Daniels Prophecy: Israel in the Twilight Zone
Daniels Prophecy: Israel in the Twilight Zone [7/15/06]
The world has been refocused again, as it has so often, from North Korea’s Nuclear Quest, to Iran’s nuclear quest, to the UN’s, EU’s and Arab-Islamic Quest to obliterate Israel from the face of the earth. I was asked the question today at lunch at a friendly restaurant, from a well to do landowner here in Peru, on why does the United States always help Israel, and why is it doing what it is doing (I think one reason, Israel gets bad media coverage). I was not sure how to answer either question, especially the second, but it is obvious, when you look at it from the point of Eschatology, which I always try to do when being cornered with such question on Israel.
Eschatology in the Christian sense refers to end time events; for Israel I suppose it means escape from…such drastic events because they are going to be the center of attraction while in the ‘Twilight Zone,’ if indeed I can use that term.
We all have our own Biblical Interpretations, of end time events, prophesy, which in its rightful place means to me: warnings! Ask the question, why is the world so concerned about a little piece of land over in the Middle East, with a few million people. Why was the Bible so centered on Israel? Recently we see that Syria, Iran, and most of the Middle East Countries whom are scared shitless of Israel, playing the dirty game of hide and seek, hit and run. And when Lebanon harbors a terrorist group, it says: “We are not part of that group that kills Jews, and bombs cities, although we allow them to camp in our back yard. Are we so dumb to believe this? We all know Syria and Iran do not want the Palestinians to have peace; it would not serve their long-term goals. Keep the Arab-Islamic dumb, and brainwashed them, and they will sacrifice their selves for a loaf of bread.
Russia and China are on Iran’s side of course, as, excepted; but when it comes to international trade, they both have a double standard: one for them and one for Israel. Anyhow we all know this. But the simply answer to the questions were: who else is going to help Israel if America doesn’t: answer, nobody, here we come up with the final solution of Hitler’s design: with the blessings of the UN, EU and the noble two: China and Russia.
Germany and the United States are the only two countries at this moment that I know have any backbone on this subject, and perhaps Japan, outspoken for the right for Israel to fight back, the rest of the world would have them play dead until the Arabs got their swords sharpened to cut heads off.
—Let’s look at time-prophecy for a moment: we are in an indispensable chronological countdown, prophetical discourse: Israel is fighting for their lives, while rest of the world is worried about tomorrow’s dinner.
Daniel was in the service, in the courts of the Babylonian great King, Nebuchadnezzar [Iran]; Daniel knows that divine judgment is nearing, and he prayers to God for insight, a messenger came to him from God, it was Gabriel, the same who would announce Christ’s birth, and the same that came to Mohammad, so I have read. The whole prophecy has to do with Daniel’s people, and his city, Jerusalem, and the Jew. In Daniel we see a time period of 70-weeks: week one is the building (or restoring) of Jerusalem, which was destroyed, by the Armies of the king. At the end of the 70-weeks (week #69), the Prince of Israel will come, appear, which of course is the Messiah, or Christ.
But we nowadays should be concerned with the 70th week, for we are clearly its benefactors. At which time we will see a treaty broken, and a time of desolation lasting to the full end of the week [a seven year period in the not so far future]. There after, the Messiah will usher in a new period, pouring blessings on the nation of Israel.
Those who believe in the Old Testament, and Koran, should acknowledge this, and the Christians of the New Testament, should also, for it blends into the Book of Revelation, which is the only book that I know, where God says, ‘you are blessed for reading it.’
So whom are we fighting! The world looks the other way, while Syria and Iran (the main supporters of chaos for this tiny country this year of 2006), and its neighbors do the dirty work for Satan. It’s neighbors have taken a back seat of course, they’ve had their ass kicked twice before, and I do think Israel would like to give them another one—save, the United States pulls them back, after they belly ache of Israel’s might is too much, and the world begs the USA to harness them.
How long is the 69th week? We have to take into account a variable of things to do the counting; even look into the book of Revelation would help, looking at the Jewish calendar (and the Aramaic language) for its duration, but to save time I will skip the basics and give it to you: we must look at a cycle of 490-years, or Seventy Sevens (see Dan. 9:24). (See Daniel, chapters 7 & 9; Ezra chapters 1 thru; and Revelation Chapter 12). The 69th week ends near the birth of Christ. Let’s look for the end of the 69th week: 69 weeks of 7 years each= 173,880 days or 69 x7 x360= 173,880, if we start in the year 445 BC [the date of the rebuilding of Jerusalem]. Now we are at 32 AD. We have here 119 leap years involved.
Bear with me, this will take a little time, we are looking for the 70th week. We have two main events so far that have exposed us to the time line: the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem, and Christ’s death (and perhaps birth).
We see that a gap in time is necessary to fulfill this prophecy of Christ, or the Messiah’s second coming, and what determines this are two events for the 70th week to start. Thus far we’ve based our time line on events that have taken place, now we do it the other way around, events that will take place will determine the time line.
The seventy-week period (which is really seven years to a day)) or the last week which is seven years)) starts when Israel makes a ‘firm covenant’ between them and those (a new future Empire: some say the EU and its new leader)) the new Roman Empire, with its new Roman Prince)). And just before this, or during this period of time, the new Jewish Temple will rise (another sign of the times). Whatever combination of forces brings this about, terrorism, and the EU and UN pressure, there will be bewilderment and such will be filled with satanic opportunities.
This 7th week will be divided into 31/2 weeks, where in the mist of there agreement, a reverse of friendly relations will have its toll on the Jews, the agreeing will be nil and void by the new dictator of the world. We all know promises of such kind, of peace over war is only strong when the prey is strong, once it becomes week, the agreements are simply pretext to self-interests for destruction; profitable only to the strongest. So Israel has a lot of devils working against them out there.
The world has been refocused again, as it has so often, from North Korea’s Nuclear Quest, to Iran’s nuclear quest, to the UN’s, EU’s and Arab-Islamic Quest to obliterate Israel from the face of the earth. I was asked the question today at lunch at a friendly restaurant, from a well to do landowner here in Peru, on why does the United States always help Israel, and why is it doing what it is doing (I think one reason, Israel gets bad media coverage). I was not sure how to answer either question, especially the second, but it is obvious, when you look at it from the point of Eschatology, which I always try to do when being cornered with such question on Israel.
Eschatology in the Christian sense refers to end time events; for Israel I suppose it means escape from…such drastic events because they are going to be the center of attraction while in the ‘Twilight Zone,’ if indeed I can use that term.
We all have our own Biblical Interpretations, of end time events, prophesy, which in its rightful place means to me: warnings! Ask the question, why is the world so concerned about a little piece of land over in the Middle East, with a few million people. Why was the Bible so centered on Israel? Recently we see that Syria, Iran, and most of the Middle East Countries whom are scared shitless of Israel, playing the dirty game of hide and seek, hit and run. And when Lebanon harbors a terrorist group, it says: “We are not part of that group that kills Jews, and bombs cities, although we allow them to camp in our back yard. Are we so dumb to believe this? We all know Syria and Iran do not want the Palestinians to have peace; it would not serve their long-term goals. Keep the Arab-Islamic dumb, and brainwashed them, and they will sacrifice their selves for a loaf of bread.
Russia and China are on Iran’s side of course, as, excepted; but when it comes to international trade, they both have a double standard: one for them and one for Israel. Anyhow we all know this. But the simply answer to the questions were: who else is going to help Israel if America doesn’t: answer, nobody, here we come up with the final solution of Hitler’s design: with the blessings of the UN, EU and the noble two: China and Russia.
Germany and the United States are the only two countries at this moment that I know have any backbone on this subject, and perhaps Japan, outspoken for the right for Israel to fight back, the rest of the world would have them play dead until the Arabs got their swords sharpened to cut heads off.
—Let’s look at time-prophecy for a moment: we are in an indispensable chronological countdown, prophetical discourse: Israel is fighting for their lives, while rest of the world is worried about tomorrow’s dinner.
Daniel was in the service, in the courts of the Babylonian great King, Nebuchadnezzar [Iran]; Daniel knows that divine judgment is nearing, and he prayers to God for insight, a messenger came to him from God, it was Gabriel, the same who would announce Christ’s birth, and the same that came to Mohammad, so I have read. The whole prophecy has to do with Daniel’s people, and his city, Jerusalem, and the Jew. In Daniel we see a time period of 70-weeks: week one is the building (or restoring) of Jerusalem, which was destroyed, by the Armies of the king. At the end of the 70-weeks (week #69), the Prince of Israel will come, appear, which of course is the Messiah, or Christ.
But we nowadays should be concerned with the 70th week, for we are clearly its benefactors. At which time we will see a treaty broken, and a time of desolation lasting to the full end of the week [a seven year period in the not so far future]. There after, the Messiah will usher in a new period, pouring blessings on the nation of Israel.
Those who believe in the Old Testament, and Koran, should acknowledge this, and the Christians of the New Testament, should also, for it blends into the Book of Revelation, which is the only book that I know, where God says, ‘you are blessed for reading it.’
So whom are we fighting! The world looks the other way, while Syria and Iran (the main supporters of chaos for this tiny country this year of 2006), and its neighbors do the dirty work for Satan. It’s neighbors have taken a back seat of course, they’ve had their ass kicked twice before, and I do think Israel would like to give them another one—save, the United States pulls them back, after they belly ache of Israel’s might is too much, and the world begs the USA to harness them.
How long is the 69th week? We have to take into account a variable of things to do the counting; even look into the book of Revelation would help, looking at the Jewish calendar (and the Aramaic language) for its duration, but to save time I will skip the basics and give it to you: we must look at a cycle of 490-years, or Seventy Sevens (see Dan. 9:24). (See Daniel, chapters 7 & 9; Ezra chapters 1 thru; and Revelation Chapter 12). The 69th week ends near the birth of Christ. Let’s look for the end of the 69th week: 69 weeks of 7 years each= 173,880 days or 69 x7 x360= 173,880, if we start in the year 445 BC [the date of the rebuilding of Jerusalem]. Now we are at 32 AD. We have here 119 leap years involved.
Bear with me, this will take a little time, we are looking for the 70th week. We have two main events so far that have exposed us to the time line: the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem, and Christ’s death (and perhaps birth).
We see that a gap in time is necessary to fulfill this prophecy of Christ, or the Messiah’s second coming, and what determines this are two events for the 70th week to start. Thus far we’ve based our time line on events that have taken place, now we do it the other way around, events that will take place will determine the time line.
The seventy-week period (which is really seven years to a day)) or the last week which is seven years)) starts when Israel makes a ‘firm covenant’ between them and those (a new future Empire: some say the EU and its new leader)) the new Roman Empire, with its new Roman Prince)). And just before this, or during this period of time, the new Jewish Temple will rise (another sign of the times). Whatever combination of forces brings this about, terrorism, and the EU and UN pressure, there will be bewilderment and such will be filled with satanic opportunities.
This 7th week will be divided into 31/2 weeks, where in the mist of there agreement, a reverse of friendly relations will have its toll on the Jews, the agreeing will be nil and void by the new dictator of the world. We all know promises of such kind, of peace over war is only strong when the prey is strong, once it becomes week, the agreements are simply pretext to self-interests for destruction; profitable only to the strongest. So Israel has a lot of devils working against them out there.
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