Sunday, July 16, 2006

Symbolism in the Book of Revelation (Part II)

Note: If you have not seen the first part of this article, you might want to, it is called, “Satan’s Trinity” taken from the book by Dennis L. Siluk, “The Last Trumpet and the Woodbridge Demon.” Also you many want to see part III, "Time Zones in Revelation."

A) The Seven Seals (The first four seals bring out the four horsemen)

1. White Horse (Deceit, or deception)

2. Red Horse (war)

3. Black Horse Famine)

4. Pale Horse (Pestilence)

The Birth Pains (as described in the Book of Revelation):


During the time of the Great Tribulation: Martyrs, persecution

During the time of the Great Tribulation: earthly destruction

The Seventh and last Seal comes from the “Seven Trumpets”

The Seven Trumpets (As described in the Book of Revelation):

Hail and fire mixed with blood (showers the earth)

Burning mountain cast into sea

A Great Burning Star falls upon the rivers

The Three Woes (As described in the Book of Revelation):

Sun, moon, stars darkened

Destruction, war (Woe #1/also part of the Red Horse)

Assembly for Armageddon (Part of Woe #2/again the Red Horse)

The Seventh Trumpet and the Third Woe brings forth Christ’s return, and the beginning of the first of seven last plagues, called “The Seven Bowls or Vials.”

Note: it would almost seem during this time, nuclear war takes place, the earth rotates off its axis, and perhaps some kind of bombardment, all perchance relating to the earth’s balance, or the earth not being able to endure wounds mankind will inflict upon it. Whatever the case, we are in for a rough ride, and I think we are seeing some of this right today; progressively getting worse, and we are in the countdown at present.

The Seven Bowls (As described in the Book of Revelation):

This is what will happen to earth’s inhabitants, and earth itself, during this period in time:

Ugly and painful scores

Sea becomes Blood

Fresh Water becomes blood (deadly)

Sun and Heat scorch mankind (the ozone is going is it not?)

Darkness Befalls the Earth

(it is not hard to foresee the earth being blackened out; there are number of ways this can happen; in particular, volcanic dust, or a worldwide nuclear war, or a cosmic tragedy—in the makings for earth bound)

The River Euphrates dries up

The Seventh and last Bowl, the Battle of Armageddon and the fall of the Harlot, Babylon.

(Iraq has fallen, if indeed that is what Revelation is pointing at. The symbol for Babylon has been linked to even the United States also, but I have no reason to believe that is what the writer of Revelation meant, he didn’t even know the country existed. Thus, the fall of Babylon is exactly as it says, a symbol to let people know, time is short. One must remember the Book of Revelation, is likened to a living prophet, thus, it is to “Warn,” people of an impending disaster, this is what is happening now: you are being warned.


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello again Dennis,

The time has come to "open the eyes of the blind."

Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...

Download a free copy of my EBook(s) to finally understand the truth about the Book of Revelation and the ancient Hebrew symbology used to construct it and other prophecies and wisdom texts. I've worked long and hard to unveil the truth and deliver long hidden wisdom. It's available to you as a free download or in hard copy (paperback) for cost (no income, no profit).

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Here is Wisdom!!

Revelations from the Apocalypse


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