Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kiran Chetry speaks out Notre Dame

Kiran Chetry speaks out Notre Dame

Now here is a young lady, Kiran Chetry, with some grit, guts, and faith. I am not a Catholic, but if I was I would put her on my shoulders and be proud of her—I even think the Pope ought to recognize her for her getup and go. Notre Dame University, I do not think cares for her rebellion against the establishment’s decision making process, and I can understand why. With the president of the United States coming to give a speech and get his Honorary, Doctorate, free of charge, is too much for some true Christians. To my understanding she is against only the honor, not the speech that will be given. That makes sense to me. I mean if the University is pro abortion, then fine, because this president is, and if the University is pro stem cell processing, fine again, but if it is against these things the questions comes up “Why?” What purpose does it serve to give an honor, to just have him come to talk? Perhaps that is a bribe: you come here, we give, and perhaps he has said already if I go there, what they are going to give me. It looks like Notre Dame has agreed underneath the table with the president’s policies.
Some young student said, in counter to Kiran Chetry’s voice against the president being honored, “Shouldn’t a good Christian even take in—with open arms—those who are apposed to your faith?” I do think that person was perhaps a none practicing Catholic, or Christian, one of the 49% that goes along with this honor at Notre Dame. Just because the majority agrees does not mean the majority is right, it means the majority have their own self-interests at stake, maybe they want to shake hands with the first black president. Or maybe they want to go down in history and say: I was there when the big man was there. But let’s be practical. What kind of message is Notre Dame giving here? It is telling me, in Jesus’ learning center we can bend rules for the Roman Emperor, and honor our enemy—and I do not mean the President is our enemy, he is not, but two of his policies belong to the devil, and we can’t honor the devil’s policy, is that not what Christ would say? It is one thing to put up with things we have no power over (the weeds are always going to be in with the roses), but when it comes to faith, and honoring Christ, is it not said, give to Cesar what belongs to him (and if your school and its faith belong to him fine, and it looks to me like it does), and to Christ, what belongs to him, give to him (and to be frank, if Notre Dame was blessed because of Christ, it may not be after this; they may have to find their blessings in the Oval Office). So is this Cesar’s house, or Christ’s house? What would Christ do? That is the question I think the school should be asking, not what the faculty wants. And is it not in Notre Dame’s interest to leave an everlasting mark on its students. This is a blemish, and for a real Christian, it will not go away so easily.



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