.”’ (Revelation: 6:12)


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Was there Human's Before Adam and Eve?

(Stone Age) And I asked Micha’el another question, for surety the Angelic Renegades who were Watchers over the world at this time, knew and were overlooking those clouds onto earth long before Adam and Eve, and Satan himself most likely was around on earth before the new couple was given life, and God took a rib of his own for Eve, and Micha’el would have been present also, the question being: ‘Who were the Stone Age people? (People living before Adam and Eve, for surely there was, the stone tools are all about, plus there is much more evidence.)”
Actually I had done a book in 2004, called “After Eve,” which deals with this question, but not to any depth, on this so called ape-man, or Stone Age man, and I needed a clearer message, one from heaven, or a holy angel, and Moun’el jumped into the picture again, and said,
“I can tell him Micha’el!”
Micha’el said, “Go ahead.”
And this is what he told me:
“If you believe the first couple lived in a cultural setting, fixed by God, this should not present a problem for your mind (Micha’el kind of gave him a double take on that), if you know the Bible well, it says right in Genesis 1:11-4:20, it tells you all you need to know. Prior to Adam, the earth was not yielding food, no rain, nor anyone to work the ground, nothing cultivated you could say. Adam ate seeds and fruit, that was it (Micha’el interrupts, ‘Get to the point please, we have a journey here to finish!’), when this was all happening, and Cain was around, he continued his father’s occupation, of tilling the soil now, Abel pastured the livestock. We see now Cain’s murder of Abel, and he was banished to a wandering existence, he got out of God, a pass, a kind of ‘go pass’ sign you could say, so he would not get hurt, thus there was people on earth at this time, before Cain. People seem to have a hard time realizing there was an existing world before Adam existed: and Cain found a wife, and settled down. How could this be if there was an empty world? The year 4004 AD, is not God’s date for mankind to have entered the scene, it is Archbishop Ussher’s date, which brought this to light in the 17th century. You can see the gaps in the genealogical lists in Genesis Chapter five. By the time Adam was born there were perhaps five-million inhabitants on earth; and when Cain took his wanderings, perhaps double that if not five times that amount, up to 90-million inhabitants, Cain had every reason to worry about his wanderings about. Adam was perhaps born at the dawn of the Neolithic age, perhaps 8,000- BC, or later.”

(Note: according to the Sumerians (Larsa list No. I,) Kings-list, Ch. II, before the Great Flood, there were eight-kings, and five cities during those days, the first being A-lu-lim from the city of NUN KI, and the last (?) du-du of Suruppak, his region lasted 18,600-years, and all eight kings consumed 241,200-years. Then the first dynasty after the flood the regions and length of the kings are less, yet GA-UR lives 1200-years in what was known as Kish, Gilgamesh would conquer this land in times to come. The Sumerian history is said to be linked to an angelic legacy.)


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Onki & Anauj (and the Prison House for Angels)

Onki & Anauj
(and the Prison House for Angels)


Six-million BC

(4500 BC?) Onki woke up in the bright sunlight. The Sun warm with its rays of light shaped into a rainbow showered over the horizon. The warmth of the sun seemed to wake up the cocks, for they started to sing their regular desert song, and the desert echoed back to them, it was a new day.
The African sun gently rested gently over this small village where Onki lived. Outside the house was a cactus garden where little lizards ran to and fro, as free as the day and night were long.
Onki’s mouth opened wide—a pleasant yawn, he looked out his window, there he spotted a rainbow which was full of colors, but it was the horizon he was looking at for the most part. Then he looked at his long time friend in the other room through his open bedroom door, Otitoyoc, as he slowly awake. Then he noticed Anauj, his mistress-human wife, who was dressing, putting on a light red garment that extended to the knees, a belt gathered at the waist, it had loose sleeves (similar to a tunic, almost like a dress). Then she began painting her eyes and lips; he starred at her naked-shapely and pleasing body a moment, as she bent her over, a well-formed frame he thought, as she was putting on her camel skin sandals.
She was slim, dark silk-like, wavy long black hair, greenish eyes that often seemed to change to a light blue, she was sixteen years old. Onki was over six-million years old.
He looked at her shapely lips; the lower one was bigger than the upper one. And her bronze skin glowed with youth, he wanted to touch her again, but he had her last night for five-hours. She was worn out. As did his friend, make love to her also, both taking their turns until she passed out with pain and pleasure.
Onki could hear the shifting of the desert sands outside his bedroom window it was like music to his ears, like drums humming and pounding—making the heart and soul, ignite, for it was his way of adjusting to the morning; he never really needed to sleep, nor did his friend Otitoyoc, they were different than Anauj, they were superhuman (paranormal) beings, who came one day, and inhabited this small desert village.
Onki was thinking of far-off days, the long (almost forgotten) past; of the great songs he and his angelic comrades sang within the shadows of the stars, and throughout the heavens. But that was a very long time ago. The songs had since evaporated to within the sands of the desert, the shifting, whistling sands from the winds of the desert, where the lizards made their abode—that is where they now were buried.

It was Anauj, quietly walking out of the bedroom, barefoot, silent with no smile; Onki could hear her. She dare not anger either one of the angelic beings, and so she tried to walk in a straight line, not to make too many sounds. For they could be gracious, but if angered, it could cause a catastrophe (and she did not want any misfortune).
She knew there was some kind of death-curse connected to them, that haunted them inside their somewhat humanistic shell shaped supernatural bodies (huge, nine-foot bodies), for they awaited the day, and scanned the night skies, they would look into the heavens wondering…but she never knew what for, was someone coming (she often contemplated)?

As time passed, she never could figure out the many names they whispered among themselves, accept for one which was called, Ura’el, he was the one they feared the most would appear out of nowhere, come someday. I guess it was another superhuman being; she came to accept, somewhat like that; but moreso she frequently thought of the one who would send this being called Ura’el, that would be the one to fear.
She was young, but quickly learned, it was not natural to have such powers within human frames, they wanted to be worshiped, and could not be killed by any warrior she knew of, and they needed no food, or sex, but took it for pleasure anyway. She didn’t know the whole of it, but was wise enough to keep her fear silent, as they did, concerning this Ura’el being.

This morning Anauj readied the kitchen table as usual, and started to cook as she did each and every morning from her brick oven. The brick floor was warm, and everything seemingly tranquil.
Onki’s and Otitoyoc (both each others sidekick) looked at one another oddly, a strange feeling came over them, as if their senses were picking up something, but not sure what. A danger sign, than out of no where they both started to think about the pledge they made to one another long ago; both agreeing to do this adventure together, no matter what the consequences. They swore an oath to it. To leave God’s realm (their abode, the one they had lived within for eons), and to find this new world called earth, where pleasures was not of heaven, but of flesh—at the time a mysterious and curious phenomenon to them, and to many more angelic beings like them. This was something unknown to the angelic race, prior to God’s creating human flesh, on a material world. When they found earth, along with twenty-three others, they committed the unpardonable sin of cohabitating with the human species, again, part of the oath all twenty-five took, one for all, and all for one; for they new this was a species God created for other purposes, not for their pleasure. But it was tempting, and God had hid it from many of the angels, for good reason of course (and so, like a treasure, unfound for centuries, they came upon earth).
Onki discovering the humans were weaker, and they the stronger, took advantage of the moment (and understood quite well now, why God had kept this a secret from certain angelic beings). As he whispered to his friend, “…we were the first beings, not them” (showing a bit of sourness) but this was true, they were among the first angelic beings God created. And they would be the first to face His judgment. And so, as the breakfast was being readied, they continued to stare at one another, heart pounding, as it did day in and night out, living in fear; their thoughts emerging, for they were over six-million years old, they new one another quite well.

(Offspring) Onki had one child, called Iamuot, he was a hybrid, of short statue, born in the desert of Djurab, by Ahounta Diimdoumalhaye, Anauj’s mother who died while giving childbirth to his son. Anauj was quite young back than. For Onki took her from her original husband whom he killed with a blow to the head, the child was now eight-years old. Anauj took on the responsibility of the mother, Iamuot being a kind of half-brother. But the child was a little different than most of the children of the village. And for that reason he was called the “ape-man [from the dry desert].”
As Iamuot grew up his teeth remained small, he kept a short looking face, and like his father, Onki, had a prominent brow, ridges to be exact. He walked upright, but with a slump, his arms and hands hung to his side of him as he walked, looking, or resembling at times, looking as if he was about to lose his balance quickly, although never did completely.

(Iamuot) Outside the front door Iamuot squatted down to go to the bathroom looking up at the dark cloud encircling his home. While his dog came sniffing him, and wanting to be patted, he noticed a burning flame high in the sky near some clouds—he pushed the dog away to get more focused, he called to called to his mother to see this strange phenomena.
As she opened the door, at that very moment, a lightening spear flashed through the sky, a rod of fire, it soared through the atmosphere striking the house, making the house tremble, and its foundation of mud and crumble, as if they were dust. The village of seven-hundred inhabitants (humans) were shaken to havoc running every which way, scared the sky was falling in, “Fire from heaven!” yelled some of the folks, as twenty-five angelic beings stood erect outside the crumbled foundation of the house.
As the house continued to burn, its insides, the earth started to erupt; sucking into its crevices, and deep holes, everything in its path, one could see dead bodies all about. Anauj stood starring, with a flat affect, as if it was God sent. Onki looked at her, I mean looked at her looking, deeply looked at her into her, perhaps for the first time, and she smiled, and that was a far and in-between facial expression, for she had not smiled it seemed but a few times, and that was to appease them.
Onki hissed at here, unconsciously, but before he could strike her (which was on his mind), the broad and huge being heard something, crackling, it was of iron or steel, it was chains, he was being bound, died, tighter than a python snake can squeeze the life out of a man, tied and retied in knots.
The other twenty-four angelic beings were frozen in fear, said Ura’el to Onki, as if they knew one another, “You will be bound a million years, one for each one of your sins, in the Prison House for Angels, deep within the Universe along with your followers.”

Across the desert, houses and farms, and hunting sites were burning; smoke filled the skies—with black smoke. The animals, pigs, camels, vultures, snakes, rodents, and rabbits, and dogs and cats, all dying of fright, some falling into sink holes, others being swallowed up by the movement of the earth. The world was coming to an end it seemed. And Anauj just stood there as if to wait for her master’s call, wanting to go with Ur’el, for it was the only safe name she had ever heard; she kept that smile on her face now, and Onki could take it off. Ur’el looked at her, his warm eyes told her many things, they told her the Almighty God had read her heart, heard her words and a morsel of faith, and echoed up to his throne.
Said Onki, with a shout, breaking the moment “Kill ME!—do not let me have to count the days and nights and hours alone in nothingness!” but there was no conversation between prisoner and the protector, Ur’el.

Said Ur’el to Anauj, softly, “It is a tiny moment in time…no more than that, it will pass, and be buried deep within man’s unwritten journals, maybe just maybe, another world away, in a different time cycle will uncover some of this. But go, find a husband, leave the dead to themselves, and the scorpions to the desert. Create a new generation; I come from the One God, He is the one who sent me. I will see you at another time.”
Having said that, more angels appeared, grabbing the other twenty-four, and binding them with chains. As Onki was taken away to the Prison House for Angels, far-off in the Universe; and as they took him, one could hear his hard and emotional breathing, his beating of his limbs, his nostrils hissing, his body shaking. Onki’s child was dead as was all the hybrids of which twenty-five were children, sixty women, and forty men. And so this is how the saga began, and how an old one ended.

Note: originally written in March in 2006, St. Paul, Minnesota. Reedited 3/2008 for publication, while in Lima, Peru


"From the Edge of the Moon" (Apocalypse Coming)

At Journey’s End

From the Edge of the Moon
Apocalypse Coming

And then I was taken to the edge of the moon, told to look down from it, and I stood in mid-air, and I saw earth’s destruction clear as if on a sunny day, and I asked what year was this? And Raph’el said,” 2016 AD, and I asked “Can this be postponed or delayed?” And he said, “Yes, but it will come about
Anyway, and the souls of the dead remain as is, for the living they can have
An interlude period to correct their wrongs…”
And I said “Correct what?”

(Raph’el) “You are looking at the time when the Antichrist (the Shameless One), will fool many on earth, they will think he is the Christ, they are fooled, but he persuades them nonetheless, with signs and miracles. And Christ has pity on them, and there will be a day, when many will turn away from this mad angelic Shameless One, and try to flee him, saying, “We were fooled, he is not who he says he is! For Christ does not pursue men, he never has, he only allows them to come to him if they desire so.
“Thereafter you will see Angels coming and going, ascending, and descending, a thousand years will pass, no devil will exist during this period, Christ will rule and the angels will be with him. This is after this great event, after the future judgment.”
And I said, “What about this Apocalypse going on now?” (That of which I was witnessing.)
And all three angels by me stood silent as we watched the havoc taking place on earth, and I saw great wrath, a cosmic fire had produced it, and the souls of the people were suffocated, subdued; the sinners, and it covered much of the earth and it consumed the devils like stubble.
And in the Holy Land I saw Gabriel and Uriel shinning as if they were pillars of light, as if readying themselves for a fight or feast or perhaps both.

(The soul of the Earth) Then the earth turned black, there was no sun, and there was no peace on earth, it was removed, and the birds died where they stood, dead, dead, dying, dying, everything was dried up, the seas and the lakes. This is when I felt, the earth was a living life form, and it soul was being burnt clean, for man and devil had pulverized it to lawlessness, defiled it—made it unlivable, and it was unable to save itself. And I heard an echo, “Woe to those who have wrathfully destroyed her, and disobeyed God.” And the earth did not produce water in the seas or deep in the rivers or any place, and man dug and did not find it. And the earth even had her revenge, and her core was renewed.

(Battle of the Swords) “There will come a day, during these days,” said Raph’el, “when the Shameless One will weep, sorry his time has come to an end, like dust from the earth, he will be swept away, he will try to get his last revenge, and the robbers will weep, and the sun will rise again, and earth will bring forth fruit, and the angels will come with swords and battle any and all who appose God, with fiery wings.”

(The Land of Torments) And I saw a great cosmic fire, and I saw the coming judgment, and I heard many voices, from all the places I was at, or had been at, and they did not want the judgment to come or pass, and the sins of all were placed before them as if on an open table, those sins that were committed day and night throughout their lives, and those who were hurt, or given over to death were allowed to watch their assaults handed over to the land of torments, and those on their way into torments will see the righteous from the flames, and some of the righteous will plead for their torments to be lessened, and grace will be allowed, if asked for by the righteous. ((Then I saw a man, with his mouth wide open, in torments, it could not stretch anymore, and his teeth yellowish, started to melt, and he was alive, consumed and dying, frozen in pain; they (the once tormented on earth) saw him, and had pity on him—and then the vision of this man disappeared) (and what was the grace, if grace was granted I do not know nor did I ask, perhaps a lesser torment?))

It all seemed so complicated, and there I stood, and made a poem, as I often do, but it was of whom started it all this so long ago, the Immortal Snake, so I called him in my mind’s eye, and it was of two gifted people, the first of their kind, and the evil one, it goes as follows:

The Immortal Snake

And how did God make Eve?
He took a bone from his flank,
and he molded a mate for Adam,
his spouse to be, and then a garden,
with leafage beyond belief, he put
them both in, rejoicing, corresponding.
And they talked with piety, and wise
words, and clean minds, and far
removed from evil hearts, the devil.
They never even felt shame, walked
with wild beasts. But came the fall,
because of a tree, and a snake that
craftily deceived them, to eat the
forbidden fruit, and thus they
became betrayers of God, sin, and
ignorance received evil, and it came.
And this produced the human race,
poisoned by an immortal snake.

#2329 (3-19-2008)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Arrival ((and the three aprt soul)(Poetic Prose))

The Arrival
(And the three part soul)

(Poetic Prose)

Inside the mountain of Dead Souls, I saw a man come out of nowhere, I looked at
Micha’el and he said:”He is a new arrival here, if you listen carefully you can hear his soul, and I did:

“It looks more like a hive in here, this place would make the devil weep; no breakfast or lunch I suppose, in this land of the dead, gloomy Sundays ahead, everything vaguely lit, soul eating human rats nibbling on one another, faces like ceramic masks…” (he braces himself, no one reacts, he mumbles out loud again), “I feel like an agitated centipede.” This is his first day, his first appearance—he is a new arrival, to this land of the pre-dead, and will be waiting in a pre-trial status; the Archangel Micha’el, told me this. The Arrival whispers “…the dead-end land,” but I suppose he’ll have to deal with it now, he dealt the cards did he not.

I hear the souls of others saying (as they watch this new arrival) “Toro! Toro! Bravo! Bravo!” with a whiff of delight; I think they like seeing others join them in this horror of a nightmare place.

(His Soul Talks :) His soul is telling me (the new arrival): he was not as wretched as the others, that he is being treated unfairly; by superiors (the soul sees Micha’el).

(His soul seems to have three parts to it: the pure spirit, the personal soul, and the false arbitrator, and it is the false arbitrator I am listening to, so I sense, so my intuition tells me, that he is immortal, and can renew itself through destruction; the personal soul, sad to say he is questionable always has been, lives through the development of thoughts and dreams, he has asked: ‘Is God really God,’ and now he says ‘Is this reality or a dream or what?’ hoping I suppose he will wake up, and it would have been a dram. I since in time, upon judgment all will fade but the Arbitrator, unless judgment rules otherwise).

The Personal Soul: I can use a stiff whisky
The Pure Spirit: did you forget the many times you knocked her into the gutter, and slammed her into the door? The drugs, the anger, the sourness of your heart, the dirty sex, the thief inside of you, here there need not be any more pretenses.
The False Arbitrator: God wants a virgin target, and I am it, like Japan who sought peace through Sweden (during the end days of WWII) prior to the atomic bomb being trapped on them by the Americans, but felt Japan did not deserve to get away with all the blood they shed scot-free—and dropped the bomb anyway, they—like God, wanted death—revenge.”

I am glad I am a simple man, for should I have read all these souls, I would have gone mad.

I shifted my mind, and tried to refocus my thoughts away from this newly arrival (onto the next part of the journey); I figured, I could not figure him out, perhaps he was still living in deception, or perchance, did I learn, as long as their are words to talk with, there will be lies to deal with, and a part of him, part of his soul was still in that charade, or make-believe world.

Note: “The Arrival;” written in the afternoon of 3-18-2007, at Starbucks (Benavides, Surco), Lima, Peru. Somewhat inspired by WSB-Last words. The book up to this point has taken five days (5-days) to write. Theology mixed with Mythology.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Agdo--and the Return of the Raphaim Giants

Agdo—and the Return of the
—Demonic Raphaim Giants

[The Road to Armageddon]

“There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after…and they bare children…the same became mighty men…men of renown.” Gen. 6:4 [The Nephilm/giants of those days.]

“It shall be exactly as it was in the days before Noah” Matt. 24:38; Luke 17:27

Agdo, Daughter to Shamhat

Agdo, Daughter to Shamhat

Twilight just appeared over the city of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights, of Israel (prior to the 1967 war, the Golan Heights belonged to Syria). The Circle of Refiam (diameter 159-meters; an archeological site) is in front of two beings, mostly shadows to any observer that might be around; for the monument they are standing in front of this 5200-year old stone circle, called ‘The Circle of Refiam’. Horrep is an old soldier descendant of Og ((the Giant king: King Of Bashan)(Deuteronomy 3)); whom was one of the sacred Watchers over earth (from the clouds). His kind were killed off many years ago, and built this circle of stones 37,000 tones of stones, in a numbered circle-ruins; there are two openings, to this site—and in the center toped by a tumulus [mound] 20-meters across; this ancient ruin is one of the lost great wonders of the world. It was in the days before the Great Flood and then thereafter, when his kind (Horrep: giants of old, decedents of the Angelic Renegades) escaped earth, and those who stayed behind, were killed by King David almost completely killed off, they said they’d return: they have now, and they seem to look similar to aliens, over 13-feet tall (we have now entered the second decade of the 21st Century.

Horrep: Curse all the generals that I was not a king or the leader way back when, where it all began.
Noge: You notice! There is no set of clothes for us here in Israel, we must all wear the sword, we are a myth, and we are many, and we have the power.
Horrep: and how shall I pay in silver gold, euros or dollars for these cloths? For this war we are about to enter, and the rest of us are going to start soon, we are who we are, but in this world, money is power! Not just supernatural abruptness.
Noge: And who shall guard the indulgence of our army?
Horrep: I shall rob the city blind then the country then the world.
Noge: While you can?
Horrep: I’ve had worse jobs being a corrupt leader has its advantages; I realize time will prove me the slayer of many, but I will be dead in hell or a like place, with the rest of my kind! Even if Roe doesn’t think so, we are all domed.
Noge: Yes, you are probably right, so give me the night with all I dream, a song, some wine, a dancing-girl before we start our havoc.

(Horrep, older than the Raphaim Circle, lies down; enfolded in his skin hide for he now is of a physical kid of flesh, on the earthwork (near the fortification: by one of the two entrances; and in a minute is asleep)

Noge: Sleep, well my beastly friend: we will need it. Violence has come back to thy face! Gone long and now thou’rt like a child who wants revenge on his father’s garden; how deep anger dips us in its web! I was made of you…I have seen only what you have told me…but who comes here unto us?

(Enters Adgo, a girl from a nearby village)

What is your skill, do you buy and sell?

Adgo: I give, I do not buy or sell, and I provide what you desire.
Noge: Aha, a dream-wish I just have asked Horrep for! You are early.
Adgo: My last task went quickly.
Noge: I see you have wine?
Adgo: Plenty of everything; I see your father is sleeping?
Noge: He says the world is flaccid, feeble, weak, devoid of blood, and cares not of animals, so with his power he will change the minds of man, for they are dead inhabitants, we are giant ghosts from the netherworld, so all may believe, or will believe? David killed many off in his day, so my father told me. We have come back to reclaim our birthright, here at this stone structure where once we were called Titans, or giants of the Nephilm race. King Og was my father’s father. He ruled from Mount Hermon…and beyond (and lived at Ashtarot, a Canaanite city). King David’s nephew also killed many of my father’s offspring, Johathan; they were the ones who built this circle you know, a time before Noah’s boat. Og hid in Noah’s boat, and had many children by is daughters, my father was one, so he says; he was, Og, one of the ones who fell from heaven, an angelic renegade.
Noge: I smell your flesh it is sweet.
Adgo: I’m in no hurry I will be yours.
Noge: My father is an evildoer.
Agdo: I have nothing to fear, I have brought myself to you as he asked!
Noge: My father is waiting for the rest of his kind, our kind, I fear they will split your appealing head, open your cloak and do you harm! But now I want, I want to see why man and beast and even us adore your kind—so open your cloak for me.

(Enter Xaro, a rich old Arab mercantile)

Noge: And who are you? Your business please!
Xaro: I followed a light that descended a few hours ago, and here you are, I dare ask, but I shall nonetheless, who are you? Are you an alien? A demigod of old? Are you not far from home?
Noge: Far from home, my father lies sleeping over there, this woman is mine, and you ask me as if you are my sire (?)
Xaro: No, we prepare to fight Israel, and you are on land that Israel took, and then King David was a Jew, and so have… you come to help us? Your maiden seems well favored.
Noge: She is, but of humble birth, like you. It is late and you should have a guard to venture forth as you do with us.
Xaro: We have prayed for great soldiers to help us defeat the Zionist!
Noge: It is as my father says: all in good time, you will see that you take care of your own, as we shall.
Adgo: Come lay with me, among the great monuments the ancient ancestors built so long ago.
Xaro: Yes, yes, I know now, you are the Sidonians, also called Sirion, the giants of old.

(Exert: a pull on Adgo’s hand, as Xaro is left alone, Noge goes into the circle)(The Gilgal Refiam; parts of it look like an ancient burial monument, with many dolmens [tombs], and an astronomical complex: the stranger paces about looking at Horrep sleeping, and listening to Noge and Adgo make love, then after an hour you hear them talking)

Noge: One more day, and the mystery of us, our presence will befall the earth, they will think we are aliens, or perhaps angelic beings who have come to earth to set things right with the world, but we are the wind, the colder wind, the black sunrise, the unblessed, with unwilling hearts.

(Xaro, kicks Horrep with the tip of his foot, and watches him stir)

Horrep: (Wakes up, rising, sees Xaro) A bug! Why do you wake me? (Pointing his large fist at Xaro)
Xaro: I saw your light, and I saw the darkness in the eyes of your son, who is making love to Adgo, behind the walls of the Great Circle. Yes, here the two come…they hold hands. They seem to walk on air; perhaps your son has had his fill of lovemaking and knows now the pleasures of a woman.
Horrep: My kind will come in the morning to these gates of the circle. Go tell your kind we have arrived before I get up and stomp on you.

(Horrep is getting up, singing a song)

Song of Absence
[Dedicated to the: Raphiam Giants]

‘T was far absent,‘t was far missing,
Untamed aloft in a night long past!
‘T is but a few hours left to pass,
You then will see thy face by day.

‘T was long-ago, ‘t was long past,
We ruled thee during your untied era.
Our kind found your lot, fond and fair
Until they made us: foe and prey.

Long ago, ever since, we took our bliss
In dreams to come back, and embrace
The world and its dirty face,
Somehow we cannot forget thy kiss.

#1347 5/12/2006

Now be gone Arab before I eat you…!

Noge, of the Nephilm

(At the South East Gate, of this megalithic site, two hundred of these giant demigods stand, as if to guard the site itself, Roe, the Captain, or leader stands with Horrep and his son Noge, and Adgo is behind them, she’s naked; Opal (one of Lucifer’s henchmen) from the gates of Hell, opens the new gates to the Gilgal Refiam Circle. The gates are opened now.)

Noge: The hinges on the gates make a groaning sound, like the bones in our old but now, new bodies, as ghostly they were; now back into the flesh they are, stiff and with light.
Horrep: Here comes some soldiers with that old man, Xaro.

(The Soldiers with Xaro)

Soldier says: She’s naked! (And then look at the many giants shinning bright)

Xaro: The Shinning One’s of Old?

A Soldier says: She is beautiful!

(An Arab General speaks to Xaro)

General: My thanks for this spectacle; you may go now if you wish!
Roe (To the General) be quiet, stand back, or I shall burn your eyes out!
Horrep: I do not know them, haters of Israel I think.

General: Who are you, are you all mad ((the soldiers hands on weapons)(rifles, guns))

(Roe’s gaze is of a blue, red-hot light, several of the General’s soldiers look at him, and their eyes turn to crust, as if looking directly into the sun. Two Giants laugh, standing in the background: they say not a distinguishable word, but watch Roe and the General)

(Noge looks at the girl’s nude body)

Noge: Cover your loins.

(She is unashamed, and picks up a flower behind her, and covers herself. The soldiers and the giants become restless, as the General is stunned at what took place, and now rifles are pointed at the giants)

General: Who are you? We would like your help with Israel?
Roe: We are all Angelic gods, superhuman (he takes the Generals pistol from his hip and points it at him, and fires: the bullet stops in midair as his eyes has focused on it, and slowed it down) Witless you are this bullet…why did you come here? (The bullet still in midair; he then looks at the girl :)
Such allure.

(The bullet has now speeded up, and killed the general as he had turned his head, and the soldiers have started shooting at the giants)

Roe: Nay —should I hide from your weapons? Kneel and worship me or die! I shall no longer hide like we did so long ago (now in the past).

(To the Soldiers)

(They kneel down before him, as Noge puts the general’s jacket on Adgo; cloaks her.)

Noge: If I do not conceal your beauty from their gaze, what am I to do?

(She is silent; Roe is now looking at her.)

Roe: Shall the gods take her Noge?
Noge: Be gentle with her.

(They, the giants of old, were all now speaking among themselves in an alien tongue, yet she seemed to know what was being said)

Roe: Say something to me, so I can hear your voice, Adgo, for you have spoke to my subordinate. What say she? Off with the jacket!

(Noge took the jacket off the girl; she is froze with fear and cannot say a word now, or is it uncertainty, it is not clear to the others what is behind her expressions and stance.)

Voices of the Giants: “Make her dance before us! Give us the girl Roe that we may make love to her!!”

Roe: See Adgo, what you have done to my peers (and host), they have not had flesh in 4000-years, you will pay for this: take her away Noge, and give her to them all. And you, merchant, go with these soldiers and tell the world we are here and how you worshiped me. Then Noge, kill the slut, once the crave is gone from all my Nephilm. Here is our home, fall in around her.

(Noge now takes the girl back aground the gates of the Circle, as the soldiers follow the merchant away from the site.)

Azaz’el [Grigori or Angelic-Watcher of the Pre flood era]

Behind the stone structure know as the Circle of Refiam, the first of a number of circles of stones placed on top of one another, balance perfectly, some weighting 30 to 50 tones, huge in size (a monument crumbling into the ground because of its age, and lack of maintenance), the horde, the angelic beings, and the giants known as the Nephilm all go behind with the female, Adgo. At this time, Azaz’el, the leader of the Nephilm, who now has appeared on the scene (Roe being the captain), gives news of a 3rd temple to be built in Jerusalem soon (a sign that the war in the Valley of Raphaim will quickly develop, and that is why the Raphaim have returned, even though the ruler of the Europe Union has made an agreement with Israel to avoid war, it will be broken; even though Noge has some reservations on this matter, ignorant somewhat.

Horrep: Soon, Noge, you shall know it all. I need to make you ready for the last battle, my heart is sad, it will be our misfortune, I shall describe things hurriedly for you, don’t mind what happens to the hussy.
Noge: She is only ill behaved because we want her to be.
Horrep: the woman, she is the worse of today, for she comes between us I do believe. She never should have been let through the gates, naked as a egg, and here she is, to be taken by all, we act like dogs, shameless.

Noge: But father we have eyes that are false, she is not, she is of real flesh.

(You can hear her crying in the background, in the middle of the horde of angelic beings, and giants)

Horrep: You have not seen, but I have. You mistake this marvel of a woman to mean more than it is; she is no more than a mountain rat, a brothel pig.

Azaz’el: Hurry up with her, stare and look, and be done with her or I shall go mad she— (a long pause) Hell tells you…to be ready for the battle to come, you will have your time for killing, this is but one woman, there are more.

Noge (speaking to Azaz’el): She is no immortal like we—do not harm her, or I will not obey you when the time comes to battle. Tell Vii not to hurt her, put aside your anger, and let her live: should I not have her again?

(Vii is making love to her now while the circle of beings around her speak quietly, as she cries)

Azaz’el: Vii, bid that she speak, and if she does, do not harm her, incarcerate her when you are done, so her lover can have her later, put her in a tomb here in the circle.

(Azaz’el To Noge): Perhaps her tongue is alien to us, we shall speak in English, or Hebrew, or Arabic, whatever pleases her, is this fine with you? Be off with her soon… we cannot stand around her forever staring at her flesh: I’ve got work to do. She is a distraction, perhaps by the Jews; possibly she is sent to quiet us, when you see her beauty, your heart burns, you are innocent of this I know, and you are your father’s shame. Trust me, in days not hours, the temple will be built, and we will war with Israel, and King David will not save them as he did so long ago in the Valley of Raphaim.

(He walks away, leaves Noge and Horrep by themselves, standing back from the horde; Vii stops, takes the woman by the hand and leads her out by a tomb, she is saying something to him, indistinguishable)

Noge (to his father Horrep): How does God work?
Horrep (looking at his son): David killed many giants in his day and had many victories over Philistine; he sang songs about it, about God’s love in his Psalms. We, Azaz’el and I and many of us have been trying to figure that out for a long time, David knew.

Noge: Then why are we going to fight with Azaz’el against the Jews, I mean, if God has favor with David, and David is with God, and David was a Jew, why do we come here to this land we got kicked out of eons ago; why do we stay to kill more Jews?

Horrep: Perhaps because we think it is our threshold, it is thus a home. Yea! Those questions, pierce my cheeks, they are defiled! Hold your tongue, it is like a spear.

(Several of the giant soldiers heard a few of the last words Horrep spoke, turned about…confusion on their faces.)

God sent his angels to help David; they were on the tops of trees, with swords; that is how he won two of the battles: the ones in this valley called the Valley of Refiam. You are one of the last of your kind you know. I say one of the last, for Saint Christopher came from our stock. He was 18-feet tall, he come from a tribe of cannibals, like our ancestors. He was ugly, and died around 300 AD, he became a martyr, he became a Christian; he came from Africa, the Marmaritae tribe. He was like you, always asking questions.

Noge: But father before the days of Enoch you were born, what then?

Horrep: For the last time I beg you to hold your mouth you are my son! It is just how it is, you trample on my heart, and you are worse than the harlot I purchased for you, and I get this. But I shall tell you anyway…

((Vii had left the girl on a tombstone; she is naked and staring at the horde gathered together a distance away: she glances back and forth between the horde and Noge)( Azaz’el is nearby listening to the conversation between Noge and his father; he was coming to let Noge know where the girl was but did not want to interrupt; thus, now Vii and Azaz’el stand together listening))

…actions and emotions—is what it is all about. Maybe our enemies were humans all along, the very ones we were protecting from the clouds. We became paralyzed by God’s love and care for them early on, to be honest; I suppose that is close enough to the truth. We never waited for God’s voice, we didn’t listen to Him when it did come, but came down-to-earth as if it was the courtroom, and we gave sentence to earth, and all those on it. That was that…! ~

Return of the Last of the Rujmel-Hiri’ Giants
(Noge wants more information, and as Sirgylam shows up with several ancient warriors of the past, angelic giants with him, Sirgylam, agrees to tell him how it was back in his day, since no one else will, and his father has remained silent on that subject. You see Noge and his father, along with Sirgylam saying something…)

Circle of the Refiam
The Last Raphaim Giant

Sirgylam— (tells his story to Noge): It was 5200-years ago when we built these great walls, prior to this we sat on the top of Mount Hermon where there we had built “The Gateway to the Sun,” a one time treasure, that is, a few centuries back when the forefathers of a sunken nation was alive and prosperous. Everything is gone but this pile of stones. I was the last of that generation of Raphaim Giants.
I was one of the sons [Sirgylam: talking about himself] of the so called: “Old Ones,” from the seed of Semyaz, his father and Farina, a human he cohabitated with; Semyaz being a renegade angelic being like your father.
We had at that time a Raphaim Empire, this circle temple of sorts you are standing by, the Gilgal Refiam [in the Golan Heights area of Israel, otherwise part of Syria] was part of the empire. We were all wicked ones, tyrants and bullies. You Noge are son of an angelic being, born from the union of gods, and humans, which formed the basis for your demigod status, terrestrial looks; half-man, Titan one may say. Your brothers and sisters were all killed in war, all 7496 of them. It was a time when the Moabites lived in the Middle East.

—Back then (Sirgylam continues to speak) we knew extinction was nearby for the most part, being some twenty-feet tall, and having an enormous weight, we turned into cannibals. My hands as big as a person’s mid-section, and my eye-socks as wide as a persons head, it was if anything, hard to hide ourselves in those days, when war broke out, as in the days of King David, when our offspring took our places in battle.
Your father remembers the village people trying to feed our offspring, but it came to the point, it was point-less, they worked day and night for us. And now times had changed, there was only one giant left, not two or three or some other uncountable number; many of us escaped to the cosmos. I was left behind, for a while. Ura’el was sent from heaven and he chained and banished many of us; I went to the islands in the Pacific. And for a long-time Azaz’el was put under tons of rocks, it was a bit depressing, and discouraging. Furthermore he knew his days were numbered anyhow, as did I, and your father also.
In thought, I am reminiscing my father Semyaz, and his friend’s father and companion, Azaz’el, who were both magnificent angelic beings at one time, gone bad though, one of the ‘Old One’s’ as they are now known, who were assigned to guard over the earth, and took it upon themselves to cohabitate with human flesh. Then shortly after that took place, they ruled the earth with an iron hand. You never witnessed this because you were born in the latter days.
It was the golden period you could say for us; a time when I myself Sirgylam was young, and stupid and vile. I’d sit and play the dragon-skinned drums to appease my father and his guests. Many of the demonic beings of those days, visited my father’s den, and he was introduced to many as I was. At that time I was over 500-years old, old for a demigod, but not too old, surely not like Azaz’el, or even your father.
A Raphaim Giant

I even knew the ugly giant of the Cedar Forest named Humbaba. And so now you know, and let it rest so we can get on with our war games.

The Stone Raphaim

(Unmindful of his previous form the giant Sirgylam heads to the gateway of the Raphaim Circle, to greet the other two hundred, and the few that came with him.)

Horrep: I think son you are not wise in this, to want to know all (Captain Roe is watching both Horrep and Noge from a distance).
Noge: I wonder if more than Vii had her.
Horrep: More about that woman again, Agdo, forget her.
Noge: Vii’s face was red as fire.
Horrep: the girl’s a wild one let who will be fearful of her. You my son are a dreamer, we are all here now, and Azaz’el will soon give us his plan.
Noge: I must see the girl.
Horrep: the way you are hounding after her, it is an unlikely chance Azaz’el will allow it, you are like a camel in heat.

(Several of the giants are casting dice to see who will be allowed to visit the girl next, Noge sees and hears what is going on; the girl is sitting on a tomb, dumb like, saying nothing)

(Horrep to Noge :) Why does she not scream? Yes, she is more than willing, too willing, her blood is hot. I think she will be a curse on our luck! She has no cloak on. How still the night is.

((Horrep grabs his son, and they both sit down, as he was about to walk over to see Agdo, who is watching the dice players, and Noge)( Watching off and on; Semyaz grabs the dice, he is one of the old ones, an angelic renegade, and dangerously powerful, Noge sees this, and Semyaz sees Noge notice, and Azaz’el sees them looking both at one another and the girl))

Secret of the Beast: “Even if you win, you lose”

Advance: The World: it had come the last days; dramatic prophetic events were about to happen to earth. Israel was about to come under fire from an Army in the North [Russia]; An Arab Confederacy developed; Egypt was very much involved with this new order. Conquests, the Antichrist was near by. Oil and Gold were running wild at the stock market, bankers cashing in on war, and spending and contractors (the UN, EU are no friend to the Jew). A Superpower bends Egypt’s knees. … Massive starvation is now taking place, and the United Nations could do nothing about it. Inflation hit the world under satanic influence, like an earthquake, skyrocketing inflation, God at $3000-dollars an once, and food riots, chaos everywhere; much international strife; cataclysmic pole shifts taking place, as the earth tumbles, its crust slips a bit, trying to form an alignment. And on the Radio, and TV, a world leader speaks :)

World Leader: Ye, this among gentiles, prepare for war, we will wake up to the mighty men of the world for it is time for our war, let them come up: beat your plowshares into swords…come, one and all, gather yourselves with me, come to the Valley Jehoshaphat.

(And they came with alcohol, drugs, swords, guns, and every thing possible for warfare, and the world saw much epidemic, and this was happening, while at the Circle of Refiam, much foolishness was going on)

Azaz’el (to Horrep and Noge): Men fall in love with her beauty, and demons try to understand it, but they both glory under her flesh, and want more of it.
Roe: There are no laws with us pertaining to humans, never have been, but Noge makes rules for us like humans.
Noge: First tell how thou com’tst to find this woman called Agdo, who is she?
Horrep: She came to me, not I to her.
Noge: Tell me with no more ado!
Horrep: I was on Mt. Hermon, waiting for a sign, waiting for you, it was cold, the night vast, and stars over my head, I felt odd, it was 5000-years since I had been back here. I felt sounds of drums, it broke my silence, and deep thinking, and they sank into my being, as if they were pulling the cords of my heart, several harlots appeared and they got my attention, I could hear their deep breathing, I could see her deep lips, voiceless, she called me to her, Agdo. Then all of a sudden she was standing next to me, and her friends had gone; it was my silent wish to have her, she read my mind, and I knew you would want her, your first flesh, and from a beautiful woman.
Noge: You sure it was she?
Horrep: That one (pointing his finger at Agdo) I know it was her hands were on her breasts.
Noge: Yes! Then what? Did she speak? What did she say?
Horrep: Aye, what? This was her mystery, she didn’t need to talk, a gleam, a look, an echo in my mind, and she was all of this. I think it is God’s silence in her (the Jews magic); she can take enormous pain, she made love to me, and how many more. The girl is not dumb; she just does not tell her secrets.
Noge: She is the most loveliest and strange of all things, more beautiful than day and night.
Azaz’el: See her, she looks so placid, she looks for the end of us, destruction.

(Vii is now walking, moving slowly towards her)

Noge: I told him to leave her alone!
Azaz’el: We have other business to attend to; she has taken enough of our time. We must enter the gates of Jerusalem soon, and into the Valley for the battle. I know not why he fools with this hussy. She walks and makes no sound. She smiles and music comes from her. All things come for a reason.

(All the giants, demon, angelic renegades are looking at the woman, her eyes now cast down, all pause to look, to think, silently: who is she)

(Vii has stopped, he seems to be frozen, no one knows why, she has lifted her head a tinge, and her eyes see Vii that is all)

Semyaz: I remember once, a beautiful silver strange angelic being by the name of Ura’el came down to earth when we were cohabitating with the humans, God sent him, and he buried many of us for 5000-years, some of us here, others got away, but now we are all back, Beware now how thou dost see her, use her, lest you end up under stones like we were…!
Azaz’el: That is for her to prove, who she is.

(Now Azaz’el angry starts walking towards her, he has had enough of this parade of events she has created)

(Azaz’el is now standing by Vii, takes a hard blow to his head, wakes him up from a spell, or something)

Azaz’el: Stay with me (he tells Vii and then walks horridly to her). Her spirit and flesh are not of time, she has come from a different time then this, I know that, not sure why, or how, but I seem to have good second-sight today, unless she is communicating something to my mind silently.

(Now they are in front of her, and he goes to grab her, and at the slightest touch sudden wings come to defend her, out of her back, above her, below her waist, from her thighs. The wings have thorns on them, and create a sting if touched, they torment with their stings, and both Vii and Azaz’el’ step back)

Vii (stuttering): She has immortality.

Azaz’el: I will part those legs and those lips and rip her apart (now you see the gazing of lions in her eyes, and Azaz’el is unsure of what to do)

Agaliarept: the Henchman of Hell

(Agaliarept has now appeared at the site called: the Circle of Refiam. And he calls to Azaz’el, he knows who she is)

Agaliarept: I am, the General of a legend of demon in hell, and I am, Lucifer’s right hand man there: the Henchman of Hell they call me. I know who this woman is, Lucifer has sent me, he hears the chaos she is causing here. She is the daughter of Shamhat, the temple priestess of old Sumerian Uruk; dating back perhaps to 2700 BC, if not longer; the time of Gilgamish. She was the prostitute of Enkidu. Leave her daughter to her own, she is harmless, and only your distraction, Agdo’s penitence is this: you are her penitence.

(White doves appear and fly over her head, silver fire comes from her mouth, her breasts are not covered and other parts of her body covered by wings. Azaz’el is angry, and tries to get closer to her, to harm her, and Agaliarept shakes his head, he didn’t seem to listen to him, and time is of the essence. As Azaz’el tries to touch her again, she turns into a scarlet butterfly; and is gone.)

Semyaz: Yea! The northern armies have come now to overthrow Jerusalem, I have heard them fighting, and we were to join the battle ((Azaz’el looking for the butterfly)( Semyaz speaking to everyone but Azaz’el))
Horrep: This was a trick to lure me into lust, and then my son, who is innocent of such feelings, and now the battle of Jerusalem is lost because of us, I fear, over a harlot. She is the witch of God, of Israel.
Noge: Father, she is just a girl?
Horrep: Of course, what else, if Lucifer finds out we are condemned to his wickedness likened to the dogs of hell? She brought this doom upon us; Russia has attacked Israel, and a nuclear attack has taken place, Russia has lost many men (telepathically).

The Apocalypse of the Nosferatu Nephilm
[Circle of the Refiam]

[A month has passed since the battle] The first battle between Israel and the Northern Armies of the World has come and gone (Israel has had help, in winning the battle with its friends), and now a greater battle is developing between Israel and its enemies of: China, Europe and the Arab Confederation of states, and they are under one head, a Dictator of Europe, called by the Christian world and Israel’s inner circle as: the Little Horn [or the Antichrist]. As this battle develops, the giants of old, and new arrivals from the cosmos, the underworld, and other hidden places: come to the Circle of the Refiam; also the pits of hell have been opened and the scorpions demon have come up and out, by Azaz’el’s command, which he is in essence the legendary Scorpion King. These Scorpions are flying around the world stinging the death out of those who will not subject their wills to them and give their locality to the new king of kings, the Little Horn. Azaz’el has kept Agdo in prison, and many are using her sexually, to include Noge, his first love. They are at the Circle of Refiam, in Israel, in the valley, and have made campsites here and there, within the circle of rocks and bounders, and outside the Refiam Circle. Presently, Noge is outside with his father Horrep and Agaliarept, the Henchman of hell. Azaz’el is near by a bonfire. Roe the Captain is with his friend Horrep, Noge’s father.

Azaz’el’s Song

I have no old gifts for thee
No perfumes or Vampric words:
Only my hate that storms in me
Like the fires in the halls of hell
Whence the soul follows beyond the earth.

Ye, likened to the moon and sunrise
We are slaves to lustful illume ways
In the valley of sacred multiorgasmic
We have seduced the women of earth
And given birth to hybrid Nephilm.

Note: 5/28/06, #1353

Noge: Father why am I obsessed with lust for this Agdo?
Horrep: Oh yes, I feared this would happen, and especially with Agdo, the harlot of Shamhat, of Uruk. But I shall tell you the long story, in its short version; perhaps you will understand who we are more also. Nothing is as simply as you’d like it to be…

(at that moment more angelic and demigods were appearing at the Circle of Raphiam, as Horrep spoke to his son; there was Yegon: he was the one who had lead the children of the angels to earth and perverted them long ago; and Asb’el, showed up, he gave to the children of long ago, evil counsel, mislead them, and they defiled their bodies. And there was Gader’el, he showed the children of the people blows of death, and misled Eve. And Pinem’e: who taught the children how to use ink and paper; these angels were the ones who used the forces of earth and the angelic essence of the cosmos and with a cabbalistic formula created energy called MAGI (now called: Quantum Mechanics); as I was about to say son, nothing is like it seems.)

Noge: I know Azaz’el is the scapegoat; everyone talks about all the time that is about all I know I suppose. Who slew him long ago?
Horrep: It was Ura’el, God’s …nothing, we were all God’s angels before he sent Ura’el to bind us…
Azaz’el. ‘T was by sorcery he got loose to come back here I think.
Noge: He is deaf and blind to passion.
Horrep: Perhaps we don’t have none ourselves. We were dreamers back then, locked in the clouds, and lust condemned us, like dead lions.
Roe: Nay! It was God and Ura’el, and now we must make earth’s people die more slowly! Ura’el slew us all. This is not surely known; he left no mark upon us. Like marble he cloaked himself, and we could not harm him. Who fears not even the death, we did, but then I wanted to die myself, and couldn’t, for me, or us, death is simple an organism operating wherever it is sent. And now the Little Horn, the monarch comes to demand our help, with his trumpets forth. ‘T is strange he needs our keep, the king of sorcery, demon, and now this girl, whom is seemingly dumb, throws a curse on us all, torments us, we are born to lust.
Noge: But explain all this to me father, as you were about to before…!

[It is midnight, the demon and angelic renegades, the watchers as they are known are seated about the fire, in a semi-circle, and the lovely captive who had disappeared as a butterfly, now captured again, dances for the immortals, Agdo]

Horrep: As I was about to say: it all started somewhat like this: we watched the human females for a long time, and along with Azaz’el we all came down, all two hundred of us to participate in human sex, we could have multiorgasmic results, like females; human males could not, thus, they were irritable. Some of our children could only perform 50-climaxes, but that was more than the humans. And we Watchers were limitless. Then we went to Samara, and Anunnak, became kings, about 5000-years ago. There it all started, the selection of kings according to how many orgasms they could have, to prove they were of an angelic origin. Later on Gilgamish came into the picture; he may show up here yet.
The Scorpion King was praised by many, he is none other than Azaz’el, or Ptah, or the Divine Blacksmith, he was known by many names, he also help created the Vampric legends, which I will get to soon. Our lustful ways is what triggered God’s anger, and brought forward the Great Flood. I was part of all this history you know. I hid you for a long time. Anyhow, you have discovered multiple orgasms are possible for our kind, and we have no male refractory period; again I say, like human females. This was divine love, something human males could not compete with.
Nosferatu, the Vampire world came alive when we moved to… (a pause); I should explain who ‘we’ are in this story: we meaning: Samlazaz, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, and Asael (Asael, again is Azaz’el) and myself, also known as sons of God. We were known as the Watchers, the Nephilm, the fallen ones, thus forfeiting our first estate forever, God forbid, but we did; there was two hundred of us, and it was an exodus to the land of Sumer, and then onward to a new location… we were brothers, and servants of God at one time; it may be she knows what use she is for us: we became obsessed even in Sumer as now, with eroticism, incest, pedophilia, sacred prostitution, as this woman is a symbol of our sexual freedoms we had long ago, and cultivated to the whole world, destined for, she sees us as sacrilege, but speaks with nods and silence to us, only allows us our pleasure…

(Noge interrupts: father, please get back to the story!)

…there was what we called ‘Hieros Gamos’ (the sacred marriage, for kings who had the capacity for leadership, also had to have the capacity for sexual reenactment with the priestess, it was the Sumerians we instructed in this multiorgasmic rite, Inanna (Gilgamesh’s mother), the de Goddess was the teacher.

(Noge interrupts: father, where did you go after Sumer?)

…I was getting to that son, be patient. They had sex for 30-hours, this rite of Uruk’s which we demanded of the kings, and so only demigods would be elected, or allowed to sit on the throne. Consequently, the Anunnak bloodline started, he was a Canaanite Nephilm you know, he taught women sexual pleasures. King Menes, also known as the Scorpion King, was the first Pharaoh; some of us went to Egypt, around 3500 BC. He was a decent of demigods, like you.
And for your question, after Sumer we went to the mountains, to Transylvania (the Raphiam of Romania), where Vampirism came to light. We were scattered all over the world, and this was one location. We had Rephiamic tribes hidden in the mountains. The stories of excessive sex, derived from us. Here the royal Racoci family line is in Saint Germaine, he lived you know 700-years, as was the mysterious count (Cmte).
And through our sexual encounters, we did bite a few people, and we had, or our sons had I should say, a disease, and they gave it to the humans; actually our kind was immune to its death, it spread, and was named tuberculosis; all because one day we decided to quench our sexual possessiveness.

Death Sentence

[Same location, the bonfire is burning high into the sky, flickers of fire fly about, there is some unrest with the demonic force that has come to the Circle of Refiam; now Noge and his father are alone standing back as they were, the others have joined the circle around the fire, and he, Noge asked the forbidden question…]

Noge: Father, what are we going to do after the next battle, for it is called the last Great Battle for the souls of mankind: Armageddon?
Horrep: A good question indeed, one I’d rather avoid. We shall not be immortal I fear from pain and suffering, through me, you will die as I will die, exactly how, I do not know, yet I know the day of reckoning is near, Judgment Day. A bed of stones is laid for us perhaps, humans see death differently, death to us, is a living thing, a life form shifted to paradise or a place of torrents, death lives on.
Noge: What God hath told you of these tidings I hear through thy lips?
Horrep: Blasphemy! That is we. The fire shall purge us. Where is God? That is our proof of our reckoning?
Noge: It is not that I wish to question you (Horrep interrupts: Agdo, remains silent on a bed of stones for many Nephilm) we should spread her upon the coals until she tells us what we want to know, who she is, who sent her)…Nay, not to thee nor any of our kind, but I know so little for such darkness to come to me shall I speak out to Him, to God?
Horrep: God has knowledge of our will; you stripped her, as she whimpered in a gaze, you have already been tested, and failed; her great eyes brought you down.
Noge: But it was you who brought her to me, so it is you I should blame for my shame, if I shall ever stand in front of God.
Horrep [eyebrows high, almost wanting to laugh]: (The girl is dancing naked round the fire now, as all the Nephilm, one after other, are rapping her—and Noge watches)
Yea, not beauty, but Hell is what you watch, cast out your eyes if you wish to talk to the God about mercy. For you lust as we lusted after flesh. It was simply your first encounter.

(And with no hesitation, Noge, plucked out both his eyes, and Horrep in horrid shock, walked away frazzled; thus, the deed was done, and all Noge could hear now was: we wait thy word, Azaz’el, give us our day of revenge…and the Nephilm started to stone Noge…then the same voice said: burn him!… and they did. And for the first time ever, they saw immortal flesh burn like human flesh. And these words came from Azaz’el: vanished god, be gone I shall see thy soul in Hell. And Horrep said: At least thou deist! And they all heard Noge’s last words: echo even after his death: ‘T is so attested in my faith.)


Inside the Mountain of Souls of the Dead

((Impressions inside the Mountain of Souls of the Dead) (I suppose you can say, I looked death in the eyes, were all were dead inside this mountain, according to human earth understandings; or so the philosophers might say; or argue. And when death got too close to me, the angels banished them away, and I felt fresh again like a shot of penicillin. I wanted to say they all, seemed to look a bit mentally retarded, or having a mental illness, but it wasn't that, it was-one of the angelic beings whispered into my ear, unseeingly-soul sickness.
I felt-in this enclosure type setting-enclosed deep into a wooden drawer, shut tight, yet not forgotten, like the dead souls around me. I am sure the millions upon millions of souls here couldn't help but rummage through their brains, as I was, but not for the same purpose they were, completely, I would leave this place shortly, but they, yes, they were looking for a spiritual map to get them out of here, rummaging to find one, and of course there was not at the end of the trail. And I saw and heard, the many images came and go, to scorn me; deflated, sucking screams, panic spells))
((Impressions Inside the Prison House of Angels)(By the Canyon of Pain, my first impression was, or I should say, that came over me was, a reddish, and orange, and purple thickness existed within the atmosphere, a fog inside this cosmic vault. Being in war, Vietnam, in 1971, it reminded me of artillery fire all around me, and then came images, faces that snarled, I presumed warlords of a bygone era, now just rotten burlap swaying in a ripple of time. They had only rusty sabers to hold on to.))


The Cadaverous Journey (To the Dead and Dying)

Preliminary Part of the Journey (Notes and Dream)
In the Heavens (cosmos)

It was the middle of the night, I awoke, and there was a great figure, five of them at the end of my bed, and one said, "You must come with me, but first you must die, and I will bring you back to life." Oh, but I thought this was all a dream, so I said "Ok," and somehow I died, it was like a second dream, that is, a dream within a dream you might say, and perhaps I really did die, I don't know, I never died before, but after the experience is seemed a simple matter of waking up, and I did, but into another dream you might say, a journey, and so I don't know what to tell you, but here I s. I suppose it is a matter of if you (in this case me) wake up for the dream, you have died in, and of course I am writing this, so I did. And so this story you are about to read, is just that, a journey from my book of the dead, by the dying. I will try to write it as true as it can be.
Let me add, in the 1980s, I wrote a book called "The Last Trumpet and the Woodbridge Demon," out of fiftey-visions I had concerning future times. The visions came in a seven month period, and I wrote them down, and tried to explain them, for all up to this date have come true. I will not this time, try to explain anything, it is two exhausting, and I am twenty-five years older.
The Angels
There were five angels that appeared, and I shall name them, according to how I understood their names to be, and to the correct spelling I think it might be 1) Micha'el (everyone likes him) 2) Ura'el (another archangel) 3) Uri'el (not sure what his status is, but he is a messenger nonetheless 4) Rufael and Raguel. (My aunt, once told my mother, "Why does Dennis get all the visions," I being at the time, the worse of sinners, and then trying, or in search of God's heart. Who can have such an answer, so I said nothing, as I shall say nothing this time), and Surr'el (my guardian Angel was there, but more in spirit than presence, his voice his images).
(Raguel) As we started my journey, and Raguel said to me, "Heaven burns, look in the direction of the west," and I saw a huge aluminous fire, that seemed to have no rest.
(Ura'el) "I will take you soon to the 'Prison House of Angles,' said Ura'el, "where on is detained forever." And I looked his way, said not a word.
((Rufael) (Inside the Mountain, for the Souls of the Dead)) Inside this great huge mountain, perhaps one fifth the size of our moon, we stood in the middle of it, it was deep, high inside, smooth, dark, yet I could see all, and everything, Rufael was to my right side, pointed to all four corners, at once, explained "The spirits of he dead are assembled in here, gathered here," he repeated himself, "for the day, the of the Great Judgment." And I could hear the echoes of many voices, as if they were trying to reach heaven, from all four sections, corners of the inner mountain.
I asked, "Please explain more clearly the reasoning for this?"
"For the sinners," he said, adding, "upon death. Judgment, the Great Judgment, is not executed immediately for their lifetime of sinfulness (I realized I had once read there was 72-deaths, thus perhaps judgments were based on this but I didn't ask, and he did imply death at this point, not life); then he went on to say, "...sinners and criminals will remain, here with their kind, and those who go well with, the judgment (s), yet are of the non-righteous, remain in the other corners, these souls will not be killed on the day of judgment, but shall not rise to heaven either; those who admit their destruction, and were killed in the process by others before their time perhaps, a make dispute."
(Notes: I wondered at this point, if I could wake myself up from this dream, I have in the past, but I couldn't, I was like in a bubble, and my second thought, would I remember all this, and Micha'el nodded his, 'yes'.)
(Uri'el) Uri'el pointed now at the "Prison House of Angels," seven stars were bound together, as if in a cluster, how far I was from it I don't know, but it was perhaps likened to our satellites orbiting the earth, however close that might be. The stars looked more like mountains carved into pyramids like figures, burning wildly, and Uri'el spoke: "This is the place mentioned before, the 'Prison House for Angels,' those that have sinned, went against the commandments of the Lord, and here they remain for ten-million years, according to their number of sins."
The Great Canyon of Pain
Satan after his demise
(Uri'el) Then we came to a great fire, a canyon of sorts, that extended from sea to sea, and great rods of fire forced it way to and fro, burning with flames consuming all, it poured like lava and Uri'el said, "Here is the canyon of Pain." And I was scared, freighted it might reach us, but it didn't (Note: I told myself, this is a dream, how can this heat reach me, yet I felt it, but it did not burn, and turn to pain, and I caught my breath, I wasn't exactly sure at this point were we were).
Said Uri'el, now looking at me, face to face, shoulder to shoulder: "We are in the Prison House of Angels, whom will be detained here without end!"
(Angelic Renegades) We then came upon the images of angels, their spirits; these were the ones of old, the Old Ones, as foretold in ancient literature, so I knew immediately. Those who were allied the Watchers, and slept with women, cohabitated, and taught man to sacrifice to demons (and I was told within my mind's eye, the women that were persuaded, they have been cursed, thus, will have a peaceful death and afterlife.) And I said, "I don't quite understand." And Uri'el said in plain words, "Heaven is heaven, as is blood and flesh which must die and perish, blood and flesh, and when one has abandoned heaven, and its ways, and seep with women, defile themselves, can not possess eternal life, and they begotten children, giants of old, deformed, these are evil spirits, that have come out of their bodies, for they were at once created by the holy ones, the watchers, their first origin, spiritual foundation. Thus they will walk the earth, and be called such, for if you are born upon the earth, you remain, they eat no food, nor thirst, and they shall challenge the people of the earth until the last days, when comes the slaughter and destruction."
And I saw many faces, and asked, "Who were they?"
And before me came the faces of Azaz'el (condemned for teaching corruptness.
And Micha'el brought forth Semyaz who fornicated with the women, and said,
"He has died together with them, and sleeps in their defilement."
(Notes: and I thought in my head, and Micha'el made it clear, souls of pleasure, were the children of the Watchers, and this sin of injustice has to do with, heaven is in itself the reward of pleasure or immediately gratification, and sexual intercourse on earth was mans pleasure, and holly angels could not mix these.)
(Judgment of the Watchers: Micha'el) And the son of Lamech was brought before me, as an image, and his history was, of the same, a Watcher before the Great Deluge, flood in the time of Noah, and he hid from God, but was destroyed. And Azaz'el was bound and thrown into darkness, and Duda'el was buried under sharp rocks, unmovable-and I learned in those far off days came many judgments unto the Watchers.
(Teaching of the Arts) Amastras' taught incantations, and the cutting of roots; Baraqiyal taught astrology with Tam'el, and Asder'el taught the course of the moon, and Azaz'el taught how to make swords and knives, shields.
The Blessed Tree
Then I came upon several beautiful mountains, and they appeared to be carved in the shape of a throne, surrounded by fragrant trees, and I was shaking my head, as if to get out of this dream, almost fearful, but it was a wondrous sight, and fragrance, and all those huge beings bowed, and I flowed suite (I matched what they did); and there were followers everywhere, and the tree that caught my eyes the most was a beautiful tree and very fruitful, and it looked like a palm tree, and I just gazed at it, and Micha'el appeared (seemingly the chief of he group) smiled and said (for he had left but a moment, how long the moment was I don't know, but it seemed to me he perhaps went to get permission, or at least that is how I saw it at the time, with my earthly thinking), said Micha'el:
"The mountains are God's throne, where resides he Eternal King (Christ), and he is the one whom has visited the earth. The tree cannot be touched until after the judgment, the conclusion period, and close the books once and for all (only the righteous and pious he old me would be able to touch it); at this time he also told me the fragrance will penetrate one's bones.
(Jerusalem) Then we flew over a city, it was Jerusalem, the old city of Salem, of which the high king, Melchizedik once brought bread and wine to Abram. Here under a mountain I saw a holy stream, it was flowing, then another mountain and a valley, here ran the stream towards the west, then a smaller mountain appeared and another valley, dry and deep, with hard rocks and no trees, and it was all such a marvel.
Notes (and Interlude #2):
First Origins
(Notes: during this process of watching and seeing, and asking questions, I had a moment of time to seriously think of what is called "First Origins," and related it back to my studies in Philosophy, Psychology and Theology. I guess what I saw is modern natural philosophers look at the nature of reality, not qualified scientists by far, so they express themselves, as often I do in poetry, or on the metaphysical schemes of life. So was evolution involved in creation. Well, the cosmos are changeless, and all things are changing, and this journey helped me come to this understanding, and everything is meaningful and purposeful, so I feel, thus, there is a great chain of being, or life forms involved here. So I'd like to think, or substitute evolution for creation since scientists are limited, to only studying occurring objects and events in the present environment. I add this in here because Plato, or Aristotle contributed philosophy and nothing for the laboratory, and scientist I think will back me up, the Biblical criteria for God's created universe is better than it happened human philosophy. )
Who were the Renegades?
(Also, before I go on with my dream journey, I'd like to address one other thing quickly, the Angelic Renegades: did they exist? In my Old Testament studies, at Liberty University in the 1980s, working on my Masters Degree, this was a most interesting subject. In spite of the complexity and vagueness, I concluded, at least for myself, the issue solved. In the Old Testament, they were called "Sons of God," perhaps a tinge of a mythological sound to that, if not supernatural, but they were historical descendents of somebody, or they could be the daughters of men, also used. But it was plane to many in the fist century AD, after Christ what it meant. Even some theories say they were marriages between Cro-Magnon men and Neanderthal women, most unlikely. I see a clear line between divine beings and humans. History as recorded Gilgamesh, to be two thirds supernatural (or demonic) and one third human, as was Saint Christopher. So I do not find supernaturalism so far fetched. The Jewish and Christian writers have interpreted these beings to be also supernatural, educated men, with lots of PhD's We should not look at this as mythology, but theology.
I have looked at two manuscripts, especially the Alexandrinus Codex (forth Century A.D.) And have written about them in poetic form in a few of my books, and the Septuagint, all confirming these were angels of God. But the most confirming piece of evidence I found was the Great historian Flavius Josephus, whom was Jewish, but worked with the Romans, to the dismay of his Jewish counterparts, along with all the church fathers of those far off days. It was not until the 5th century this theory was abandoned of the supernatural interpretation of Genesis.
The Journey and Dream Continued
(The Latter Days) After we had left Jerusalem, I was taken on a trip that seemed to me to go from one end of the world to the other, and I saw many gates from the heavens open up and down came rain, and snow, and hail, and down came frost and mighty winds, and I saw violence and sorrow upon the earth, during this time. And then we changed directions, and we went instead of north, we went west, and I saw in time in the east, more destruction. And to the south, and again the winds and extreme weather conditions prevailed.
(Note: in 1998 and 2000, I had some dream-visions, I documented them, but not like I did in the 1980s, and made a book out of it, but what I say was the false prophet, and what I heard was the world would be under satanic influence, it was a two part vision: the message was: 'The Beast, his army the antichrist, terrorism and war,' this was before I believe Bin Laden was the number one criminal in the world. You need not believe me it is just something I found after eight years of this book sitting, and I read inside the book what I wrote, and put it in here. It is nothing we do not know; it just confirms with me, I'm on the right track. Actually right after I had those two visions, I wrote the outline of the book "The Manticore..." it was not properly edited at the time, and sorrow to say, it didn't sell well, but it was the bases for the plot. I figured out the Secret of the Beast during these latter days, it being 'even if you win, you lose, for there is more than plan, and maybe he wants to lose.)
But on this journey, all these things came to mind, and that Christ had told his followers above all, let no man deceive you. And as I looked down upon the earth, I saw many God-pretenders, for now there are many Christ pretending cults, such as the Mormons, and Jehovah Witnesses, in both cases I attended their services, and studies, and to include Armstrongism. There were on earth I saw them, many Jesus movements. I realized, since the time of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar, these have been the times of the gentiles, for the most part. As we sailed across the a atmosphere I knew I really did not have to worry, I mean the destiny of the breast (the Army of Satan) and false prophet has already been determined, it is just a matter of how many will join him, in this millennium.
(End) It was hard at times to behold the faces of the angels, they were so holy and righteous, henceforth, I did, and then as I was about to say something, a whirlwind grabbed me, and I descended to earth, it carried me back to my bed, and into life I woke up.

The Ancestor before Time
Those who were sick in their hearts (during the latter days) made dwelling places for the elect ones, those chosen by Satan; surrounded by his ten-wings, created before time; Lord of the Air, and to his followers he demanded to be worship; I saw him in a 1980s vision: pacing like the Tiamat, among the clouds.
#2326 (8-15-2008)
The Angels Never Came Back (In the Latter Days)
A ´poem
Imprudence could be found at all corners of the earth During the latter days; no place for holy angels to rest For wisdom went out with death, but death came back It needed no rest, and thoughtlessness remained: With the children of the people of earth; and in time Wisdom tried to return, and settled among a few Then came iniquity into every crack and crevice And the angels moved out again, and man Wondered if they'd return, for the few That were left, they were the dew And the thirst of these days, But like rain in a desert, They never came back.
#2325 ( 8-15-228)
Final Part of the Journey (Notes and Dream)
Journey into the Deep (Hell)
((Surr'el) (the Long Chain)) When I had woken up, I saw in a vision the following events, perchance, the angelic beings did not prefer to show me these, personally but with an adjustment to my eyes, I saw what they wanted me to see: those locked in Sheol came forward, brought back to life, and voice was picking out the ones whom were holy from the dead (of one of the 72-deaths). I seen many souls wrapped in linen, walking with dark faces, or no faces, and among the risen dead, the Elect One, selected and saved, he sat on a throne and called their names. And the mountains and the hills moved when I talked, and the angels were present, and many glowed and smiled for they had known many of the dead (this was a secret vision I do expect).
I heard my name, it was Surr'el, he said he was he angel of peace, for now and then, that what was revealed to me was then, not now. And I sat as if in a honeycomb, and it seemed to be melting about me. And all the souls deep into a valley, a sea of people, sinners, facing the earth, and then came a long, very long chain, and Satan was the tied to the first link, And Azaz'el, to the second, and on and on, until they got to the demons, such as Agaliarept, Satan's Henchman in Hell, other Demonic soldiers (Buer, one of the guards in hell, under his command) Gusoyn; the three Heated Dogs; Amduscias, the Grand Duke of Hell, Belphegor, the King of the Demons, Tyr the Mischievous; and the Nightmare Demon, and the lesser spirits.
And the chain was long and heavy, and the Angel of peace had prepared these chains and the smaller links were for the kings of the world, those destroyers of the earth and peace, and humankind.
And I put my hands over my head, trying to wipe away anymore visions, but nonetheless they came, and I saw: great judgment and disasters, feminine, tribulation and a deep valley. And there was fire in the valley, and many a soul was pushed into it, and the chain dragged many more into it. I saw Micha'el again, he was present, and Gabriel (and I told myself, "When will this day and night ever end!"
Then I say a host, a horde more like it of Holy Angels marching, with an iron and bronze net, and they searched high and low, and those they found hiding and guilty, henceforth, to be reckoned with, they cast into the crevices of the abyss in the valley. And the valley got filled up with bodies, and the elite of the earth was shaken by what was happening, and just then, the earth shook, from end to end, and all could feel and hear the sound of this noise, and those whom did not want to bow, bowed anyhow.
