Monday, February 19, 2007

Jose Luis…Maranda: Goofball to Goofball

Jose Luis…Maranda: Goofball to Goofball (Has Christ Returned)

“Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda says he is God, and his followers believe him.” CNN World News

I’m not sure where I want to start with this article, I mean, it is one thing for this Jose Luis man to announce to the world, he is God, God, incarnate, like Jesus, and it is another thing for followers to follow him, and I can accept that, but for intelligent folks that are at CNN, it doesn’t give me much hope, or better put, reliability in what kind of news they are after, to present this to the public. I mean, we are grownups reading your News CNN; not goofballs, like Jose Luis, trying to get you to write an article about him, to give to us to read. CNN’s credibility of a serious news forecaster has diminished in my eyes. I would expect something like that from the scandal magazines you find in all the grocery stores, you know which ones, the ones that are so unbelievable; you buy them anyway to have a laugh. But when you read CNN, normally you don’t read trash, nor have we?
It makes me think, how can I get CNN to do an article on my books, I mean, do I put 666 on the Front cover and offer it to myself, and have people bow before me and call me Jesus Christ of Lima and Minnesota. A Cheep shot; and all the Christian religions are up in an uproar, let the goofball alone, why give him a once of publicity. If the dummy’s want to follow him, let them: a goofball for goofballs, you know, similar people like similar people—like to like. I got a roof I got to put on my house, the shingles, and this article is really too long for the subject matter, Jose Lus de Jesus Miranda, a sad case at best.
I always found, the more interest you give to a goofball, sooner or later, who is ever looking, will never be able to tell, which one is the real goofball, so he selects both, one for talking one for listening.


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