The Old Testament Garden of Eden [lost paradise]
Just some thoughts on Paradise, which keep spinning in my head; in the old Testament, the garden of Eden was by—to my understanding—four rivers. Some think it was in Iraq, and perhaps it was. Some folks think it was in Africa, but I doubt that. But if it was in old Sumer, or Iraq, where are the four rivers I ask myself (looking for the lost Paradise), the four rivers that are supposed to be in this paradise?
The Euphrates and Tigris are two rivers I can account for; and perhaps the mythical, or legendary “Gihon,” and “Pison,” rivers. But wait, perchance, one of these rivers got mixed up in the old scriptures to mean the Nile? A question I asked myself.
Some say the Tree of Life is in Bahrain, by the Persian Gulf, Gilgamesh was said to have went there, as did Noah. So now I get thinking I’m pretty close to finding Paradise, and I must not get Paradise mixed up with Heaven, that’s another issue onto its self.
So now I get thinking, the garden must have sunk, like Atlantis—maybe, I tell myself. Sunk right into the Persian Gulf; is this possible? Food for thought. So my mind is saying, in the time of Christ, a few thousand years after the flood and a few more before the flood when Adam and Eve were kicking dust. Now I ask myself, what does all this add up to?
Eden could very well be where Paradise is, where it was when Christ descended after he died on the cross. Woops, did I say descended. Yes, yes, he told the guy next to him he’d meet him in Paradise, not heaven. I’m sure I got that right I tell myself. And we all know Heaven is up-yonder, thus he would have had to ascend, not descend. So here is Jesus, he’s down in Paradise, and I read that Abraham could hear folks yelling and bellowing for a drink of water across the gulf. Now I get thinking again about Eden, which is called Paradise in the bible, and the Gulf where I can’t find a river any longer on top of land—the forth river to be exact; and Jesus descending down to Paradise, where Abraham is. I think it is starting to add up for me.
Now across the Gulf, is Hades, or perhaps the whole area is referred to as Hades, but one being Paradise, and the other side being Sheol (Sheol is mentioned in the Old Testament Bible 66-times, that my friends is the number of chapter-books in both books of the Bible). When Sheol is mentioned it is referred to as ‘down’; for example, Gen. 37:35 “I will go down to…” In Ps 9:17, “The wicked will return to…” and so forth.
The Paradise lost let’s say is under the Persian Gulf, under the waters of the Gulf, the lost river perhaps that I can’t account for. Thus Christ arrives after his butchery by the Romans, for they did put the cross on his shoulders, and pierce him with a spear of course, the Jews provoked it nonetheless, and the Romans were easily lead you can see. Anyhow, he came to Paradise as the sacrificial lamb, the blood sacrifice, for the lamb was often the animal used for such ceremonies prior to Christ’s arrival. Now he announces he is the Messiah, and those who wish can go with him to Heaven, thus, leaving Eden or Paradise for those who need more time to think about it. Sounds too easily to be true; but it was just something swimming in my mind. For those none believers, it is a good Science Fiction Horror, for the Christian, it is most welcomed.
The Euphrates and Tigris are two rivers I can account for; and perhaps the mythical, or legendary “Gihon,” and “Pison,” rivers. But wait, perchance, one of these rivers got mixed up in the old scriptures to mean the Nile? A question I asked myself.
Some say the Tree of Life is in Bahrain, by the Persian Gulf, Gilgamesh was said to have went there, as did Noah. So now I get thinking I’m pretty close to finding Paradise, and I must not get Paradise mixed up with Heaven, that’s another issue onto its self.
So now I get thinking, the garden must have sunk, like Atlantis—maybe, I tell myself. Sunk right into the Persian Gulf; is this possible? Food for thought. So my mind is saying, in the time of Christ, a few thousand years after the flood and a few more before the flood when Adam and Eve were kicking dust. Now I ask myself, what does all this add up to?
Eden could very well be where Paradise is, where it was when Christ descended after he died on the cross. Woops, did I say descended. Yes, yes, he told the guy next to him he’d meet him in Paradise, not heaven. I’m sure I got that right I tell myself. And we all know Heaven is up-yonder, thus he would have had to ascend, not descend. So here is Jesus, he’s down in Paradise, and I read that Abraham could hear folks yelling and bellowing for a drink of water across the gulf. Now I get thinking again about Eden, which is called Paradise in the bible, and the Gulf where I can’t find a river any longer on top of land—the forth river to be exact; and Jesus descending down to Paradise, where Abraham is. I think it is starting to add up for me.
Now across the Gulf, is Hades, or perhaps the whole area is referred to as Hades, but one being Paradise, and the other side being Sheol (Sheol is mentioned in the Old Testament Bible 66-times, that my friends is the number of chapter-books in both books of the Bible). When Sheol is mentioned it is referred to as ‘down’; for example, Gen. 37:35 “I will go down to…” In Ps 9:17, “The wicked will return to…” and so forth.
The Paradise lost let’s say is under the Persian Gulf, under the waters of the Gulf, the lost river perhaps that I can’t account for. Thus Christ arrives after his butchery by the Romans, for they did put the cross on his shoulders, and pierce him with a spear of course, the Jews provoked it nonetheless, and the Romans were easily lead you can see. Anyhow, he came to Paradise as the sacrificial lamb, the blood sacrifice, for the lamb was often the animal used for such ceremonies prior to Christ’s arrival. Now he announces he is the Messiah, and those who wish can go with him to Heaven, thus, leaving Eden or Paradise for those who need more time to think about it. Sounds too easily to be true; but it was just something swimming in my mind. For those none believers, it is a good Science Fiction Horror, for the Christian, it is most welcomed.
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