Saturday, May 31, 2008

The King Thing (Poetic prose)

The King Thing

If you take out all light, you get pure darkens, if you take out all darkness you get pure light, if you take out all the warmth from the universe, from earth, from a human being, you get pure cold, if you take out all the cold, you get pure heat…if you say you know God, then know that he is pure light, and through nothingness created you, and put you into a universe he created out of nothingness; and from light, and heat, and cold, and darkness, we were sent into, and thus, now we stumble between these elements, light, dark, cold and heat, things, because of sin, these are elements, parts to things, for all that is, are things, and we look and we touch, and we smell and we hear things, things that pass by us, away, little things and big things, just things, things that come out of us, come to us, circle around us, invade us, consume us, possess us, who is the king of things? There must be a king, the ruler of things. Before you take the thing, try the thing, because the world now has so many things, and false prophets, the flesh can no longer overcome things. We all have become little gods of things, with so many things, we no longer hear the spirit inside of us, it is saying ‘Here is an error, let no man deceive you, for you have been deceived by things.’ There is no more compassion, now they slew the brother, the mother; the children wait outside the hospital room for the father to die, so they can collect more things. The children of today, and tomorrow, and yesterday, go from one thing to another thing, they hate not being compensated unto their heart’s desire with things, they want their life cramped with so many things, a grasshopper couldn’t fit in it afterwards, let along God. And he goes to pray, to his god (and who is really his go?) and says, “I love you, but I want more things,” and he takes from his neighbor, and says “I need them more than you,” and a voice says, “It is easy to love those who love you, who are lovable, who give you things, that is not a perfect love (try to love the unlovable), it is a thing you need to replace something you lost, love needs no returns, no things to replace something: now the he asks for receipts, he is keeping count. Love is often a one way street and nowadays all we seem to have are two-way highways, and the preacher man says: I shall speak for, and he tells his people to vote for this man, or that man, thinking he is replacing God, speaking for God, because he wants things… not even he, can escape the dead dog, and find a live lion because he has lost the scent.

5-31-2008 (No: 2389)


Sharon Stone and the Big Boys from China

Sharon Stone
and the Big Boys from China

I liked Sharon Stone when she didn’t apologize for her so called unspoken remarks, now a mistake she says, by telling the Chinese they got what they deserved from God, for trying to hurt the Dalai Lama, you see she was perhaps mostly right, God does throw stones in our pathway to get our attention. The reason China doesn’t understand this, is because China is not an advocate of or for God’s opinion, they really do not care one way or the other about God, they just want to be God; so they blame it on someone they can’t bully, who does believe in God. They do not see the wrongs they are doing. Sharon, I think should have stuck to her guns, she had some wisdom to share. It is sad that so many lives have been lost in China’s earth quake, but that is beside the point, I mean China has been said to have killed over a million Tibetans thus far, since 1959. Does China think God is going to reward them for killing over one million Tibetans up to date, or by trying to bully Taiwan? If I was God, and I am not, that earthquake would be right up my ally, I mean it would be something I’d use to get their attention; the peoples attention. I am sure her manager is sorry, she said what she said, he will lose some money over this, China will expel Sharon’s advertisements, and there you go a few million in endorsements down the Yangtze. Is everything about fame and fortune, I mean don’t we say what we mean, or only say what you want they want to hear. There is a price, in such things, and we have to count that before we say what we say, and Sharon meant every word I’m sure, and even her apology did no good, because China is not a forgive god, they will stop, not allow their people to buy her products, so she apologized for nothing, and in the process lost her respect. I respected her much more, for what it is worth, and not much in paper money, but it sure beats being a puppet for the regime.

Sharon was not blaming the people of China, per se, only the Government, and when a government is allowed to do what China does, perhaps God does look down and is saying: let my people go, let them be free, let Tibet breath. But a robber is never satisfied with what they got, if they know they can take more by force what you can’t secure. China now is in the Japanese sea, taking Japanese oil, and a debate is underway right now. China is in Kazakhstan, building an oil pipe line, and Russia is not happy, but does China care, I doubt it. China is selling their mechanize on through the WTO, that the United States help them become a member of, and now is undermining Europe and America, flooding the world with cheap labor items, and building a nuclear arsenal with the receipts, while spying and getting technology on and from the US. China will not let the world have Taiwan, officials as guests in their own countries, and the USA is one who goes along with it like Sharon has just did, shame on both of them.
So when Sharon Stone says: maybe God has had his fill of China for a while, or enough is enough of their meddling and insults, I want there attention, well maybe she’s right, he did send an earthquake. And to be quiet frank, I think China better look at what Sharon said, all those trimmers in-between is perhaps God trying to clear his throat, and when he does, I want to be far away.


Friday, May 09, 2008

Israel: Happy Birthday (May, 2008)

Israel and I have one thing surely in common, I am 60, and so is Israel, sort of.
I also have a signed copy of the book “Israel a Personal History,” 1971, by David Ben-Gurion; one of 2000 copies printed, by “Funk & Wagnalls, Inc., New York. He was the granddaddy of all the leaders that would follow him to this day, so I believe. He was even born in the same month I was, October 16, 1886, I was born October 7, 1947, in Plonsk, Russian Poland, my grandfather was Russian, and grandmother Polish, and I was born an America. Perhaps he like I had a life time of studies; and I know he, like I traveled a lot, Mr. Ben-Gurion to most of Europe, and North and South America, as I have, also Africa. But his mission in life was different than mine, I am a simple poet, he was anything but simple, I think intentionally or unintentionally, he invoked into the New Jewish Nation, of the 40s and onward, a breathed of new life into its inhabitants, if not a presence of mission, and a spiritual rebirth.
He explains in his book, how Israel’s Ancient neighbors were Egypt and Babylon, and how they both had , surpassed Israel in population, wealth, and military power as well as territory. I got the impression he did not like the dilution and influences that came along with befriending his enemies, when the rest of the world had to endure to them also. He goes on to say everything has changed since then, and surely it has.
But what I liked most of all, was what he said, and I shall paraphrase it: No nation (in its 4000-year history) was able to assimilate the Jewish nation into their culture for all their richness. Giving an example of the Greeks and Persians (and if I may add, even the Inca of Peru), absorbed so many other cultures into theirs. He adds in his narration, Christianity was its most difficult threat to deal with, and I am a Christian, not a Jew—he says it like this ‘Christianity …was a threat to Jewish survival…’ and I guess I never thought of it that way, and perhaps it was, but I do not even think God wanted Jews to be Christians, only for the Jews to acknowledge their mission, and in my eyes, they missed the target, and tried to hide God from everyone else, and when Christians found him, well, jealousy can be a hard apple to swallow.
Anyhow, Christianity did not rob Judaism, and I think Mr. Gurion would be proud of many of the accomplishments Israel has achieved; alas, there are also a few he would most likely say “That is not want I figured on”; but happy birthday, Israel—you deserve it at 60.


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Who Needs’ God? (poetic prose)

God doesn’t care if you believe he exists, he doesn’t need to, never has had to, and even if he didn’t exist, you would hope he did. On the other hand, why do you think he needs to impress you with saying here I am? Your mind has said he is, and thus he does.
You possess him, because you need him, not he you. He has given you the pleasures of being one of his many creations, and he happened to put you on earth, through a process of delivery; we have of course made a decision along this course of his action, to survive, and maintain a line of existence within our race, or species.
Repugnant as we may be to him, and we surely are, he puts up with us, either for a laugh, or to shake his head at 90% of us and say: “Unbelievable” (and in shock continues to watch in astonishment at our behavior).
Furthermore, sadly enough, we want to own everything, even though we will leave this earth with nothing, as we came, so God must be saying I’m sure, “What good is ownership, at such a price?” For often times we dearly for it; I am sure again this comes under ‘Astonishment of our behavior!”
Looking down the threshold of existence, love comes to mind, love being from love, greed from greed, all belonging to its own circle, and death I suppose is the same, why would the semantics change, meaning: the assassin will be with his kind, this is a God preserved right to place the same kind of bricks on top of one another—just like our balanced universe; each unto his own. That is to say, ‘no good comes out of bad,’ thus in time, separate them if not for the sake of penitence, for the sake contamination.
Therefore, the privileges’ of being God, are many: he creates the shadow, and it is gray, perhaps elsewhere it is green, God put immense depths of thought into his overall creation for man, and somewhere along the line, he put in a capsule called, extinction, to reminded us, what is possible, or what might be possible, that we owe some kind responsibility for being put on earth’s surface.
There was a time, in earth’s archeological strata, where the human race came close to extinction, only 2000-humans left. But somehow we managed to survive through that period of time (70,000 BC).
So God says: “Believe what you will “for upon your death that is what you take with you” (but on our deathbed this is not what we want to take with us, we want assurance we will go to heaven; I mean, let bygones be bygones here on earth). But the fact is, you were no good on earth, and what makes you think you’ll be any better in heaven? But we think like that don’t we. We are all going to heaven, right—wrong!! (That is like saying we are all going to be president, or Elvis, or something on that grid line.) You will be who you are when you die, God knows this, and so do you.
And then he gives you and ounce of faith, if you take it, it is best you do not lose it; you may not find it again.
On another point, God gives us love, the thing we all try to figure out by dissecting its inner core, or better put, as if it is a dead corpse, we try surgically to take it out in an operation and check it for its true nature. And what we do in the process is create torture, the very thing we create in its place, we call love, and this is what we give to our loved ones. We’re a silly species, are we not!

#2372 4-7-2008 (poetic prose)

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