Obama: Anti Chirstian/Anti American?
Obama (Hussein): His Middle Name is coming out Loud!
I think it might have been wise for Obama to have let this issue alone, let it be settled with those who have died in 911 instead of siding with the Muslims who blew up the two Towers in New York City, now they’re going to own the land they’ve cultivated that the two American made Jets plum full of Americans got blown up on taking down those two towers up so they can make a mosque on it—how ironic can you get, I’m sure Bin Laden is laughing all over Pakistan on this one (use American free enterprise, and a pro Muslim President, and let’s mock the United States right in front of them in the center of the Greatest City on Earth), it’s the joke of the decade. He didn’t need to say anything, but why did he? Perhaps because he isn’t a Christian, or isn’t all he proclaims to be. His Hussein middle name is showing, the very one he doesn’t use so he doesn’t have to remind us American who he really is, where his heart’s desire is.
I can’t think of a worse slap in the American face than this, but I’m not surprised. And “No!” the Muslims, or anybody, nobody has a right to put a mosque up where so many Americans died. That is like Japan putting up a Japanese Flag on top of one of those sunken ships at Peal Harbor, but he wouldn’t understand that because he never shed an once of blood in a war for this country, or put on an American Uniform, he’s from Kenya, how could he understand. But we Americans got what we deserve—a President that lulled us to sleep (lulled you to sleep, not me), that doesn’t care about public opinion and this is just the beginning, wait until he gets warmed up. He’s celebrating Islamic holy month with the Muslims, of Ramadan, I haven’t seen him celebrating anything Christian, or Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior; since he took office he has only taken from them.
Funny, the Mayer of New York is for the Muslims—how ennoble can you be! But the Governor agreed to give them State land if they’d moved to a new location (keep that guy in office), but the Muslims said “No!” Thus, trying to provoke, and increase American anger. By the same token, this all could have been avoided had the New York City Landmark’s Preservation Commission granted it landmark status, they must have gotten paid off by the Muslims: perhaps Bin Laden.
What is next on his long and hidden agenda, perhaps to tare down the Jewish Wailing Wall for the Islam? It might be wise for Israel to think ahead, Obama is not going to stop the Russians and Iran from building their nuclear bombs; they’ll have to act on their own, lest they want to be sitting ducks.
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