Evolution, what a pity for Humankind
Evolution, what a pity for Humankind
I know, here we go again; this is one of those ongoing subjects (Evolution), that no one seems to be able to put to rest. In college I took up Anthropology so I could study this area somewhat, and ended up shifting to psychology, perhaps because I got too much of a dose of the Evolutionist’ point of view. Anyhow, during my graduate studies, I shift to Theology, and studied Christology, and such things, the New Testament, as well as all the religions of the world, and guess what; I went back to psychology again. Please be patient with me, there is a message here (if not two) coming, but I must let you know, this is not a fly by night thought, coming out of my head, perhaps repressed for a while though. I even went to the Galapagos, and with as amazing as the trip was, shifting from one island to the next, it only brought me closer to God, not Darwin.
Let’s admit it, Evolutionists have adopted their beliefs (which are beliefs, not scientific) as a religion. They will not admit it, but it is true. Evolution has not proven one fact, except to say: Evolution is a fact, to accommodate the books we read now in school. When I was a kid, this religion called Evolution, did not exist, as a faith: faith being, something you have to believe in, not necessary proven.
On the other hand, did Christ exist? There is more proof that Christ did exist, than Alexander the Great. Did he walk on water? People say he did, but I didn’t see him, but then I didn’t see our astronauts walk on the moon either (in person), it was telecast on TV, 1969, I sat in a bar in San Francisco and watched it, it could have been special effects, but I will have to take it by faith, and believe the United States would not pull such a stunt.
So if we believe in Evolution, the way the Evolutionists want us to, how does nature come into the picture, I mean, is it compatible, that is to say, does thermodynamics which is the basic laws of the universe conflict here, that all you see, breathing, and rotating, and eating, and growing, and so forth and on, happened by chance. They have no answer of course for this. The probability here, that it happened by chance, is zero.
Darwin, his name always comes up when I’m in this area, the man of the hour you could say, who said in so many words, between this and that, were a whole lot of minute transitional forms; the problem was, he simply never found any of these transitional forms. I mean, the man of the hour said in so many words: there should be billions of these creatures; a theory, like the unicorn, which is really probably the rhinoceros incognito.
So where do I want to take you will my thoughts and this article here on Evolution: my friend, this theory called Evolution, does not even have plausibility (it is not believable, likely to be true, and absence of proof). We have been forced feed this concept for so long we think it is fact. It is like telling someone, a kid, he likes Ginny pig (which is a food eaten in Peru, expensive), when in essence he hates it and he hears it so much, he starts to believe, the unbelievable: he says, ‘…yaw, I like it.’
My second and main point is: Christians need to become more informed on evolution. I am not advocating, the creation theory be taught in its place, perhaps neither one should be taught in a public school, it is the job for the parents I do believe to teach their children in such matters, not the state, like communism was, but to be informed is only wise.
I know, here we go again; this is one of those ongoing subjects (Evolution), that no one seems to be able to put to rest. In college I took up Anthropology so I could study this area somewhat, and ended up shifting to psychology, perhaps because I got too much of a dose of the Evolutionist’ point of view. Anyhow, during my graduate studies, I shift to Theology, and studied Christology, and such things, the New Testament, as well as all the religions of the world, and guess what; I went back to psychology again. Please be patient with me, there is a message here (if not two) coming, but I must let you know, this is not a fly by night thought, coming out of my head, perhaps repressed for a while though. I even went to the Galapagos, and with as amazing as the trip was, shifting from one island to the next, it only brought me closer to God, not Darwin.
Let’s admit it, Evolutionists have adopted their beliefs (which are beliefs, not scientific) as a religion. They will not admit it, but it is true. Evolution has not proven one fact, except to say: Evolution is a fact, to accommodate the books we read now in school. When I was a kid, this religion called Evolution, did not exist, as a faith: faith being, something you have to believe in, not necessary proven.
On the other hand, did Christ exist? There is more proof that Christ did exist, than Alexander the Great. Did he walk on water? People say he did, but I didn’t see him, but then I didn’t see our astronauts walk on the moon either (in person), it was telecast on TV, 1969, I sat in a bar in San Francisco and watched it, it could have been special effects, but I will have to take it by faith, and believe the United States would not pull such a stunt.
So if we believe in Evolution, the way the Evolutionists want us to, how does nature come into the picture, I mean, is it compatible, that is to say, does thermodynamics which is the basic laws of the universe conflict here, that all you see, breathing, and rotating, and eating, and growing, and so forth and on, happened by chance. They have no answer of course for this. The probability here, that it happened by chance, is zero.
Darwin, his name always comes up when I’m in this area, the man of the hour you could say, who said in so many words, between this and that, were a whole lot of minute transitional forms; the problem was, he simply never found any of these transitional forms. I mean, the man of the hour said in so many words: there should be billions of these creatures; a theory, like the unicorn, which is really probably the rhinoceros incognito.
So where do I want to take you will my thoughts and this article here on Evolution: my friend, this theory called Evolution, does not even have plausibility (it is not believable, likely to be true, and absence of proof). We have been forced feed this concept for so long we think it is fact. It is like telling someone, a kid, he likes Ginny pig (which is a food eaten in Peru, expensive), when in essence he hates it and he hears it so much, he starts to believe, the unbelievable: he says, ‘…yaw, I like it.’
My second and main point is: Christians need to become more informed on evolution. I am not advocating, the creation theory be taught in its place, perhaps neither one should be taught in a public school, it is the job for the parents I do believe to teach their children in such matters, not the state, like communism was, but to be informed is only wise.
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