Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Man with the Cross (poem)

The Man with the Cross
((By Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D; Poet Laureate) (Written after returning from Jerusalem))

The Author carrying the Cross in Jerusalem

Bowed by the weight of a wooden cross he leans:
Upon man’s sins, he raises, gazes to the heavens,
The fullness of the ages upon his shape,
And on his shoulders, the load of the world
They gave him dejection, despair and gloom
He gave them new hope, rapture and life.
The God incarnate, that grieved and always hoped,
There he hung, stunned the world, savoir to all!
Who undone and pulled down the old brutal law!
Whose hand that was that slanted back man’s brow!
Now, His breath blew out the old candle His Adversary had lit.

Is this the Man-God, Lord Saviour, who made and gave?
Who has dominion over land and sea (the whole world?)
Who was and is, and always will be, the Eternal Deity!
Who made the stars, and searches the heavens,
And holds all life within his palms?
Are we the creatures he dreamed, to shape his universe?
The ones who marched forward, in ancient days?
Who have dug so deep to reach the roots of Hell, and its gulf?
There is no time, more terrible than this: the same
As in the days of Noah! So I believe—
More tainted with disasters, lust and diseases,
Yet still filled with cries contaminated eyes of greed
More tarnished decaying souls—
Like those in the days of Sodom and Gomorra
More packed with fear and danger, hearts dry and cold.

What resides between Man and the living God?
Lord and Savoir of the world, what is he to Him?
And Darwin, Satan’s wheel to swing man’s mind
Such long reaches, peaks near heaven,
The curse of man, the wilting of the rose!
And so the dying shape of the world looks on;
Man’s tragedy is in that bowed stoop:
Yet humanity dreadfully still betrays,
Plunders, and desecrates, and disinherits himself
Protests to the God that made him and the world,
A dispute that lingers in divination…

Oh peoples, politicians, presidents in all domains,
Is this all you have to offer God?
This earth you’ve distorted, hearts deadened!
How will you ever stand before him?
Look into his immortality, at his divinity;
How can he look upon you with light?
Rebuild in you the composition and his dream?
Make right your blasphemous, and infamies,
Disloyal anguish, your unresponsiveness?

Aye, peoples, and rules of the world,
How do you deem your future with this Lord of Lord?
How will you answer his questions in that hour?
When you will have no recourse, to turn about
No longer time to rebel and shake the earth!
How will it be with all those watching you
With those who cast you, to whom you are—
With this silly resistance, before Judge and King;
And then, then comes the silence of the eternities?

No: 2779 (8-21-2010)
Dedicated to Man, and God (or Lord)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Draw of the Dome of he Rock

The Draw of the:

Dome of the Rock

Dome of the Rock, July, 2010

I didn’t know why, but I’ve been drawn to the “Dome of the Rick,” just its name, its presence, for a long time, perhaps a decade or two anyhow; I am a Christian, not a Muslim or Jew—again having said that, I asked myself why? With never getting an answer; in 1984, I had a vision, more than a vision, I was in the presence of a wonder, a miracle, Jesus’ hand appeared in a mist to me while in prayer, and I went to touch it, all my pores in my body seemed to absorb the mist, the moment, and I was at peace—it’s un-describable, I was in a state of ecstasy, I now understood how man, once dead in the presence of God, would not have any tears, as stated in the bible. Something I could not venture to understand unless I had had that experience. But this experience is the essence of this story; it is this afterward drawing power of the Lord. Let me go on.
When I went to Jerusalem, I was very happy in seeing all the Christian sites, and when I went throughout Israel, I was happy and full of wonderment of seeing them too, but when I was near the Dome of the Rock, I wasted no time getting as close as I could to it, I was drawn to it, powerless to its spell, my heart rate went up, and my excitation, if I could fly, I would have taken off at once to its nearest allowable point. What was under that dome?

Now for the sake of argument, I must back track before I go ahead. Jerusalem has been conquered thirty-six times in the last 3000-years. Why did King David make Jerusalem the Capitol of the Hebrew nation? What really is under that Golden Dome? Why was I drawn to it like no other place in the world? And I have travelled the world over. This spot is called “Shatiya” or the “Drinking Stone” it is believed the world is nourished from this spot; it is the centre of the Universe by and for many. But why—? It is where God’s presence can be felt stronger than any other place on earth. It is not the Western Wall, or the Wailing Wall, which was built by King Herod. When I was at the Wailing Wall, I felt his presence very little, it is a wall that is built around what is called, was called Mount Mariah. Now the question, the big question, the one that will satisfy this whole article is: What semblance has Mount Mariah got to do with all of this? Just this: under the Golden Dome, is an exposed piece of bedrock, this is in essence of Mount Mariah, the Drinking Stone, this is where King David built his city because he wanted to make a connection with God and he knows something, he remembers, God Himself came to this spot eleven-hundred years earlier, chose this spot among all the places on earth, in the days of Abraham, and God said to Abraham: “Here I am,” then told him to go to Mount Mariah and make to him a sacrifice. God pointed out this place, “And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah: as it is said to this day, in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.” Need I say more?


Jesus in Comparison

Jesus in Comparison

Why do the Muslims follow the Koran? It is not Mohammed who transforms them, like Jesus does, but rather the Koran that courts, entices, woos them. You see Jesus not only taught those around him with his holy and ethical message, he was indistinguishable to his message—if that makes sense. Mohammad, Buddha, Zoroaster ((of Persia and India) (first world religious icon— of: Zoroastrianism)), did not claim this, only Jesus did, and consequently, could forgive sins, and did publicly, no one else followed this line of thought—or action.
Those who knew about Jesus in his day, and ever since have said, and some still say: “Who is he?” or “Who was this man called Jesus?”
Jesus may not have said he was God, but he claimed powers only God could have had, or does have, or done things that only God Himself could have done—works only God could have performed, such as telling the Sea to be quiet, in the mist of a storm, and it obeyed, as if it was a wailing child; or turning water into wine, or feeding a thousand people with no more than a handful of food. Plus he said such things that startled the imagination of the world in his time, which still does in our day such as “Before Abraham was, I am (was)”. Thus, who was he before Abraham? Melchisadeck—if so, who was Melchisadeck? And “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father (meaning God Almighty, Jehovah).” Also, “The son of man has power (or authority) to forgive sins.” He claimed, and he did what he claimed.
Jesus never said he was God perhaps, nor did he say he was a man, although he did things only God could do, and there were witnesses to that, as there were witnesses he was a physical man, and did things a man did, he felt pain, and he got hungry, and he slept, got tired. So who was he? He was saying in essence: “I am both, God and man, God incarnate!”


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama: Anti Chirstian/Anti American?

Obama (Hussein): His Middle Name is coming out Loud!

I think it might have been wise for Obama to have let this issue alone, let it be settled with those who have died in 911 instead of siding with the Muslims who blew up the two Towers in New York City, now they’re going to own the land they’ve cultivated that the two American made Jets plum full of Americans got blown up on taking down those two towers up so they can make a mosque on it—how ironic can you get, I’m sure Bin Laden is laughing all over Pakistan on this one (use American free enterprise, and a pro Muslim President, and let’s mock the United States right in front of them in the center of the Greatest City on Earth), it’s the joke of the decade. He didn’t need to say anything, but why did he? Perhaps because he isn’t a Christian, or isn’t all he proclaims to be. His Hussein middle name is showing, the very one he doesn’t use so he doesn’t have to remind us American who he really is, where his heart’s desire is.
I can’t think of a worse slap in the American face than this, but I’m not surprised. And “No!” the Muslims, or anybody, nobody has a right to put a mosque up where so many Americans died. That is like Japan putting up a Japanese Flag on top of one of those sunken ships at Peal Harbor, but he wouldn’t understand that because he never shed an once of blood in a war for this country, or put on an American Uniform, he’s from Kenya, how could he understand. But we Americans got what we deserve—a President that lulled us to sleep (lulled you to sleep, not me), that doesn’t care about public opinion and this is just the beginning, wait until he gets warmed up. He’s celebrating Islamic holy month with the Muslims, of Ramadan, I haven’t seen him celebrating anything Christian, or Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior; since he took office he has only taken from them.

Funny, the Mayer of New York is for the Muslims—how ennoble can you be! But the Governor agreed to give them State land if they’d moved to a new location (keep that guy in office), but the Muslims said “No!” Thus, trying to provoke, and increase American anger. By the same token, this all could have been avoided had the New York City Landmark’s Preservation Commission granted it landmark status, they must have gotten paid off by the Muslims: perhaps Bin Laden.

What is next on his long and hidden agenda, perhaps to tare down the Jewish Wailing Wall for the Islam? It might be wise for Israel to think ahead, Obama is not going to stop the Russians and Iran from building their nuclear bombs; they’ll have to act on their own, lest they want to be sitting ducks.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

The Book of Melchizedek

The Book of Melchizedek
Before Jesus, was Melchizedek his incarnation? (Hebrew 7) explaining this for Jewish Christians, the Levitical priesthood had been superseded; he is the priest of God in the Old Testament, thus, to typify Christ's new position as High Priest. Melchizedek was King of Salem, Abraham’s Jerusalem (see Genesis 14). So we have this personage, who is King of Salem, and Priest of the Most High, who blesses Abram. Consequently, we have a powerful figure here. Abram openly showed Melchizedek that they both were worshipers of the one true God; by tithing him, giving him one tenth of the booty, he had taken from a most recent battle. King David even sang songs of Melchizedek, recognizing him as a kind of Messiah (Matt. 22/Psalm 110 and Book of Hebrews) where Christ and Melchizedek are seen as two High Priests of the Most High God.
Were he an angel, and some have even put him as the Holy Spirit. But who was he really? And do we really know for sure? Here is a person without a father or mother (or at least there is no record to him having one, yet he was a High Priest, it was essential such a persons linage could be traced), and a priest forever. Was not Christ like a priest in his day? He has no beginning or end, this man called Melchizedek. Found in the Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found were fragments concerning Melchizedek, that lead them to believe he was the Messiah, this Qumran community along with other Jewish and Gnostic sects of the first Century, held this view, but how could this be if indeed he was not Christ? I mean, they were actually putting Melchizedek in with the Godhead. Were they all wrong? They knew something, but perhaps didn’t know how to express it. Why? Well if you do not know of a horse and a horn, you cannot draw a picture of a unicorn, likewise, if you do not know or have seen a train, car or plane, you cannot name them or draw pictures of them, you can only try to explain them as Mother Shipton, prophetess tried to explain what a submarine was, in the fifteenth century after witnessing them in visions—saying in essence objects like ships under the water sailing like whales.
In the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 6, we see Christ is established in Heaven as the High Priest for mankind. Was Melchizedek the forerunner? Did Jesus belong to the Order of Melchizedek, or was it the other way around, Melchizedek belonging to Christ’s order yet to be? Is this possible, so many variables. I must assume Paul wrote the Book of Hebrews, since everyone else does, and Paul was very well versed in the Jewish Law, and Theology, Melchizedek was a heavenly figure—so his inspiration indicates.
I mean, here was a figure just there! How did he get there? Where did he come from? Like the Evolutionist would say about the Universe or planets that surround earth, without explanation—they just appeared out of nowhere (not having any real explanation). Things do not happen that way, nor did Melchizedek appear out of nowhere, he came from somewhere, just like someone put the planets around earth. Just because science cannot understand it, it does not mean it isn’t. I mean, science cannot duplicate grass, but we got a lot of it—
So must we assume one is the copy of the other? This would seem a little more logical. Would it be reasonable to say: Jesus was Melchizedek, but not the Messiah yet, since we are going 2000-years before the Christ or the Messiah appears on earth?
If there are really two people here, we can also come to the conclusion; they are like each other, but not each other: for example, Michael the Archangel, who is the protector over Israel, the Watcher, you might say. Is this a possibility? Michael in congenital; whatever the case is, Jesus Christ, 2000-years later, supersedes this Priesthood, Jesus is the King-priest God. So we know Melchizedek was not Christ—before the Messiah or before Jesus’ human birth, and we know he did not go according to man’s law, but was appointed by God Himself. And if anything, he is a prototype of Christ. Now for my opinion, and that is all it is.
(The way I think): I think he was a holograph of Christ ((the real thing, but with a slant, that he was the impression of Christ, authentic impression) (in essence, he was a three-dimensional image of Christ in the flesh, His illuminating pattern with ordinary flesh and life inside of him.)); I have seen the holograph image of Christ’s hand, in person, wide-eyed, awake, this is very possible. Perhaps the word Christ is wrong here, but then let me use the word Jesus as he was known before he was Christ or Melchizedek, perhaps in Heaven.