Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The World in Disorder: Specific Times

The World in Disorder: Specific Times

We are losing our Ice sheets in Antarctica, and the Pacific and Indian Oceans are having their toll on mankind, and good ole mother earth, and we are sucking the oil out of her like draining the whirlpool dry, plus, weather temperatures are unpredictable along the Ring of Fire, and throughout the Gulf of Mexico, and from the East to West Coast of the United States, and Western Europe. The Arabs have enough oil to ignite WWIII, as they have been trying for some time now. We are letting psychopathic rouge countries like North Korea and Iran, acquire the Atomic Bomb, while the United Nations tries to pacify the situation, and let them Black Mail, the world. What is going on around us? I thought it was bad in the 80s, and the 90s, but the new century is nothing to sneeze at, if we live through this century, it will be a miracle, and I mean really, and will have to be by God intervening. Parts of Africa that once had plenty of water within its lakes and rivers are also drying up, because of weather, and dams. And again we see fighting and starvation from the West to the East to the South of Africa, and throughout the Middle East. We got leaders in South America that should be shoe shinning, not trying to lead countries. Dictators that know how to talk, stand up in front of a crowd and bellyache, and cry, and fly here and there and boast about this and that, and do nothing for their people.

These are what I call Specific Times. When I say that, I mean, these times are not set, they are free standing, let me explain. Biblically, there are two periods of times, now and then. We are in the now time, Israel has returned to its land. Bondage is over. Thus, for the world, the sun is coming down. We are in what I call a deep sleep. Back in the old days, a generation was considered a hundred years, not thirty-three, back in Abraham’s day that is. This was not an approximate time, but an exact date. The Israelites were forced to leave their land, and thus went into captivity; once with Egypt, once with Babylon. The fall of Jerusalem came about. The Jews were scattered among the nations for 2520-years, as foretold by Daniel and Ezekiel.

The date I am working up to is A.D. 2004 (now passed by three years); it was arranged so we could not set dates in advance during these last days, but accordingly, we would have stopped at 516 B.C. (a fixed date); from there is when we start counting, for the final captivity of Nebuchadnezzar was in 586 BC, the final return being 516 B.C., beyond this we have no fixed dates but one date for 2520-years beyond, reads AD 2004.We are unsure want event will mark the return of Christ, but it is close. But we do know Christ will come to His Temple, so the Jews have to build it, correct? This is all sufficiently accurate for my purpose. For the understanding we will have to wait for the event, but undoubtedly it will come, if it was not 911, the mark of the end times, I do expect it to be bigger. But the countdown is surely now, this prophecy for 2520-years concerns all Israel, for with these, all Jews will have return to Israel, not a partial return as in the past, but in full, and to my understanding, no one on earth is holding them back any longer, the prophecy (s) have come about or about to, everything is in place.

So what is happening out there? I call them birth pains; we are in the end times.



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