Outlining Islam
For the Christian
Point one: Historical Note: Where does
the truth lie? That is, if we are
looking for the truth. Islam is the name
of the Religion, 2nd largest in the world: it infers to submit to
God’s will, whatever that may be, it might be pointed out: and by whom? The follower of Islam is the proclaimed
Muslim, and s/he is supposed to follow the Koran (The Holy Qur’an), and not
change it to his will, which so often we see. It is their bible. There are
misunderstandings perhaps on both sides of the fence, Christian and Muslim, if
not even for the Jew.
The Koran is an Arabic text, therefore English
translations my change from one to another, plus, one must take into
consideration, the versions or translations of the Koran may differ, actually are
different in form, considering the three sects involved: Sunni, Shi’ite, and
Muhammad (or Mohammed) was born in the city of
Mecca in Arabia, the founder of the religion, and perhaps today, there are over
a billion Muslims in the world; therefore it is an important religion: and
let’s not forget, they have a lot of influence with their oil, and this creates
power. Islam has integrated over forty-countries, the world over. It has
influenced Europe immensely, becoming the second largest religion there,
especially in: England, France and Germany. In America, we can see Islam
heavily in Chicago, Los Angeles, over 1200-mosques throughout the United
Islam became Islam, beginning in 610 A .D. Muhammad could not read or write, thus, he
received these revelations by an archangel, so it is said, and memorized them,
later on written down. It would seem the
character of Muhammad is both complex and contradictory, and appeared to have
gathered much of his insight by fasting, and dreams. We must all agree he was a
born leader, even though at times he could be cruel and vindictive to his
enemies, as we see Islam is today. Although on the other hand he could be
generous, resolute. Perhaps a shrewd judge, and stooping to assassinations he
had no qualms with; again as we see many Islamic countries do today, perhaps we
can include the United States, Russia and China in this circle also (that being
Christians and Atheists likewise). Thus,
by and large, Islam became Islam by supernatural revelations received by
Point two: Issues with Islam for Christians: Muslims believe in Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and
Jesus, and the Seal of the Prophets being Muhammad. The issue comes in for the
Christian, that Jesus was the Seal of the Prophets, and part of the Trinity,
this is contrary to Islam. Muslims have five fundamental duties; no need to go
over them, only that, one implies, Muhammad is his prophet, which Christians
and Jews do not accept. Nor do Christians or Jews, or Hindus or anyone else for
that fact accept this as truth, but the Muslim. They fast during the month of
Ramadan, where as Christians fast during Lent. They must make a pilgrimage to Mecca;
again this is only an Islamic requirement. The Jihad comes into focus here
also—which is in essence (and over used to my belief): defending Islam. Saddam
Hussein not being much different than bin Laden or other dictators in Middle
East countries, all supported the takeover of America, or war against America,
by terrorist attacks.
Allah being the view of the Muslim, the only true
God, and the true religion is Islam, that is why they want to convert the world
to Islam, as does the Christian of course, want to do the same, this is an
unvoiced conflict, and perhaps race; but once studied, Allah is most defiantly
different than the God of Christian faith. In that, Allah is one in one or the
only one in the Godhead, where as the Trinity in Christendom, there are three
persons in one. Thus, this makes the
rest of the world unbelievers to Islam: “No god is there but one God,” says the
Koran. We can see plainly, the Muslim God, His character is different than the
Biblical God, An example being: of the 99-names for Allah, not one is Love. The
bible stresses God does love the sinner, we see that in Christ going to the
cross for mankind, but Allah, does not love the sinner. Allah is both the
author of Good and Evil, the biblical God is not.
One can bring this one step higher by saying: “Who
is really Allah in Islam?” I mean he was unheard of up to 610 A .D. then discovered. He
is in essence, remote in the past, an unknown God for 10,000-years, and then he
appears. Something seemingly is incomplete here, unregistered. On another
point, Christians can have a relationship with God, even feel his presence. On
the other hand, it would appear to Muslims, Allah has not revealed himself,
rather his desires and wishes, his well per se.
In searching for Allah, I cannot find his personality, it is
indescribable one might conclude. In Christendom this is not so; matter of fact
if you study Jesus, or Christology, you will discover a relational persona
claimed or connected to God, or the Trinity. Allah seemingly is dependent on
his own creation; the Christian God is not.
Point three: Jesus Christ vs. Islam: what does
Islam have to say about Jesus Christ?
I’ve already inferred they believe Him to be one of the great prophets,
they even praise Him on one hand, and unlike the Jew, they accept him as the
Messiah, that is, “As the word of Allah”. But this is the Islamic Jesus, not
the Biblical Jesus, that He is the Son of God, He is man’s salvation. Muslims
reject this, so the Koran infers time and again. Thus, to the Muslim, the Christian
view of Jesus Christ being the Son of God, puts all Christianity into a box of
literal blasphemy: “They do blaspheme who say ‘God is Christ the son of
Mary.’…” (An unforgivable sin.) Sura
Much like the Jew, the Muslims teach, or Islam teaches:
forgiveness is conditioned upon good works, and Allah’s mercy. Of course we all
have learned, the Ten-commandments were given to mankind to show him, he cannot
keep them, thus, that was the reason for Christ, to shed pure blood, instead of
goat’s blood and once and for all do away with, self-righteousness. Anyhow, salvation according to the bible is by Grace thru
Faith: John 6: 47: “Truly, truly, I say
unto you he that believes on me has everlasting life.” On the other hand, if
you do not want to do good works, how can you, say you are of Christ? Or as it
is stated in the Bible, “Faith without good works is dead.” One can fool
themselves into a false salvation.
In Closing: let me say,
some Christians believe Muslims and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists will never
reach heaven. How false this is. We must look at intent. I do believe: if your
intent is pure and you have charity in your heart you need not worry, you need
not fear. You will end up in Paradise, and then there you will get to know the
Messiah, and thus, once you accept Him as Lord and Savior, the doors of Heaven
will open. If still you can’t, perhaps you will remain in Paradise. There is a
difference between Paradise and Heaven. In Paradise one is still tarnished.
Paradise is where Abraham went to wait for the Messiah; on the other hand,
Heaven is strictly for the pure, the cleansed, and only those who know the
Messiah and has been purified by his blood can go automatically. Why? Because he was the lamb, the sacrifice
for humankind, because we could not keep the Ten-commandments, none of us
could, or can, implying us that are still alive, cannot, just try for day and
#978 (Commentary, 12-5-2012)