The Worse Presidency: Obama's
The Worse Presidency: Obama’s
I can’t keep count of the articles I’ve been writing on this guy (B. Hussein Obama), the most incompetent, incumbent president the United States has ever had, and never should have been a candidate for presidency—if it wasn’t for the whim of the media, he’d never would have made it. He not only threatens bringing America to her knees (which he has almost already: it will not take much more of him to do the job complete), but the world at large. Since we can’t change presidents, we can change congress—and hence, change the rules, and take away that magic wane he thinks he has. He’s an Arab in sheep’s clothing, not a Christian by far as he proclaims, and the biggest fraud put on stage to entice the American I’ve seen in my sixty-three years on this earth.
Dennis L. Siluk