Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Barack Obama's: One World Government

Barack Obama’s: One World Government

(Update by Dlsiluk 4-2010)

I keep saying to myself, have said to myself for fifteen months this president will show something worthwhile sooner or later, but it just hasn’t happened. But let me tell you what I think, and I suppose this is my umpteenth message on the President.
I’ve noticed in 15-months, he’s played more gulf than President Bush played in eight-years. I’ve noticed with him he likes to smile a lot, when he feels everything is fine and dandy, when things are going his way, if things are not, the friendship fades quick, and he points the finger to ex presidents for his lack in leadership and stability or stabilizing the country, and he will push and push everyone aside to get his way even if it’s hindsight. He has more excuses than any president I’ve yet to listen to. He has let in more Islamic snakes in America, and now we are becoming a fear based society—I think he likes that. He is at odds with Fox News. He is no model of post-partisanship—as I said, friendly and deadly. He seeks a one world Government, and my guess is he’ll try to hand over our nuclear supply to the UN, so they can direct whom will be under the gun, shoot off the ugly heads of those who defy them: this is where we are headed folks.
Fifty Muslims activists now work on Capital Hill today, infiltrating into congress. The Serpent of Genesis is hard at work.
Soon the banking cartel will enslave mankind, as the United Nations becomes the nuclear watchdog over nations, and they will be the only ones that can push the buttons, America will be at their mercy. It’s called the new world order.
The New World Order will depopulate world growth, not increase it. The New Age is nothing more than what Communism was prior to it, a big hoax. And we have been sold out and we are being led by megalomaniacs. Sleep well tonight, while you can.


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