Dream of a God
((A Poem for Haiti) (a
author inside the 1720 Citadel, built to defy Napoleon and his navy. It is 1986,
the year the author decided to
do some
missionary work in the mountains of Haiti…
At some time in our life, we may have to turn
away from disbelief, seeing at least for a while, the possibility of a God
because certain hidden voices within us are strengthened or freshened by our
soul, by doing so. While I was in Haiti in 1986, I felt a longing to compose a
radical poem, perhaps this one, with roots that would speak to what has its
back turned to God.
I began imagining two personalities roaming
the streets and back streets and hill country, the whole country of Haiti: one
a Christian God, the one everyone recognizes in the day, the morning, and the
other a Voodoo God (conceivably composed of demonic figures), one
recognizes in the twilight and later part of night, and one who betrayed the
other at one time, in the far-off past, that being the latter. And so I now
have started this poem, poetic prose, “Dream of a God,” with images suggesting
these Voodoo demonic figures and their betrayal to their brothers, in some
far-off pre-Adamic Period—these beings I call sleepwalkers, the un-magnanimous,
unfriendly, and excitable, perhaps neurotic (with
the symptoms of neurosis: insecurity, depression, anxiety, hostility, etc) who try
to rewire our spiritual needs—the enemies of God: the Christian God.
Naming and describing these internal as
well as immortal beings, adversaries to God is not a practice, although: one
that Blake, Keats, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe, Clark A. Smith, all poets in their own
right, were good at describing, that
began in the Victorian Period of Western Poetic schools of thought, and has
lasted to this day, Postmodernism, and Hollywood has continued this immortal
image of damnation. How many beings dwell in us! Only they know. Certain
entertainment industries: music, movies, and now religions, certain forms
encourage us going beyond the breaking limits, replacing Jesus Christ, the Holy
Spirit, and God the Father—leapfrogging over the Trinity over our valuable
spiritualization, to philosophical concerns; religious beliefs as Darwinism,
the New Age movement; gods of Astronomy (as
Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking would have it), it is as
if these individuals or demonic beings want us to accept these compensatory
forms as our gods, as if man is still stained with the unpardonable sin, and
still needs goat’s blood to cleanse him, a conspiracy no doubt.
Listen, and listen up closely for what I
have to say: I have lived four and sixty plus years, I have learned this, as
Solomon had learned, the Holy Spirit will call, and try to put families back on
course, try to put you back with your family—as for the world, it has passed
the breaking point, past the point of no return, but listen closely: heed the
Spirit’s call, it may be only one call.
“Brief, it was all so brief, back then, now I
turn quietly,
To feel my probing mind, —the Poet inside anyhow: I
Wonder how it is now…back there in Haiti, it
has been
twenty-six years…” D.L. Siluk
Dedicated to Pastor Naason
Mulatre Midnight Poems VI (8-26-2011) No: 3031
Not taken from any journal notes,
as others indicated in the Chapbook.
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