Sunday, March 23, 2008

Was there Human's Before Adam and Eve?

(Stone Age) And I asked Micha’el another question, for surety the Angelic Renegades who were Watchers over the world at this time, knew and were overlooking those clouds onto earth long before Adam and Eve, and Satan himself most likely was around on earth before the new couple was given life, and God took a rib of his own for Eve, and Micha’el would have been present also, the question being: ‘Who were the Stone Age people? (People living before Adam and Eve, for surely there was, the stone tools are all about, plus there is much more evidence.)”
Actually I had done a book in 2004, called “After Eve,” which deals with this question, but not to any depth, on this so called ape-man, or Stone Age man, and I needed a clearer message, one from heaven, or a holy angel, and Moun’el jumped into the picture again, and said,
“I can tell him Micha’el!”
Micha’el said, “Go ahead.”
And this is what he told me:
“If you believe the first couple lived in a cultural setting, fixed by God, this should not present a problem for your mind (Micha’el kind of gave him a double take on that), if you know the Bible well, it says right in Genesis 1:11-4:20, it tells you all you need to know. Prior to Adam, the earth was not yielding food, no rain, nor anyone to work the ground, nothing cultivated you could say. Adam ate seeds and fruit, that was it (Micha’el interrupts, ‘Get to the point please, we have a journey here to finish!’), when this was all happening, and Cain was around, he continued his father’s occupation, of tilling the soil now, Abel pastured the livestock. We see now Cain’s murder of Abel, and he was banished to a wandering existence, he got out of God, a pass, a kind of ‘go pass’ sign you could say, so he would not get hurt, thus there was people on earth at this time, before Cain. People seem to have a hard time realizing there was an existing world before Adam existed: and Cain found a wife, and settled down. How could this be if there was an empty world? The year 4004 AD, is not God’s date for mankind to have entered the scene, it is Archbishop Ussher’s date, which brought this to light in the 17th century. You can see the gaps in the genealogical lists in Genesis Chapter five. By the time Adam was born there were perhaps five-million inhabitants on earth; and when Cain took his wanderings, perhaps double that if not five times that amount, up to 90-million inhabitants, Cain had every reason to worry about his wanderings about. Adam was perhaps born at the dawn of the Neolithic age, perhaps 8,000- BC, or later.”

(Note: according to the Sumerians (Larsa list No. I,) Kings-list, Ch. II, before the Great Flood, there were eight-kings, and five cities during those days, the first being A-lu-lim from the city of NUN KI, and the last (?) du-du of Suruppak, his region lasted 18,600-years, and all eight kings consumed 241,200-years. Then the first dynasty after the flood the regions and length of the kings are less, yet GA-UR lives 1200-years in what was known as Kish, Gilgamesh would conquer this land in times to come. The Sumerian history is said to be linked to an angelic legacy.)



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