The World Under Satanic Influence [FIVE-Articles]
1) Nebuchadnezzar and the Antichrist
Like Nebuchadnezzar, the Antichrist will demand (in times of the gentiles, which are now and was back then) that he be worshiped (See Revelation: 13:14); we are coming nearer to this stage called idolatry, as the state of religion in the world becomes more powerful (An example might be: Islam, would like to have the world bend their knees to their god, as they have pointed out in the near past, at the threat of death even).
The image of the beast is seen in the book of Daniel as well as Revelation, mentioned by Daniel as well as Jesus “The abomination of desolation.” This will of course take place in the “Holy of Holies,’ of the Tribulation temple in Jerusalem, when the temple goes up, look for this sign soon.
If you want to see the beast, look in Daniel 8 and 11, and his number in Revelation 13: 18. The sixth day can be considered the Beast’s day, and the Seventh, God’s if indeed we wish to look at things in the perspective of numbers.
Satan has always reproduced, or duplicated, God’s word, Christ’s words, and works: He will of course try this again, and that is why he is called The Antichrist after all. We don’t have dates for his arrival, but I expect between 2007 and 2016, we will feel the tempest of God’s anger, and Satan’s indifference and determined mind to try and corner in on his destiny as the beast. (For reference see: Revelation 19:20 and 20:10). Again I must say
Nebuchadnezzar was much like the Antichrist will be, much like Saddam was trying to be—actually Saddam thought he was the new Nebuchadnezzar by trying to rebuild Babylon.
Another prophecy is that in the later days, someone will try to rebuild Babylon, but according to the Bible, it will never be completely achieved, and it has not been thus far.
2) The Last Days according to Prophet Habakkuk
Everyone goes to the Book of Revelation or the Book of Daniel for end time events, and to speak generally, there are many prophets to choose from in the Bible (and I like the many, choose also those two books more often than I should, for there are more prophets out there), and Habakkuk stands out in his own way as a true and watchful prophet I believe. But what does he say about the latter days, is just this: his vision was for an appointed time (Hab. 2:2,3); this is a strong prophecy coming, and so I hope I can strongly emphasize it to you: Habakkuk had a special place in time for this end time event, you will not find this any other place, so read carefully, this is valid information, and the program of God’s (perhaps even his weapon against Satan himself): what does he see in his vision? We see him a little in Hab. 2:4,5: he says this man cannot be satisfied, and he says in essence, he has a license to kill, and he goes after all nations, and he “heapeth unto him all people.”
Thus, he says him to be: “He is a proud man.” Not like in Revelation where you get symbols, here you get it straight, pure observation. Hab. 3:8. Habakkuk does not repeat what other prophets have said over and over; he gets right to the details. He tells us world conditions are going to be bad, and they are, and after he talks he ends up with the main figure, the man called the Antichrist. He might start with one country, the EU, but he will not be satisfied, he will go beyond that, he has ambitions, he wants to rule the world. He will raise an army, perhaps small at the beginning but he will have satanic power and help from other sources. What other dictators didn’t have he will have, he will be seen as a world savior of sorts. When Habakkuk saw these things he cried. He didn’t understand why he saw so much Hab 1:1-4.
What he really was concerned about was that he saw a system like plague spread in and around the world (perhaps terrorism). He saw violence, iniquity, grievance, spoiling, strife, riots, uprisings, plots, murders, everything, onto legitimate governments.
Some of the other things I think he saw were countries: confiscating property, taking holdings of money away from people, rigged court trials, concentration camps; He says the accusers were judges, so we will see, and we are seeing in the United States Supreme Court (even in the small and larger courts in Minnesota) as well as half the world, these unfair trials. Gangsters taking over countries; The law is slacked, judgment never goes forth, this is happening in a lot of South American countries (Peru is trying to fix this, and Venezuela, is going backwards in its progress) as well as in China, and Russian right now, and African countries, injustice prevails: as the world sees and looks the other way. It is exactly what he was talking about. I can’t anymore keep count of all the countries that are guilty of this. Habakkuk saw this situation spreading like fire, through the entire world, but God’s redemption would bring this to a standstill.
The prophet knew what God intended to do, we see this in Hab 1:5. It would be a mistake to think God will do nothing, if indeed you believe in God at all, the prophecies are just warnings for the believers, the rest of the world can place them into whatever category makes them feel comfortable, it will do no good, but perhaps satisfy their ego that God does not have control. And let’s hope He does, lest we give it to the Antichrist, and then what.
3) The Movie: The Da Vinci Code
I wrote about the book, ‘The Da Vinci Code’, a while back, matter-of-fact, a few years ago, and was honestly too fair, but this time I can’t help but give my opinion concerning the movie, and I suppose Mr. Brown’s ego along with it. For the most part, I like Tom Hank’s acting, but in this movie, which I saw the day it came out, he was no actor acting, he was emotionless, and if the script called for that, the book didn’t. Not sure if he read the script five minutes before he went on stage, or he was just tired. But there was a lack of something in him that did not help the movie. One thing was an improvement over all for him, was his hair, not sure if it was his real hair, but it made him look more placid, and surely there was a lack of sophistication for a Harvard professor; his vocabulary was thin, and sparse, if not elementary. In other words, he was unbelievable.
I am not sure what all the hype is all about, the movie was to me a dud, I mean, “Inside Man,” by Denzel Washington was better, if only Denzel could stay off the burgers, he was bloated as a walrus.
The movie is long, way to long to figure out we are looking at a bloodline here of Jesus Christ. The script called for some theology, and Christology, that was really done poorly; if indeed any of the researchers for Mr. Brown would have done their homework, it is more believable to believe in Santa Claus. In psychology we call this: deletions, distortions and generalizations. The movie tries to fit Mary Magdalena into the picture as Jesus’ wife, or sleeping companion; it not only shows bad taste, there are no facts in this science fiction sage. If I was the Catholic Church I’d not give any more publicity to such a dumb performance, the Omen, and the Exorcist was much better; more credence too.
The only secret out there, that is really a secret, is that there is no secret, and everyone wants you to be looking for one in this movie, so it is of course made up. If the movie is suppose to make one question his Christian roots, because of Constantine’s valiant turnabout to Christianity, using him as a symbol of Rome’s dilemma on how to hang onto the puppet strings of power throughout the world, and using the Christian Flag, they did a poor job in creating this. We all know the story of Rome and its Christian foundation, but not all know about Constantine going war with the cross above his head, on his shield, and on his flags, long before he died; they forgot to tell that story, only that he was baptized before he died. Not sure what that means, being baptized is only an outer symbol to show the world how you feel inside. The fact is, he like so many other followers of Christ, realized one does not get to heaven because he is baptized or not, it is not the key to salvation, as it is not the unpardonable sin, it is only a show and tell ritual. I am sure there are many baptized so-called Christians in hell, arguing this point out right now.
I think I’d rather stick with Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars and Venius books, they are more practical, and believable than this. I could go on and on with this subject of bloodline crap, and the Mary Magdalena issue, but it is not worth my time, I need to write some more on “Siren the Great,” and perhaps on “Arizona Blue,” it won’t sell as good I know, but it is more believable.
4) The World Under Satanic Influence
[2Thess. 2:8] The Lord shall consume the destroyer, Satan, but before He does, Satan will influence the world, in the shell of the Antichrist. [Matt. 24:24]; mankind is falling to his lowest point (this of course is no secret), and the world the planet we live on, this huge living organism, that somehow heals itself from our wounding it repeatedly, will retaliate as we try to fight the winds of the Antichrist; thus, we will have two storms in the makings.
We are coming to the climatic moment, the apocalyptic nerve, the boarder of destruction, [Revelation 4; 19] when the anger of Satan and the fury of God will conflict to the boiling point, nothing will stop it. We can see nature being disrupted now, with the vast earthquakes and volcanic activities, and the roaring of the seas displace and kill masses of people, this is not coincidence, this is prophecy we are living. Perhaps we are in the final countdown, started 2004, to could end 2016 as we go into the tribulation period, we can’t tell yet until all the prophecies are in, but it is headed that way. We’ve yet to see the worse earthquake in history, it is in the makings right now; so the bible indicates. Call this the ‘Jupiter Effect,’ or whatever, it will take place soon:
in such an event, Global volcanism: the world loses its sunlight, temperatures will drop; economic, political and social consequences nil; massive starvation, inflation 10,000 percent the first six months. In the US, we have about a five-day supply of food, elsewhere in the world I hate to think what they have, unless you’re a farmer. International contention would prevail, a time for the Antichrist to creep in, indeed. If this doesn’t bring about nuclear war, the Antichrist will think of something that will. As the old saying goes, create the problem, then solve it, and you become the hero; but it will be ripe for him to step in at this moment.
In a way we don’t need any seers or bibles to tell us this, it would seem obvious we are headed down this path. If there is a pole shift, or crust movement, triggered by some cataclysmic event, we will be in double trouble. This part of my article is a projection, not necessary a prediction. Such volcanoes as: Etna, Vesuvius, Pelee and Soufriere, could go any minute and geophysical and socially be timed with the Antichrists entrance into the picture, and on to Armageddon as indicated in the book of Daniel and Revelation from Apostle John.
As I look at world affairs now, Iran and China could also be a trigger for more hostility in the near future, as well as North Korea; all part of WWIII (as is the ongoing war on Terrorism).
5) Christian Living:
A Letter on Christian Living (And Doctrine) by Request
In this letter of sorts, we have two parts: Christian Doctrine, and Christian Living, one cannot be separated from the other, lest we want soft boiled eggs:
I was asked by Femi to write something on Christian living, and normally I don’t do requests or never have in the past anyhow, but the letter I received was very sincere, and so I will do what I call a quick sketch. I’m not going to quote any bible verses on this, it will come free floating, as perhaps it should be, instead of making this letter, letter perfect, it will be as I see it. For those not seeking to be a Christian, or wanting such information, or wishing only to belittle Christian ways, I suggest you don’t read this, it will only antagonize you, not sure why it should, but it will; that said, let me get on with it.
First of all, Christianity is a way of life, it is proclaiming you are or want to be a Christian, so I believe, the Lord said in so many words, if you are ashamed of me on earth, on your way to heaven, don’t expect me to smile and say: hello here I am, you should be glad to see me. He is not going to recognize you.
The second thing that needs to be cleared up, gotten out of the way is, baptism, it is not the gift of salvation, it is the outward sign of what you did inside, you gave your life to Christ, and in public you are proclaiming such. Thus, if you die unbaptized, you do not go to hell, for it is in your heart, and between you and the Lord, Christ if you have accepted him as your lord and savior that is: it is really saying in a way, I want to be a full Christian, but perhaps I am still uninformed of its ways. It is by faith, and faith alone we are saved, and by our works so we are known.
The third thing is the Gospel it is the top and bottom of the iceberg you could say, faith is someplace in-between. When I say that I mean in essence, the Gospel is, in a nutshell: who Christ is, and what he did. If you know these two simple things and believe in them, you have the Gospel in your pocket. Some folks say the Gospels contradict themselves. If they do, and I do not want to get into comparing them (I’ve read them a number of times) the main premise holds true—they all proclaim the Gospel: who Christ was (he was the essence of God, the arm of the Trinity, he was pure, and he had lived since time immortal, with the Father, and Holy Spirit. What did or do: he came to earth as a sacrifice for our sins, so we could bypass the hammer of God. Nothing dirty can remain in heaven, that is why he came, so we would be cleansed by faith, not by works. The other element here we need to clear up is works: it is important to do the work of God, but it will never get you into his grace, or heaven. It is by faith. Why is this, you may ask?
Good question. There was a reason God gave Moses the Ten Commandments; it was not to show the people his artwork it was to show us, we could not keep the commandments: I’ve tried I can’t. Thus, we need Him, and that is what it is all about. His grace is in faith, because the commandments we will never keep, we are humans: in the old days, the sinner would kill a sheep, blood-sacrifice, was the purifier of sins, can you imagine how many sheep we’d have to kill nowadays, we’d be so busy raising sheep we’d not make it to work in the morning.
So we cleared up all this stuff about getting to be a Christian, and not a word on ‘Living,’ but we still have two more things in the way, it is called the unpardonable sin (and abortion). This has haunted man for 2000-years; even Judas had a hard time with this. But it is simple it is in Mark 3:28-29. If you do not believe in Christ, in the Trinity, sin against the Holy Sprit by denying him, this is unpardonable if you were to die under this umbrella. Don’t let your blood run cold here, Christ is not an iceberg, but this is a serious matter. It is also mentioned in Luke 12:10 and Matthew 12:31-32. I know I said I’d not quote verse, but this needs to be quoted. To those who are considering shamelessly defying God, or trying to tiptoe around his mercy, read Proverbs 1:24… he says in essence: when I give you wisdom and call you to me, and you come to me, and turn about and mock me, the day will come when you will call on me, and I will not answer. So if you are not a Christian, you perhaps do not fall into this category, but if the Lord is calling you and you mock him, I’d think twice.
Abortion is a right, they say in America, and a playful thing in Europe, and must in China, and everywhere else it is on trial. Most of the girls, women, ladies, I’ve talked to in prison, or elsewhere who have had an abortion, have a few things in common: they all wish they wouldn’t have had it; and they all wonder where the babies are, and they all want to know if it is the unpardonable sin. First, it is not the unpardonable sin. Second, the child has –at an infant’s age—no formal reasoning, thus, it cannot be judged to have sinned. This does not contradict the doctrine that all are born with sin—he may be born with it, but he himself has not knowingly sinned. It merely puts it into its natural hebetate. It is like the man said when the other man’s sheep fell into the well: the ridiculer said to the owner of the animal: it is Sunday, you can’t go down into the well and get your property until Monday, for it is forbidden to work on Sunday. And the man said: is it not that—Sunday—is made for man, not man for Sunday. Thus, he was saying it is a day of rest, as God would have man do, but don’t be a fool. So, although abortion is against God’s will, but it is not unforgivable. King David’s child died, and said: I’ll see you in heaven. And God said: David his after my heart.
Christian Living
So how does a Christian live, what are the Christian ways? It is not by bread alone. How about dating? I’ve told a young couple once to date for a few years then get married, if that is what they intend to do (for young couples time is needed to sort out things). On the other hand, I’ve told folks that were more mature, whose loved ones, spouses may have died, to marry within six months, so they don’t burn with lust. They usually—after 30-years old know what they want; and even older, see things differently, and should marry early; so I believe.
Going to a Christian church is for fellowship, and learning. It is not a sin not to, but it can help your growth. It is like being a writer, how can you write, without having first been a reader, and once a writer, you surely can’t stop reading. So it kind of goes hand in hand.
Can a Baptist marry a Catholic? I did, and it works. Christianity to me is like Peruvian food, they have a lot of different dishes, but it is all Peruvian food, as long as they got the Gospel right.
Should you marry a none Christian? It would be a hard life if you did, I mean you are choosing to live a hard life; and most people think you can persuade the other to come to your side, or way of thinking. People usually are not persuaded in such ways, they may say they are but really are not. Let me just say, it will be a hard life.
War. Is it proper to be a Christian and go fight a war? Someone once told me Jesus was a pacifist, and avoid war. Actually, I think Jesus came down the first time to show us something, and he was the rebel of the day, in the middle of the war, because when He left, the world was never the same, and when he comes back, it says in the Book of Revelation, He will be on a white horse, and a sword in his hand. That is no pacifist. But for war now, let me put it this way: America helped Europe out of so many conflicts, or wars: Bosnia, and WWI, and WWII, and all over the world America has shed blood, Christian Blood. It is hard to count how many Christian lives gave up their existence for them. Who benefited? The problem with Europe is, they only want America to fight their battles when they point their fingers; and when they don’t, then were the bad Christians who love war.
America has sinned in many ways, in war and every other thing, but perhaps not half as bad as the rest of the world. It is like this, Jesus had said in so many words, there will always be the poor, and I say, there will always be the wars, and the Bible says, in the later days, there will be many of them. If we stop fighting them, it will not stop the killing, only allow the killers to kill at will, with no restraint. It is a hard question to answer, and each person has to dig deep in his heart to find what Christ would have you do. I went to Vietnam, I was not a Christian then, but I did believe in fighting Communism, perhaps I should have believe more in counting who was dying, and made my decision.
In the family, the parents should not provoke the children, and the children should honor and obey the parents, this is a serious thing should the children not, they will not be blessed; I told my children this once, and that I did not want them not blessed, this stuck in their heads all their lives. If you have a bad relationship with your father or mother: fix it if you can, or step away from it, but do not dishonor them, it is only wise not to, lest you want the blessing taken from you. And it is the parent’s job to straighten them out when they are young. It is sad to see so many laws nowadays forbidding this and that in the way of trying to raise and straighten your own kids out. I think a good kick in the ass is good for them, it will insure the future will not have to spend its hard earned tax money on baby-sitting grown up kids.
In a marriage, the wife should honor the husband as she would Christ, and the husband honor the wife as he would the Church. The Husband should serve his wife; make her the best person he can. An example might be, if he can afford piano lesions, that will help her in become a better person, do it. If going to church helps her, let her go, don’t stop her. He is not king of the castle, Jesus is; he is although the head of the family when and only when he needs to be (and I don’t mean dictator); but that only means more responsibility. In Heaven we are equal, and so we are on earth, only we have separate jobs. If a decision cannot be made between a husband and a wife, it is the duty of the husband to make the wisest decision. My wife is an accountant, I do not try to overlook that I use her abilities to help me. Her job description under the bible is to be my help.
I suppose I could go on and on, but this is what comes to me at the moment, I hope I answered my friends question.
6/23/2006 (Dlsiluk)
Like Nebuchadnezzar, the Antichrist will demand (in times of the gentiles, which are now and was back then) that he be worshiped (See Revelation: 13:14); we are coming nearer to this stage called idolatry, as the state of religion in the world becomes more powerful (An example might be: Islam, would like to have the world bend their knees to their god, as they have pointed out in the near past, at the threat of death even).
The image of the beast is seen in the book of Daniel as well as Revelation, mentioned by Daniel as well as Jesus “The abomination of desolation.” This will of course take place in the “Holy of Holies,’ of the Tribulation temple in Jerusalem, when the temple goes up, look for this sign soon.
If you want to see the beast, look in Daniel 8 and 11, and his number in Revelation 13: 18. The sixth day can be considered the Beast’s day, and the Seventh, God’s if indeed we wish to look at things in the perspective of numbers.
Satan has always reproduced, or duplicated, God’s word, Christ’s words, and works: He will of course try this again, and that is why he is called The Antichrist after all. We don’t have dates for his arrival, but I expect between 2007 and 2016, we will feel the tempest of God’s anger, and Satan’s indifference and determined mind to try and corner in on his destiny as the beast. (For reference see: Revelation 19:20 and 20:10). Again I must say
Nebuchadnezzar was much like the Antichrist will be, much like Saddam was trying to be—actually Saddam thought he was the new Nebuchadnezzar by trying to rebuild Babylon.
Another prophecy is that in the later days, someone will try to rebuild Babylon, but according to the Bible, it will never be completely achieved, and it has not been thus far.
2) The Last Days according to Prophet Habakkuk
Everyone goes to the Book of Revelation or the Book of Daniel for end time events, and to speak generally, there are many prophets to choose from in the Bible (and I like the many, choose also those two books more often than I should, for there are more prophets out there), and Habakkuk stands out in his own way as a true and watchful prophet I believe. But what does he say about the latter days, is just this: his vision was for an appointed time (Hab. 2:2,3); this is a strong prophecy coming, and so I hope I can strongly emphasize it to you: Habakkuk had a special place in time for this end time event, you will not find this any other place, so read carefully, this is valid information, and the program of God’s (perhaps even his weapon against Satan himself): what does he see in his vision? We see him a little in Hab. 2:4,5: he says this man cannot be satisfied, and he says in essence, he has a license to kill, and he goes after all nations, and he “heapeth unto him all people.”
Thus, he says him to be: “He is a proud man.” Not like in Revelation where you get symbols, here you get it straight, pure observation. Hab. 3:8. Habakkuk does not repeat what other prophets have said over and over; he gets right to the details. He tells us world conditions are going to be bad, and they are, and after he talks he ends up with the main figure, the man called the Antichrist. He might start with one country, the EU, but he will not be satisfied, he will go beyond that, he has ambitions, he wants to rule the world. He will raise an army, perhaps small at the beginning but he will have satanic power and help from other sources. What other dictators didn’t have he will have, he will be seen as a world savior of sorts. When Habakkuk saw these things he cried. He didn’t understand why he saw so much Hab 1:1-4.
What he really was concerned about was that he saw a system like plague spread in and around the world (perhaps terrorism). He saw violence, iniquity, grievance, spoiling, strife, riots, uprisings, plots, murders, everything, onto legitimate governments.
Some of the other things I think he saw were countries: confiscating property, taking holdings of money away from people, rigged court trials, concentration camps; He says the accusers were judges, so we will see, and we are seeing in the United States Supreme Court (even in the small and larger courts in Minnesota) as well as half the world, these unfair trials. Gangsters taking over countries; The law is slacked, judgment never goes forth, this is happening in a lot of South American countries (Peru is trying to fix this, and Venezuela, is going backwards in its progress) as well as in China, and Russian right now, and African countries, injustice prevails: as the world sees and looks the other way. It is exactly what he was talking about. I can’t anymore keep count of all the countries that are guilty of this. Habakkuk saw this situation spreading like fire, through the entire world, but God’s redemption would bring this to a standstill.
The prophet knew what God intended to do, we see this in Hab 1:5. It would be a mistake to think God will do nothing, if indeed you believe in God at all, the prophecies are just warnings for the believers, the rest of the world can place them into whatever category makes them feel comfortable, it will do no good, but perhaps satisfy their ego that God does not have control. And let’s hope He does, lest we give it to the Antichrist, and then what.
3) The Movie: The Da Vinci Code
I wrote about the book, ‘The Da Vinci Code’, a while back, matter-of-fact, a few years ago, and was honestly too fair, but this time I can’t help but give my opinion concerning the movie, and I suppose Mr. Brown’s ego along with it. For the most part, I like Tom Hank’s acting, but in this movie, which I saw the day it came out, he was no actor acting, he was emotionless, and if the script called for that, the book didn’t. Not sure if he read the script five minutes before he went on stage, or he was just tired. But there was a lack of something in him that did not help the movie. One thing was an improvement over all for him, was his hair, not sure if it was his real hair, but it made him look more placid, and surely there was a lack of sophistication for a Harvard professor; his vocabulary was thin, and sparse, if not elementary. In other words, he was unbelievable.
I am not sure what all the hype is all about, the movie was to me a dud, I mean, “Inside Man,” by Denzel Washington was better, if only Denzel could stay off the burgers, he was bloated as a walrus.
The movie is long, way to long to figure out we are looking at a bloodline here of Jesus Christ. The script called for some theology, and Christology, that was really done poorly; if indeed any of the researchers for Mr. Brown would have done their homework, it is more believable to believe in Santa Claus. In psychology we call this: deletions, distortions and generalizations. The movie tries to fit Mary Magdalena into the picture as Jesus’ wife, or sleeping companion; it not only shows bad taste, there are no facts in this science fiction sage. If I was the Catholic Church I’d not give any more publicity to such a dumb performance, the Omen, and the Exorcist was much better; more credence too.
The only secret out there, that is really a secret, is that there is no secret, and everyone wants you to be looking for one in this movie, so it is of course made up. If the movie is suppose to make one question his Christian roots, because of Constantine’s valiant turnabout to Christianity, using him as a symbol of Rome’s dilemma on how to hang onto the puppet strings of power throughout the world, and using the Christian Flag, they did a poor job in creating this. We all know the story of Rome and its Christian foundation, but not all know about Constantine going war with the cross above his head, on his shield, and on his flags, long before he died; they forgot to tell that story, only that he was baptized before he died. Not sure what that means, being baptized is only an outer symbol to show the world how you feel inside. The fact is, he like so many other followers of Christ, realized one does not get to heaven because he is baptized or not, it is not the key to salvation, as it is not the unpardonable sin, it is only a show and tell ritual. I am sure there are many baptized so-called Christians in hell, arguing this point out right now.
I think I’d rather stick with Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars and Venius books, they are more practical, and believable than this. I could go on and on with this subject of bloodline crap, and the Mary Magdalena issue, but it is not worth my time, I need to write some more on “Siren the Great,” and perhaps on “Arizona Blue,” it won’t sell as good I know, but it is more believable.
4) The World Under Satanic Influence
[2Thess. 2:8] The Lord shall consume the destroyer, Satan, but before He does, Satan will influence the world, in the shell of the Antichrist. [Matt. 24:24]; mankind is falling to his lowest point (this of course is no secret), and the world the planet we live on, this huge living organism, that somehow heals itself from our wounding it repeatedly, will retaliate as we try to fight the winds of the Antichrist; thus, we will have two storms in the makings.
We are coming to the climatic moment, the apocalyptic nerve, the boarder of destruction, [Revelation 4; 19] when the anger of Satan and the fury of God will conflict to the boiling point, nothing will stop it. We can see nature being disrupted now, with the vast earthquakes and volcanic activities, and the roaring of the seas displace and kill masses of people, this is not coincidence, this is prophecy we are living. Perhaps we are in the final countdown, started 2004, to could end 2016 as we go into the tribulation period, we can’t tell yet until all the prophecies are in, but it is headed that way. We’ve yet to see the worse earthquake in history, it is in the makings right now; so the bible indicates. Call this the ‘Jupiter Effect,’ or whatever, it will take place soon:
in such an event, Global volcanism: the world loses its sunlight, temperatures will drop; economic, political and social consequences nil; massive starvation, inflation 10,000 percent the first six months. In the US, we have about a five-day supply of food, elsewhere in the world I hate to think what they have, unless you’re a farmer. International contention would prevail, a time for the Antichrist to creep in, indeed. If this doesn’t bring about nuclear war, the Antichrist will think of something that will. As the old saying goes, create the problem, then solve it, and you become the hero; but it will be ripe for him to step in at this moment.
In a way we don’t need any seers or bibles to tell us this, it would seem obvious we are headed down this path. If there is a pole shift, or crust movement, triggered by some cataclysmic event, we will be in double trouble. This part of my article is a projection, not necessary a prediction. Such volcanoes as: Etna, Vesuvius, Pelee and Soufriere, could go any minute and geophysical and socially be timed with the Antichrists entrance into the picture, and on to Armageddon as indicated in the book of Daniel and Revelation from Apostle John.
As I look at world affairs now, Iran and China could also be a trigger for more hostility in the near future, as well as North Korea; all part of WWIII (as is the ongoing war on Terrorism).
5) Christian Living:
A Letter on Christian Living (And Doctrine) by Request
In this letter of sorts, we have two parts: Christian Doctrine, and Christian Living, one cannot be separated from the other, lest we want soft boiled eggs:
I was asked by Femi to write something on Christian living, and normally I don’t do requests or never have in the past anyhow, but the letter I received was very sincere, and so I will do what I call a quick sketch. I’m not going to quote any bible verses on this, it will come free floating, as perhaps it should be, instead of making this letter, letter perfect, it will be as I see it. For those not seeking to be a Christian, or wanting such information, or wishing only to belittle Christian ways, I suggest you don’t read this, it will only antagonize you, not sure why it should, but it will; that said, let me get on with it.
First of all, Christianity is a way of life, it is proclaiming you are or want to be a Christian, so I believe, the Lord said in so many words, if you are ashamed of me on earth, on your way to heaven, don’t expect me to smile and say: hello here I am, you should be glad to see me. He is not going to recognize you.
The second thing that needs to be cleared up, gotten out of the way is, baptism, it is not the gift of salvation, it is the outward sign of what you did inside, you gave your life to Christ, and in public you are proclaiming such. Thus, if you die unbaptized, you do not go to hell, for it is in your heart, and between you and the Lord, Christ if you have accepted him as your lord and savior that is: it is really saying in a way, I want to be a full Christian, but perhaps I am still uninformed of its ways. It is by faith, and faith alone we are saved, and by our works so we are known.
The third thing is the Gospel it is the top and bottom of the iceberg you could say, faith is someplace in-between. When I say that I mean in essence, the Gospel is, in a nutshell: who Christ is, and what he did. If you know these two simple things and believe in them, you have the Gospel in your pocket. Some folks say the Gospels contradict themselves. If they do, and I do not want to get into comparing them (I’ve read them a number of times) the main premise holds true—they all proclaim the Gospel: who Christ was (he was the essence of God, the arm of the Trinity, he was pure, and he had lived since time immortal, with the Father, and Holy Spirit. What did or do: he came to earth as a sacrifice for our sins, so we could bypass the hammer of God. Nothing dirty can remain in heaven, that is why he came, so we would be cleansed by faith, not by works. The other element here we need to clear up is works: it is important to do the work of God, but it will never get you into his grace, or heaven. It is by faith. Why is this, you may ask?
Good question. There was a reason God gave Moses the Ten Commandments; it was not to show the people his artwork it was to show us, we could not keep the commandments: I’ve tried I can’t. Thus, we need Him, and that is what it is all about. His grace is in faith, because the commandments we will never keep, we are humans: in the old days, the sinner would kill a sheep, blood-sacrifice, was the purifier of sins, can you imagine how many sheep we’d have to kill nowadays, we’d be so busy raising sheep we’d not make it to work in the morning.
So we cleared up all this stuff about getting to be a Christian, and not a word on ‘Living,’ but we still have two more things in the way, it is called the unpardonable sin (and abortion). This has haunted man for 2000-years; even Judas had a hard time with this. But it is simple it is in Mark 3:28-29. If you do not believe in Christ, in the Trinity, sin against the Holy Sprit by denying him, this is unpardonable if you were to die under this umbrella. Don’t let your blood run cold here, Christ is not an iceberg, but this is a serious matter. It is also mentioned in Luke 12:10 and Matthew 12:31-32. I know I said I’d not quote verse, but this needs to be quoted. To those who are considering shamelessly defying God, or trying to tiptoe around his mercy, read Proverbs 1:24… he says in essence: when I give you wisdom and call you to me, and you come to me, and turn about and mock me, the day will come when you will call on me, and I will not answer. So if you are not a Christian, you perhaps do not fall into this category, but if the Lord is calling you and you mock him, I’d think twice.
Abortion is a right, they say in America, and a playful thing in Europe, and must in China, and everywhere else it is on trial. Most of the girls, women, ladies, I’ve talked to in prison, or elsewhere who have had an abortion, have a few things in common: they all wish they wouldn’t have had it; and they all wonder where the babies are, and they all want to know if it is the unpardonable sin. First, it is not the unpardonable sin. Second, the child has –at an infant’s age—no formal reasoning, thus, it cannot be judged to have sinned. This does not contradict the doctrine that all are born with sin—he may be born with it, but he himself has not knowingly sinned. It merely puts it into its natural hebetate. It is like the man said when the other man’s sheep fell into the well: the ridiculer said to the owner of the animal: it is Sunday, you can’t go down into the well and get your property until Monday, for it is forbidden to work on Sunday. And the man said: is it not that—Sunday—is made for man, not man for Sunday. Thus, he was saying it is a day of rest, as God would have man do, but don’t be a fool. So, although abortion is against God’s will, but it is not unforgivable. King David’s child died, and said: I’ll see you in heaven. And God said: David his after my heart.
Christian Living
So how does a Christian live, what are the Christian ways? It is not by bread alone. How about dating? I’ve told a young couple once to date for a few years then get married, if that is what they intend to do (for young couples time is needed to sort out things). On the other hand, I’ve told folks that were more mature, whose loved ones, spouses may have died, to marry within six months, so they don’t burn with lust. They usually—after 30-years old know what they want; and even older, see things differently, and should marry early; so I believe.
Going to a Christian church is for fellowship, and learning. It is not a sin not to, but it can help your growth. It is like being a writer, how can you write, without having first been a reader, and once a writer, you surely can’t stop reading. So it kind of goes hand in hand.
Can a Baptist marry a Catholic? I did, and it works. Christianity to me is like Peruvian food, they have a lot of different dishes, but it is all Peruvian food, as long as they got the Gospel right.
Should you marry a none Christian? It would be a hard life if you did, I mean you are choosing to live a hard life; and most people think you can persuade the other to come to your side, or way of thinking. People usually are not persuaded in such ways, they may say they are but really are not. Let me just say, it will be a hard life.
War. Is it proper to be a Christian and go fight a war? Someone once told me Jesus was a pacifist, and avoid war. Actually, I think Jesus came down the first time to show us something, and he was the rebel of the day, in the middle of the war, because when He left, the world was never the same, and when he comes back, it says in the Book of Revelation, He will be on a white horse, and a sword in his hand. That is no pacifist. But for war now, let me put it this way: America helped Europe out of so many conflicts, or wars: Bosnia, and WWI, and WWII, and all over the world America has shed blood, Christian Blood. It is hard to count how many Christian lives gave up their existence for them. Who benefited? The problem with Europe is, they only want America to fight their battles when they point their fingers; and when they don’t, then were the bad Christians who love war.
America has sinned in many ways, in war and every other thing, but perhaps not half as bad as the rest of the world. It is like this, Jesus had said in so many words, there will always be the poor, and I say, there will always be the wars, and the Bible says, in the later days, there will be many of them. If we stop fighting them, it will not stop the killing, only allow the killers to kill at will, with no restraint. It is a hard question to answer, and each person has to dig deep in his heart to find what Christ would have you do. I went to Vietnam, I was not a Christian then, but I did believe in fighting Communism, perhaps I should have believe more in counting who was dying, and made my decision.
In the family, the parents should not provoke the children, and the children should honor and obey the parents, this is a serious thing should the children not, they will not be blessed; I told my children this once, and that I did not want them not blessed, this stuck in their heads all their lives. If you have a bad relationship with your father or mother: fix it if you can, or step away from it, but do not dishonor them, it is only wise not to, lest you want the blessing taken from you. And it is the parent’s job to straighten them out when they are young. It is sad to see so many laws nowadays forbidding this and that in the way of trying to raise and straighten your own kids out. I think a good kick in the ass is good for them, it will insure the future will not have to spend its hard earned tax money on baby-sitting grown up kids.
In a marriage, the wife should honor the husband as she would Christ, and the husband honor the wife as he would the Church. The Husband should serve his wife; make her the best person he can. An example might be, if he can afford piano lesions, that will help her in become a better person, do it. If going to church helps her, let her go, don’t stop her. He is not king of the castle, Jesus is; he is although the head of the family when and only when he needs to be (and I don’t mean dictator); but that only means more responsibility. In Heaven we are equal, and so we are on earth, only we have separate jobs. If a decision cannot be made between a husband and a wife, it is the duty of the husband to make the wisest decision. My wife is an accountant, I do not try to overlook that I use her abilities to help me. Her job description under the bible is to be my help.
I suppose I could go on and on, but this is what comes to me at the moment, I hope I answered my friends question.
6/23/2006 (Dlsiluk)
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