Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Coming War with Russia (Part Two)

The Coming War with Russia
Part Two

In 2005, I wrote a brief article called, “The Coming War with Russia,” it has been read by quite a lot of readers, and picked up by many sites, perhaps I can now do a follow up. In the first article I talk mostly about Russia joining up with Iran, which looks pretty likely now, and China gearing up for the last battle, that is quite obvious, and that the United States likes the idea of remaining in Iraq because it is a buffer zone somewhat. The question might come up, should come up, what is Russia looking at, what would draw the US into a conflict? Surely not Georgia, which Russia has just invaded, but should Israel attack Iran, now, their would be no Russian retaliation, no end of the world scenario one anyhow, but should they attack when Russia decides to tie the knot, and Iran and Russia become one, they would be obligated to strike Israel, with Iran, and the US obligated to assist Israel. But this is my scenario, in simplicity; now let’s look at a real one, a biblical one.

There are several chapters in the Bible that talk about Russia, one being Ezekiel 38. People have interpreted it in several ways, as I suppose I will. And therefore, pray you interpret it right, to me it indicates Russia will rise (it has), then wane (it has), now is this because of the breaking up of its prior status as the Soviet Union? Some say so, others say because of the rising power of China. When I say waning, and rising I meant as a world power. Life on earth has changed since the 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s, the world politics have changed, what the Bible is saying I believe is Russia will be defeated, it may go up and down a hundred times as nations do but we need to look beyond that.
Most of these things we see from day to day are just incidental, as we all know they have enough nuclear power, and weapons, and now oil money to buy more if need be, but if they wish, they could hit every major city with a nuke in the world, tomorrow, so they are a danger in that sense. And in conventional warfare, which most battles nowadays are fought, we see they can mobilize a mass of 25,000-soldiers to invade Georgia in a matter of days. Their capability may have faded, but not for long, so it is a battle we are going to see in he very near future.
In looking at this, I do believe you need to look at it from the vantage point of: 1) are you trying to make something you already know, certified? 2) Or are you willing to look at whatever the Bible says, like it or not.
The ideal way is to not try to make it fit into prophecy, it will or it will not.
So we all know the return of the Jews has taken place, I watched this happen in my life time (a prophecy fortold), to the young reader this may sound like history, which it is but, we are living history if you are over sixty.

In Part one of this scenario, I talk on Gog and the land of Magog, which in essence is Russia. Russia, the words has roots, stems from a Finnish word, meaning rowers of a vessel, And ‘Rosh,’ is a Hebrew word meaning ‘boss.’ (Ezekiel Chapter 27). What comes next in Zech. 14, we see a man trying to lead an army, seize Israel, and this starts a world war.
“…wake up the mighty men, let all men of war draw near: let them come up…” Joel Chapter three.
The superpower here is Gog and Magog, (Rev. 20); the invasion of Palestine by the nations will turn out to be in the long run, the last great battle.
God says to Gog and I shall paraphrase it: are you not the one I foretold would come against my people of Israel? Ezek. 38.
Gog is not a name per se, not of any human being anyway, but when Satan becomes incarnate (personified within flesh) into the Antichrist, he is Gog in the making. His symbol is the dragon. In the book, “The Last Trumpet (and the Woodbridge Demon.)I bring that out more, separating the Beast, the dragon, Satan, Gog, and so forth.

Written 8-13-2008©



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