Friday, March 23, 2007

Till Thou Cometh Again (And Commentary on: Rewriting Jesus))

Till Thou Cometh Again

But it is for you, I will sing of the fool.
I will sing of the black birds
In the deep pits of hell,
The stars that are lit, that never tells.
I will sing of the moon.
…eh? …they mostly have burnt eyes.
Pests! I will sing their songs too?
As their charcoal fingers clutch through
The crevices;
Satan, Satan,
Stately praises meet unto thy passion?
Hear a word—death!
Pass it on
Unto the dead, “I makyth my heart for the living!”

#1761 3-24-2007

Note: A song-poem, I do believe it can be sung, or simply read, with a small compact insight; here, in short, is the indispensable minimum, and introduction into the realms of the undetermined world of a poet’s edge, my rim between earth and hell, and heaven, and who knows where else. The lyric has a technique, fresh insight, I do trust. We live in a vacuum that ripples into other unknown dimensions, circles of other existences, so I do believe, between multilayered existences: we are not the only ones here, in essence, on earth. Even Satan, and the hordes of hell, surely acknowledges this as they time their feasts accordingly, and do their tasks likewise, whatever they may be, what they must do for whatever reasons, avoiding clashes I would think with other unacquainted realms, as we earthlings, go on with life.

Commentary on: Rewriting Jesus

Most everything written today about Jesus Christ comes under “Speculative History,” tales told by those writers who have no discipline, no facts, so quickly written, simply to get their name in the spotlight. We have produced a generation of poor academic – sensationalism.
They get a big paycheck, go on a TV show, win a popularity contest, only to see their book of Science Fiction, produce a high for them, and thrown into the nearest basket of rubbish. These are the writers of a generation that got stock somehow in-between Adam and the Australopithecine Man (of the so called Pleistocene epoch, a million years ago)) from the 1970s)), now in their 40s, the new unintelligible banana beat.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Evolution, what a pity for Humankind

Evolution, what a pity for Humankind

I know, here we go again; this is one of those ongoing subjects (Evolution), that no one seems to be able to put to rest. In college I took up Anthropology so I could study this area somewhat, and ended up shifting to psychology, perhaps because I got too much of a dose of the Evolutionist’ point of view. Anyhow, during my graduate studies, I shift to Theology, and studied Christology, and such things, the New Testament, as well as all the religions of the world, and guess what; I went back to psychology again. Please be patient with me, there is a message here (if not two) coming, but I must let you know, this is not a fly by night thought, coming out of my head, perhaps repressed for a while though. I even went to the Galapagos, and with as amazing as the trip was, shifting from one island to the next, it only brought me closer to God, not Darwin.
Let’s admit it, Evolutionists have adopted their beliefs (which are beliefs, not scientific) as a religion. They will not admit it, but it is true. Evolution has not proven one fact, except to say: Evolution is a fact, to accommodate the books we read now in school. When I was a kid, this religion called Evolution, did not exist, as a faith: faith being, something you have to believe in, not necessary proven.
On the other hand, did Christ exist? There is more proof that Christ did exist, than Alexander the Great. Did he walk on water? People say he did, but I didn’t see him, but then I didn’t see our astronauts walk on the moon either (in person), it was telecast on TV, 1969, I sat in a bar in San Francisco and watched it, it could have been special effects, but I will have to take it by faith, and believe the United States would not pull such a stunt.
So if we believe in Evolution, the way the Evolutionists want us to, how does nature come into the picture, I mean, is it compatible, that is to say, does thermodynamics which is the basic laws of the universe conflict here, that all you see, breathing, and rotating, and eating, and growing, and so forth and on, happened by chance. They have no answer of course for this. The probability here, that it happened by chance, is zero.
Darwin, his name always comes up when I’m in this area, the man of the hour you could say, who said in so many words, between this and that, were a whole lot of minute transitional forms; the problem was, he simply never found any of these transitional forms. I mean, the man of the hour said in so many words: there should be billions of these creatures; a theory, like the unicorn, which is really probably the rhinoceros incognito.
So where do I want to take you will my thoughts and this article here on Evolution: my friend, this theory called Evolution, does not even have plausibility (it is not believable, likely to be true, and absence of proof). We have been forced feed this concept for so long we think it is fact. It is like telling someone, a kid, he likes Ginny pig (which is a food eaten in Peru, expensive), when in essence he hates it and he hears it so much, he starts to believe, the unbelievable: he says, ‘…yaw, I like it.’
My second and main point is: Christians need to become more informed on evolution. I am not advocating, the creation theory be taught in its place, perhaps neither one should be taught in a public school, it is the job for the parents I do believe to teach their children in such matters, not the state, like communism was, but to be informed is only wise.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

"Please, don't foreget me!" [Letters from a dying man in Prison]

“Please, don’t forget me!”
[Letters from a dying man in Prison]

You ever do something you’re not sure of being comfortable with, then forget about it for nine-years only to wake up out of bed and say, ‘Hay, I remember him,’ and then you’re not sure of why he came to your mind, and is it worth more of your time. Oh well, this is that kind of a story. A true story and I will try to put it together the best I can, from the letters he wrote me during a twelve month period, from 1997-1998, there about.
I was working for the Volunteers of America, in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the time, as a Counselor, and Case Manager, for Federal prisoners (BOP), inmates that would come out of prison, conditionally, to find work, normally, a year before their time was up, and sometimes, six to three months (let me add, before I go on with this story, I do not support the VOA, or Volunteers of America, nor their philosophy, I think for the most part, it is a farce ((from what I’ve seen)), and much wrong was going on at that facility, when I worked there, I did not care for, and it was overlooked inmost cases by the higher ups, you couldn’t tell whom the inmates were from the staff: or whom were the better or worse crooks, was a good question).
Anyhow, I got a letter from an Amnesty International organization, I shall not pinpoint them, or their name, as I will also leave out the prison’s name, and the two people involved with this story. Again I say, I was sent this letter from Amnesty, whom was trying to get a reprieve for this certain person in prison going on ten-years, for being falsely accused of murder. He was a native of the Philippine islands, and around the mid 1980s, to the later part this took place, as a youth he was involved with a rebel group.
Now before I get into the letters of this man he sent me, which really is the premise of this story, likened to the VOA, the Amnesty, was not upfront with me about this man—not a fare player, not honest, deleted information as if to make their quest more justifiable, (I have been likened to a guard, and a soldier, so I’ve been on both sides of the fence here) and I have little respect for them because of that, nor would I support them in the future, although I did support these two men, in particular one, we shall call him Jose, his friend, Manual.
When I started writing Jose, he admitted he had a dictionary, English, and for me to be patient with him and his English; each word he wrote was big in the beginning, and sometimes misspelled, and the letters went on for two to three pages because of that, had they not been so big, they would have fit on one page.
In the first three months of his letters, they were rather skimpy, and I asked him to be more forthright with what was taking place with him, now, in the past, and what was his future outlook, especially since I was sending a few dollars his way, not much, for his extras he could purchase at the prison, such as cigarettes, and pencils and paper, est.
During this time he introduced me to his friend, Manual, and asked me to help him financially also, and I did send him a small check once, but it was only once, and that was it, I did not feel good about supporting his friend, and perhaps a lover, as he often seemed to express deep emotion for him (so this is conjecture on my part).
Anyhow, during the following nine months, he answered a lot of questions, some of the stuff was blacked out, but he was honest, and he said the guards would show the letters to their friends, and laugh all the way to the sensor (the person who would reread the letters to insure they were proper), which they blacken some of the stuff out, and left, surprisingly, a lot in (and under light I could read through the blackout parts, for the part). Perhaps they left much of it in, knowing it would not help him anyhow.
Too, I sent a letter, two letters to the President of the Philippines at that time, asking for them to review his crime, his case, that I understood it to be false. I received two letters back, one stating, they were looking into his situation, that he had caused some trouble during his stay in the prison, and it was hard to assure me of anything. The second letter told me almost the same news, but added he was being moved to another prison in the near future. That is when I lost track of him. But they also mentioned something serious also, that seemed to be hindering his case.

[The Letters] The letters acknowledged he did kill a soldier of the Philippines’ Army, which Amnesty did not consider murder, and the Government of the Philippines, considered otherwise. Jose, said he was with a rebel group at this time, trying to overthrow the government that is when he met, Manual. He had the perspective, perhaps the same one I had, soldier against soldier; I mean, Jose was fighting a cause he believe in, and he admitted it, and he was taken prisoner of war, as he said in so many words, plus he said: I deserve to be here, but not the death penalty, because I was a soldier, I simply was on the losing side. How true this was, but this was not the entire story. As a counselor, I never stop digging, and I usually find out more facts, facts, people want to delete at first, or generalize.
In one letter I confronted him with his actions in prison. He said in so many words: I’ve been here going on ten years, ten long years, I got in some fights, and I was again young, but must I be punished all my adult life for what I did in my youth. I asked him what he did, and he said he killed a guard, in self defense. He, nor the prison warden, whom I wrote would give me the facts; I suppose if he did, or they did, it might not help their cases, and it seemed there was two sides to the story, so he felt. So I was getting distortions, in addition to generalizations and deletions; if not from the prison warden, or Jose, the President’s writers, or helpers.
He continued to tell me about Manual, as if I cared, and to be quite honest, I didn’t all that much. But I knew he was lonely, so I left that issue alone, although I suppose it bothered me, he put him into each letter, at least a sentence, if not a few paragraphs. I tried not to show my distaste for that, and I don’t think he figured it out; he had enough problems without my biases.
About, in the middle of the process of sending back and forth letters, he talked about his early prison days. Here is what he said, I shall try to write it as I remember it, for I have only two letters left from him, whereas I had perhaps a dozen he sent at one time (I must rely on memory, mostly). He said they tortured him, burnt him with cigarettes to see who could burn a hole threw his flesh the fastest, a game, if I recall right, it was sometimes to the bone, and infection would seep in and he’d end up in the infirmary; no questions asked.
In other letters he described a chair, it seemed to me to be a common wooden chair, where he would sit in it, or on it, naked, and his arm, one arm, would be twisted in-between two wooden bars, that you would normally rest your back on, and the right leg, twisted between the legs of the chair, twisted and tied in some jacquard position, and left there for several hours, if not longer.
In another torture I had never heard of up to this point was, he’d be laid down on a bed, or bench of some sort, and his hand, one hand chained around the upper part of the bench, or bed, and his leg chained around the upper part of the foot or ankle, and tied round the leg of the bench or bed (I say bench or bed, because I can’t remember which one, if not both were used). Anyhow, here he would lay on the wooden surface for several hours, his hand being stretched upward, holding the weight of his body hanging downward, so his torso could not lay flat on the wooden surface—the bed part, and his leg stretched to its limit at the end of the item he was laying on, so he would get cramps in them, and not be able to do a thing, but suffer.

[Concluding statement] I’m not sure what is right and wrong in this case, he killed a guard, a friend I’m sure of the other guards, and they wanted revenge. He killed in war, which it seems, was more forgivable than his killing of the guard, so I’m told. And being a soldier, of Vietnam, I can understand part of this. But here was a youth, who lost it, will perhaps never know who Shakespeare was, or Thueydides, or Herodotus, the historian, or read Robert Frost’s poetry, or Homer, Villon, Catullus, although he sent me a poem once, saying “Please, don’t forget me!” I never told him I wrote, it was not part of our drama, our mixed up drama, it was his show, not mine, and so I dedicate this story to him, wherever he may be, and he very well may be dead for all I know. It is, this story, I make out, not as diverse as I could make it, almost expressionless, where I could have developed this text much more, justify, or try to, his stand if I wanted to, but it seems to me a nuisance, why? A man cannot clearly understand or grasp certain things unless he experiences them, and I haven’t in this case, only on the soldier side, and his facts; other people are involved, the family of the soldier. Maybe he deserved death, maybe not.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Host of Easter (and commentary on the undercurrents of poetry)

The Host of Easter

Easter, the flower of the season, pleases me
I hear the tweeting of the birds, in the condensed city
from the rooftop of my house, I see the city’s meadows
boroughs, sections, districts and all; houses like
tents, and buildings like pavilions, not much
green, but a great season of joy.
It pleases me to see it coming
Wtih host of heaven.

It pleases me to think and see
The Lord of Lords, the Host of Heaven, on His
Horse, fearless, armed heroic vassalage of God,
Subordinate to nobody but his being;
My eyes follow him exultingly,
From the grave
To victory!

Ah, yes, there I stand, battle axe and sword
A-battering shield, entering melee, by the
Lord of Lords; I tell you, He, delights
In putting to sleep the feudal kings
That torments the souls
Afflict disastrously
His show!

No man has known such bitter despair
Nor any place with such horror
Than to be smitten by the
Hand of The

#1720 3-6-2007

Note (commentary: Separate Excitement): if you are looking for the poet inside the poem, look for the undercurrent he has left, the continuous undercurrent of feeling, it should be everywhere, but seldom does anyone look for it, it is called separate excitement; or poetic art, Yeats uses it. If you missed the fountain and the beauty, and the exact riming in the poem, which is sometimes called ‘duty,’ I didn’t put it in for various reasons, I do not take pleasure in the corresponding banalities (or ordinariness), as much as I used to. Yet I have not gone too fare to the other extreme either, allowance can be made for the unfriendliness of our times, I do believe. Today we do not ride the didactic horse to death, as they did a millennium ago, nor can anyone stand the verbosity of that era.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Islam, a horn from the Devil

Islam, a horn from the Devil

I wrote a book a number of years ago, called, “Islam, In Search of Satan’s Rib,” it did quite well, and it talked about: before you judge Islam, you got to know their mind, and to know their mind; you got to know their God. And so in the process of the book, we look for the Islamic God, the Muslims’ mind in essence is tied up in such a wrapping; likewise in the following case.
Now we see, even deeper into this mind, when we look at the only peaceful religious affiliate (or link) in all of the Islamic Kingdoms, under torture by their own people (likened to the American Indian, these people were in Iraq, or the Middle East at the time of Adam, long before the devil thought about Islam; whom might replace all Earth’s religions), the old ancient ethnic religious group—perhaps in existence, whom Islam wants to kill out, obliterate because they desire a peaceful coexistence with man, now what doses this tell you. A lot of folks will not publish this article, in fear Islam and the devil will bark back, but let’s see. There is a message here you know, and it is not hidden; only the blind will may miss it, and even those folks should get the idea. It is on the surface, not hidden underground, the Iraq's Mandaeans (or the Iranians, or Syrians, or the rest of the Middle east); so here is the voice of God in the form of Islam speaking: (which doesn’t really surprise me): “…kill, kill, kill…” now where did I hear that before, how about from Syria to Iran (both wanting to exterminate Israel), and Iran, Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East wanted to sit ablaze America and Europe, for the love of God. These folks believe in Christ, Noah, and Adam and this is their only sin.
Now you might be saying: you’re kind of hard on Islam now Dennis biased perhaps. The truth of the matter is, if the shoe fits, it simple fits, and most likely belongs to you, in this case Islam. Where you see smoke, there is fire, not a hot dog roast going on.
These folks are peaceful, but it is obvious Islam does not want peacefulness in their vicinity, war would be the better choice it seems, and once they get it, as they have from America and Israel, they bellyache about it. It is like a price fighter saying I want to fight the Champion of the world, but tie his hands first (it is only fair you know; see the mind set here). Next they say, we will show you how tough we are. Fighting the Mandaeans should not be something to boast about, it is like fighting a little girl at five years old crippled, I would be shamed to tell someone, and surely embarrassed to sit at a table and eat by my sons. They have scared them, raped them and murdered them. And here is Islam killing fifteen police officers for raping, and they go on an orgy doing it with the Mandaeans (is this not a double standard, rape them, but not us), I want to call them cowards but that is not the word I’m looking for, but their God is surely different than my God, and thank God for that, I think their’s have a horn from the Devil.