Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Illusion (a poem, and a warning)

The Illusion

On earth I thought all was fine, but upon my death, it was not quite that way, and so I wrote a poem for those folks who are under the same illusion I was, for God sent me back, simple as it may be, it is a warning:


Looking for heaven,
I crossed the river Jordon,
And found Hell waiting.

#2476 8-30-2008


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Coming War With Russia (Parts: Two, Three, Four and Five)

The Coming War with Russia
((Part Two) (Israel, Iran and Russia)

In 2005, I wrote a brief article called, “The Coming War with Russia,” it has been read by quite a lot of readers, and picked up by many sites, perhaps I can now do a follow up. In the first article I talk mostly about Russia joining up with Iran, which looks pretty likely now, and China gearing up for the last battle, that is quite obvious, and that the United States likes the idea of remaining in Iraq because it is a buffer zone somewhat. The question might come up, should come up, what is Russia looking at, what would draw the US into a conflict? Surely not Georgia, which Russia has just invaded, but should Israel attack Iran, now, their would be no Russian retaliation, no end of the world scenario one anyhow, but should they attack when Russia decides to tie the knot, and Iran and Russia become one, they would be obligated to strike Israel, with Iran, and the US obligated to assist Israel. But this is my scenario, in simplicity; now let’s look at a real one, a biblical one.

There are several chapters in the Bible that talk about Russia, one being Ezekiel 38. People have interpreted it in several ways, as I suppose I will. And therefore, pray you interpret it right, to me it indicates Russia will rise (it has), then wane (it has), now is this because of the breaking up of its prior status as the Soviet Union? Some say so, others say because of the rising power of China. When I say waning, and rising I meant as a world power. Life on earth has changed since the 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s, the world politics have changed, what the Bible is saying I believe is Russia will be defeated, it may go up and down a hundred times as nations do but we need to look beyond that.
Most of these things we see from day to day are just incidental, as we all know they have enough nuclear power, and weapons, and now oil money to buy more if need be, but if they wish, they could hit every major city with a nuke in the world, tomorrow, so they are a danger in that sense. And in conventional warfare, which most battles nowadays are fought, we see they can mobilize a mass of 25,000-soldiers to invade Georgia in a matter of days. Their capability may have faded, but not for long, so it is a battle we are going to see in he very near future.
In looking at this, I do believe you need to look at it from the vantage point of: 1) are you trying to make something you already know, certified? 2) Or are you willing to look at whatever the Bible says, like it or not.
The ideal way is to not try to make it fit into prophecy, it will or it will not.
So we all know the return of the Jews has taken place, I watched this happen in my life time (a prophecy fortold), to the young reader this may sound like history, which it is but, we are living history if you are over sixty.

In Part one of this scenario, I talk on Gog and the land of Magog, which in essence is Russia. Russia, the words has roots, stems from a Finnish word, meaning rowers of a vessel, And ‘Rosh,’ is a Hebrew word meaning ‘boss.’ (Ezekiel Chapter 27). What comes next in Zech. 14, we see a man trying to lead an army, seize Israel, and this starts a world war.
“…wake up the mighty men, let all men of war draw near: let them come up…” Joel Chapter three.
The superpower here is Gog and Magog, (Rev. 20); the invasion of Palestine by the nations will turn out to be in the long run, the last great battle.
God says to Gog and I shall paraphrase it: are you not the one I foretold would come against my people of Israel? Ezek. 38.
Gog is not a name per se, not of any human being anyway, but when Satan becomes incarnate (personified within flesh) into the Antichrist, he is Gog in the making. His symbol is the dragon. In the book, “The Last Trumpet (and the Woodbridge Demon.)I bring that out more, separating the Beast, the dragon, Satan, Gog, and so forth.

Written 8-13-2008©

The Coming War with Russia
(Part Three: Magog)

In parts one and two we pointed out Gog, more than Magog, how Russia was going to get involved, and we were looking at a few scriptures. In other writings I wrote about the coming dictator, and in still others, the Middle East Confederation (in particular in the book, “The Last Trumpet, and the Woodbridge Demon…”)
I have not really put dates on anything, it would be insane to, but you can see, watch as the events unfold, and as scripture and prophecy says, you will be forewarned, as this article in itself is a warning. Incidentally, I do not claim to be a prophet, so please do not get this mixed up with me trying to paint you a dooms day message. It is simply a letter, on what is developing, and what God said would develop according to the Bible and what is happening out there now.
We have an empire out there, and like President Bush have said, an Evil Empire on all sides of us. While North Korea, and Iraq and Afghanistan keep us busy, the real monster grows: Magog. I can name the countries that will be involved with the invasion of Israel, it’s not hard to do, and so can you. But if you were living back in the time of Plato, could you? Ezekiel did, and to the point we all can translate it.
First let me say, if Iran and Israel fought a battle and just them alone, I’d not be writing this article, and that may happen, and if it does, you can count on a second battle, it will not be the last, but I am getting ahead of myself.
He named Persia, which now is Iran, and a few other countries, but for this article and now, I will stay with Iran. We must also recognize as did Ezekiel, Palestine being the center of the world, he did, not geographical speaking but according to God; the God center.
Ezekiel looks to the North, if you stand in Jerusalem, and look north you would see (in the far north) Russia. The men he talks about settled in the Caucasus Mountains, between the Black and Caspian Seas. If you look on your map, you will get a better view of his vision.
The home of where today the Ark of the Covenant is is in Ethiopia. I have traveled the world over, and was on my way to go see the Rock Churches in the mountains of Ethiopia, but ended up in Egypt instead, and unable to do so because of tribal group kidnappings. I do wish to someday, try over and go there especially to where they house the Ark, but my point is this, Ezekiel names this country as well.
I do believe Egypt and Libya will join this confederation, or conspiracy against Israel. (Jer. 46)
Wean add Turkey into this group, although we are really talking now about three groups in the end days. The Confederation, the Russians, and the European Union; Ezekiel refers to Turkey as Gomer, it is not Germany, it is in Asia Minor.
The point here is, as Russia and Iran are thinking about invasion, so are these other folks, the other two groups, if Russia fails, and Russia will fail, but at cost? Is the question: second question, will the other two groups fail? That another story.
Back to Russia. We see the old prophet has named the nations around Israel, way in the future, a hard task to do, unless you got God’s notebook. The other missing link here is America, the United States, where are they going to be in all this mess?
Now who is Magog? It is the beast, as Gog is the individual. The beast is the mass group complex. Kind of like: plan A, B and C.

Written 8-13-2008©

The Coming War with Russia
(Part Four: The strategy)

He will conquer three countries, three kings. Some have pointed the Antichrist will subdue China, Russia, and the United States: this may or may not be true, but I don’t see these countries as part of the picture, nor the ones that need to be subdued, they already have their build in self-determination to destroy themselves, among themselves.
I think we need to look east, a little more south than north. During this period many changes are going to take place. These countries are now being pulled up and out by their roots. Twenty years ago, this was not true, today it is, these three countries the prophet mentions, no longer are bound by Russia, or hogtied: Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria. So in a way Russia has already been defeated in this arena, and communism is no longer worthwhile for Gog, the Antichrists: why, because Gog is like God, he will not allow anyone to control him, he only uses people. Gog believes in God, although he will try to take his place here on earth.
One of the truths we are looking at is, these three countries the prophet mentions needs to be free of Russia, or Russia defeated, in a way the United States accomplished this without a war, and so it is now history, I think, the question comes, will Russia continue to allow this to continue? Perhaps because of the division of Old Russia to half its population now, has built resentment up in Russia, and we may end up in a tug away in Europe, and this may spark the new birth of taking Iran as its blood brother, and if so, this will start the quest of Iran, to eliminate Israel, and now with Russia backing it up, it will feel it can.
The Antichrist will appear as a savior of the world during these times, and not a Russian savior, so don’t look for him in Russia anymore, I think he is turning to Western Europe .

Written 8-13-2008©

The Coming War with Russia
(Part Five: From the 80s to now)

I remember back in the early 80s, when I had my visions and wrote out the manuscript that would end up being the book “The Last Trumpet, and the Woodbridge Demon,” what I’m about to write now, was not possible, the stage was not set, it needed more ingredients. North America in 1981-1984, at this time there was a rising and an alarming rise in juvenile crime, the decline of religion, and it seemed neither Russia or America had the force to repress such disorder. This was the onset, today it is completely wacky from Peru, throughout America and the rest of the world we see so much disorder, terrorism, even at the 2008 Olympic Games going on in China now, and all the disorder around the world because of China’s Olympic flame being brought here and there; I saw these protests in a vision in 1984, again in the book I just mentioned, referring to China, everything I saw in those several months and fifty-vision have come about.
While all this terrorism and disorder is going on, the world has still a whole arsenal of nuclear weapons, and now it is in the hands of hate countries, those who would use it to vaporize a city because it didn’t get tis way: Iran, and North Korea are on this list- We see India and Pakistan with such weapons now, everybody saying they have the right to won this horrifying military weapon.
France, England, Israel, the United States, China has it also. The United Nations is becoming more of a café for chatter than it is for fixing things in the world.
In the book of Revelation, it says the world leader, whom ever he will be, will have in his domain, great and small, rich and poor. And we all know the wealthy will do anything to cling onto is luxury, Rev. 17., kind of points to these indulgences, the gluttony, drunkenness and immorality of the day. So he will not have a hard time persuading some nations to send out their young boys to fight, in the name of freedom, and God Almighty.
During these days the dollar will die, and rise, and die and rise, it was predicted in the 80s this would happen, and we see it today; a restless world trying to keep itself clued together.
And Russia looking to regain back some of its glory, will become less predictable in the future.

Written 8-13-2008©

The Coming War with Russia (Part Two)

The Coming War with Russia
Part Two

In 2005, I wrote a brief article called, “The Coming War with Russia,” it has been read by quite a lot of readers, and picked up by many sites, perhaps I can now do a follow up. In the first article I talk mostly about Russia joining up with Iran, which looks pretty likely now, and China gearing up for the last battle, that is quite obvious, and that the United States likes the idea of remaining in Iraq because it is a buffer zone somewhat. The question might come up, should come up, what is Russia looking at, what would draw the US into a conflict? Surely not Georgia, which Russia has just invaded, but should Israel attack Iran, now, their would be no Russian retaliation, no end of the world scenario one anyhow, but should they attack when Russia decides to tie the knot, and Iran and Russia become one, they would be obligated to strike Israel, with Iran, and the US obligated to assist Israel. But this is my scenario, in simplicity; now let’s look at a real one, a biblical one.

There are several chapters in the Bible that talk about Russia, one being Ezekiel 38. People have interpreted it in several ways, as I suppose I will. And therefore, pray you interpret it right, to me it indicates Russia will rise (it has), then wane (it has), now is this because of the breaking up of its prior status as the Soviet Union? Some say so, others say because of the rising power of China. When I say waning, and rising I meant as a world power. Life on earth has changed since the 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s, the world politics have changed, what the Bible is saying I believe is Russia will be defeated, it may go up and down a hundred times as nations do but we need to look beyond that.
Most of these things we see from day to day are just incidental, as we all know they have enough nuclear power, and weapons, and now oil money to buy more if need be, but if they wish, they could hit every major city with a nuke in the world, tomorrow, so they are a danger in that sense. And in conventional warfare, which most battles nowadays are fought, we see they can mobilize a mass of 25,000-soldiers to invade Georgia in a matter of days. Their capability may have faded, but not for long, so it is a battle we are going to see in he very near future.
In looking at this, I do believe you need to look at it from the vantage point of: 1) are you trying to make something you already know, certified? 2) Or are you willing to look at whatever the Bible says, like it or not.
The ideal way is to not try to make it fit into prophecy, it will or it will not.
So we all know the return of the Jews has taken place, I watched this happen in my life time (a prophecy fortold), to the young reader this may sound like history, which it is but, we are living history if you are over sixty.

In Part one of this scenario, I talk on Gog and the land of Magog, which in essence is Russia. Russia, the words has roots, stems from a Finnish word, meaning rowers of a vessel, And ‘Rosh,’ is a Hebrew word meaning ‘boss.’ (Ezekiel Chapter 27). What comes next in Zech. 14, we see a man trying to lead an army, seize Israel, and this starts a world war.
“…wake up the mighty men, let all men of war draw near: let them come up…” Joel Chapter three.
The superpower here is Gog and Magog, (Rev. 20); the invasion of Palestine by the nations will turn out to be in the long run, the last great battle.
God says to Gog and I shall paraphrase it: are you not the one I foretold would come against my people of Israel? Ezek. 38.
Gog is not a name per se, not of any human being anyway, but when Satan becomes incarnate (personified within flesh) into the Antichrist, he is Gog in the making. His symbol is the dragon. In the book, “The Last Trumpet (and the Woodbridge Demon.)I bring that out more, separating the Beast, the dragon, Satan, Gog, and so forth.

Written 8-13-2008©


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Jocab's Trouble (The nearing of The Anticharist)

Jacob’s Trouble
(The nearing of the Antichrist)

Let us not assume the Antichrist is not nearby, or that he is taking a Siesta, his job is to infiltrate to the point of completing his control. This is called the second half of the 70-weeks, the book of Daniel, describes in the bible (Dan. Chapter 9). This so called infiltration would not have been possible, had he not been allowed to enter Palestine. But God uses Jacob for his own purpose, which is the deliverance of Israel. Today it is not much difference.
This time period we are talking about, I am talking about, corresponds with the events for the tribulation of the saints to be. When the tribulation for Israel begins: prior to this event, the gospel will be preached (Revelation Chapter 14) worldwide, which is now happening, it is almost old business.
The question may come up, “Who is the new prophet on the scene?” And usually before the prophets of God show up, there is usually Satan’s prophets trying to duplicate, in those days, says the Lord, “ Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers too the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Mal. Chapter Four. This has been taking place for he past fifty-years—more so than ever recorded before.
The trend is under the foot of the gentiles, now the forces of the Antichrist, to be used accordingly, which ware and will be softening up the Jews and the rest of the world, which is called preparatory, for the great invasion. Luke 21. And this is now happening. Let us not take a nap while Satan is busy as a bee doing his thing without hindrance.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Deep-seated coldness: Mental Illness

Deep-seated coldness: Mental Illness

There is a behavior I want to define, have been asked to look at by a number of people from the mountains and valley region in Peru that is not what I’d call uncommon, and just why is it so prevalent? Being a license counselor, and working in this area for 20-years and now retired, and working for the Prison symptom for several years in Minnesota, prior to retiring, the issue was brought to my attention, because I have spent so much time in the Mantaro Valley region, which is surrounded by the Andes. But I must say, this curse of the people is not just of the valley area—as they thought it might be, it is all over Peru, and strong in Lima likewise, perhaps more so.
Actually I find it in at least 20% of the people I have talk to in different degrees while being in Peru these past eight-years, plus. For those who take this as an insult, I suggest you go study human behavior, and then go live and investigate for eight years, these symptoms, and come up with a better prognosis, scenario, than I, not just sit back in your easy chair and say he’s full of it. I find this often the case with those who differ with things they know nothing about, and someone else has looked at pretty closely. You need to read what I have said above, when you conclude what you think below.
Let me repeat, I’ve been to Peru, nine times in eight years, lived here within those ninetimes, perhaps four years, total, of that period, in the mountain regions, I have been in several location in the Andes, perhaps in months or days, I could count four years in the mountains. Although I am a retired counselor, my mind still functions, that is not the retired part of me.

Indifference, I want to look at this word. It is an emotion that lacks emotion; absence of compulsion toward one thing, or person, or event. This emotion in Peru is often referred to folks by other folks who feel they have or lack “No blood in the face,” meaning in North American English: why does it not intimidate, bother them to be confronted with their obnoxious behavior, their violations of what is considered normal. This action, or event, what they did, or didn’t do. The why of it is the puzzling thing? So we are stretching the word indifference are we not, but it is a good word everyone recognizes, and that is important here. But I must dig dipper into this root. Let me now use the word Apathy. But before I dig into the word apathy, I want to also present a pest that fosters this indifference in a person. In the valley region of Peru, Mantaro Valley, and in Lima, and all over there is a high degree of alcoholism, and drug use which deadens the emotional system, that brings the adult mind and freezes it to where it started its norm use, use on a normal bases, meaning, regular use. If you started drinking at age 16-years old, and you are 30-years old today, you are thinking as a 16-year old mind would think, in a 30-year old body. And there is a suppression level increasing inside of your system, called indifference. An example, Billy Carter, President Carter’s brother, no dead, went to the bathroom outside of a passenger jet once, and thought nothing of it, indifference; he was of course an alcoholic. My point being, Billy was numb to the norms of society, he was in his own world. So we see, any area with a high degree of alcohol use over a long period of time will have this kind of indifference impeded into it.
Apathy, absence of emotion, or suppression of it, along with suppression on concern and passion, again, a form of indifference in that we are taking the exciting or moving parts out of a person’s life almost. Example: it doesn’t bother the person to take advantage of, to say one thing and do another, to lie to and then ask for something, to rob this other person in a subtle way, to break an agreement, and go up to him or her, as if nothing has taken place, nothing has happened, and ask him for a hand out because he has more than you. Those who are reading this, and say: what is wrong with that, you need help because it is wrong, but it is not wrong for the person with a mental illness, like alcoholism, or drug use, or simple learned behavior because of family norms, in other words, it is not uncommon for the family, although it is for society. Many people in the mountains area uneducated, or plagued with alcoholism, or simply mentally illness, and we will get further into that in a moment.

What kind of behavior is this? It looks like indifference, and smells like apathy, whatever it is, it is a mental disorder, a connection exists, be it a thread or a rope, and it is connected to schizophrenia (expressing little interest in everything around them; a form of silent depression, if not coupled with some frozen anger). They feel numb to events occurring around them. For example, they are told to do this, or that, paid to do so, and a kind person may make an agreement with them, and they are persuaded to otherwise, and you confront them, and they stand there dumbfounded, as if they were in space, and you say: what is going on with this person, he doesn’t care and I’m addressing an issue, the very one we agreed upon that he or she has changed as if it never existed, and looking you in the eye as if you should have forgotten about the agreement because… of whatever.

One must ask them, what are we seeing here? A lack of wholeness in the physical, mental and emotional area has just taken place. It is not normal, and you know this, they may or may not know this, but it really doesn’t matter, you know this, they are beyond coping with stress, because it is not really stress they are coping with, otherwise you could pinpoint the transitions needed, the needed transition people use when stress is too much, this is not coping this is normal for the person at the time, but at this juncture you are addressing a different issue, which you know is not normal, not under the banner of stress.

Now let’s go onto a third or forth element here, or dimension, depending on how you see things, it is called attitude, which is how you deal with things, it can be a lackness in ones personality, again we have room here to put drugs and alcohol in this picture, if we want to. In the person we are talking about, or people, the conservative 20% figure I gave above, attitude is lacking, or needed to become more positive. If drugs or alcohol are part of the scenario here, it is hard to create a positive attitude unless you stop your usage. We must also remember, apathy is a form of schizophrenia, and drug use and alcohol use, only worsens the symptoms of the mental ill, and one of the linking connections here belongs to a word called dysthymia, a form of depression (and alcoholism is a depressant), often connected to neurotic depression, but I am speaking more in a general terms, not severe. Here we see sad moods, fatigue, insomnia, things like that, even poor food intake.
Some people are mental slow, and learn bad behaviors, and know what you are talking about, and they are doing, but justify it for personal reasons. These people are wicked and use their mental slowness to justify their actions; not the 20% I am talking about, but rather a small portion of that.

So how do I put all of this into a nutshell? I could call it simple learned unresponsiveness, fostered by chemical usage like alcohol, or drugs; and it could be called impeded lack of understanding or simply coldness, deep-seated coldness, that’s the nice terms. But which ever way you look it is really mental illness, and you need help, relearned normal behavior, and one of the first things you need in your life is God, Christ!
