Monday, January 08, 2007

The Gay Train to Hell

The Gay Train to Hell

Most of the gay people I’ve talked to, think because they go to a so called gay Christian church they are going to heaven, when in essence, in the bible it does not indicate there is a gay heaven, but rather to the contrary. This, the gay community has built with new bricks, a new foundation to the Orthodox Church. This article is not to slam the gays rather, to set the record straight, if indeed it can be, we have taken so many steps backwards in this area, I fear most Christians are now brainwashed, hoping not to offend the Gay community, in fear they will stir too much controversy. Confrontation can be a strain on the butt.
The gay community as already declassified Homosexuality, as a lesser sin than picking your nose in public. Hitler once said, in so many words: it is easier to fool the masses than the few, and how true he was.
Let’s us not confuse this article with a slant, that gays do not have a right to go to church, or live, or even be gay, that is not the premise, It is a sin in the Christian Doctrine, perhaps not in the gay Christian mind though (to live a live of Homosexuality). It is a triple sin, one against nature, one against God’s outlook, and one against us.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about rights, we can walk any road we wish, and we can, with a good vocabulary, make the wrong right, in our minds-eye, if indeed we are only seeking our own opinion, and our own limited mind’s justification. God would have it no other way, He would prefer for man to condemn yourself, rather than He do the condemning, and then man running to Him and saying: “¨Look here, I could have come around (put it all together) had You not butted in…” thus we all end up condemning our own selves
I’ve noticed in the near past, and present, the gay community takes a disliking when someone speaks out against their way of life in the Christian Atmosphere, yet they love the platform to persuade the pubic to their way of thinking; thus, they would take the same rights they so desire, away from such people like me, who has something to say about their religion, and the invaders, such as the Gays.
No one is born, or predisposed (as the Gay community would have you believe, plus there is no scientific proof) to being born Gay; it is a learned trait, if not a social enmeshed way of life and thinking, embedded I say, over a period of time, which becomes a pattern, into an individual’s social environment, and psyche at some vulnerable point in their lives, or so I believe.


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