Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Hammer and the Grace (...God's Secrets)

Part Two
The Hammer and the Grace
(And the Secrets of God)

The Hammer and the Beast

(Ragu’el: Toward the East) I felt like an eagle flying over the earth, looking down on all the souls,men, women and children, it was during this flight, this journey, going East, I said to Ragu’el, “Who among us have not sinned against God? Perhaps it might have been better to have been born a bird or beast, and thus, not look forward to a resurrection, just expectant of final end somehow.” Somehow all this was disturbing me.

(The Wasteland) And I saw below me a mad man, a beast of a man, knife and hammer in his hands, killing God’s people in a small village seemingly towards the East, somewhere in an area with inhospitable surroundings, it was a cold and frozen wilderness, and this brute, was huge, and smashing with a hammer and stabbing with his knife all living things, men, women, children, animals (a horse, a dog, a cat, anything that approached him, or he could see, or grab).
And I saw their faces being pounded in, their intestines poured out, there seemed to be no mercy in this man, and he killed at will, even infants, like a raging dog with rabies, he seemed to be unstoppable.

Diph’el appeared (an angel that sought after our group but only to give me his comment), “Have you no mercy for those sized by Satan?”
I looked at him and at the brute down below, and thought out loud, mumbled ‘Have I not done good deeds, and have I not had mercy on my fellow man?’ For this action had come upon me, suddenly, likened as if I was the merciless brute I saw below, my heart was moaning for the dying, not for this ape like human machine killing all in his path, and I heard a whisper “At the end, the good king seeks out the good angels for the good souls; in a like manner, the evil king, picks the evil angels to be sent for the evil souls, the ones infected with the doings of Satan.”
I asked myself as I stood overhead in flight (as the massacre continued) ‘What was I missing?’
And I said to this newly arrived angel, Diph’el, “Does not every man do evil in the sight of God, as did some of his angels?”

The Death Path
((Hell I thru VII) (The Dying))

Said Diph’el “There is a death path towards the East, the angel takes the soul on this journey, to his destiny, on its way they go through much: frost, ice, heat, flames, storms, Satan’s hosts, and great winds, terrible rains, it is an astonishing path, and it goes through narrow gates, and over and though high mountains, if he is good he will pass over all these hurdles. Each foot is behind the other, if he is bad he will not make the hurdles.
“There are seven good paths beyond this also, which leads to the divine God’s door steps, indescribable beauty, and this good person must go through them. He must go through what is called ‘The Third Hell,’ to reach it though. It is a cold hell, icy cold; and the forth is demonic wars, if captured he remains where he falls. The fifth is he becomes chard, throughout his body, for the heat and flames do this, yet if he is good, he does not feel the pain; the sixth, his soul has now been burnet clean, it glows like gold, and he is righteous. He now can go to the seventh; here he stands at the doorstep, opposite the garden of God’s window.

(I was happy to receive all this information, but my mind shifted back and forth to that brute doing all those dirty deeds underneath me, from the clouds, to the villagers.)

Micha’el looked at me, said, “Would that be a righteous deed to kill him?” (he was reading my mind.)
“Yes,” I said without an ounce of hesitation, adding, “This beast of a man is pure evil!”

(Notes: at that point, I had lost my concentration on Micha’el and what he had said, and thought: I would like to see God’s face, second thought was, that is perhaps why Jesus became God in the Flesh, for God is so holy and bright, not even the angels have not seen him, except for the very special ones around his throne.
How all of a sudden I got this information I don’t know, I think Micha’el was reading my thoughts again, and shot some back to me. I had come to the conclusion Micha’el was kind of the Commander and Chief here.)

Then I saw a female looking up from the ground, she said, “O look, look a wonder!” and a moment after she had said that, the beast-man killed her with a hammer—and then I wanted revenge, I wanted to kill him even more, than before.

The Judgment
(Fire and Balance)

(Dennis, Diph’el and Doki’el) Now I had angelic beings to my right and left, as the destruction below me continued, and it was hard for me not to judge this evil man, with a knife and hammer in hand, I wanted him dead: my heart, soul and mouth had condemned him, and Diph’el said, “Like you Dennis, the Brute came from the first source (I think he meant Adam), if you judge him, fearful will be his punishment! For there are two angels who weigh a man’s sin, the balance is viewed by Doki’el, the righteous balancer-bearer, and deeds and sins are counted at this point, as a person goes through the long path, is where the fire along the path burns away judgment if the fire touches one, burns him, the balance tips the scale, and you see—Dennis? All things are tested by fire and balance.”

Creation and the Enormous Man

(Dennis and Micha’el) And Micha’el looked at me, as asked, “Do you want to kill this man, sentence him?”
He was holding in his hands a fire ball, it just appeared out of nowhere, and gave it to me, told me to throw it at the man, it was lightening, and I did, matter-of-fact, I grabbed it out of his hands so quick, so he couldn’t change his mind, and threw it as fast as I could, and it killed the man immediately—it was like lightning striking him, and all the villagers who saw this ran into their houses, behind carts, into a wooded area.
At that moment I heard a voice, and so did the angels with me hear, and it said (as the villagers continued to ran into the woods in fear) “His heart is not moved by sinners, but my heart is moved for sinners, does he not know they may convert and repent for their sins and be saved!”
Tears came to my eyes, for now I realized I had sentenced a man—not for a day or year, or century—but for eternally to doom, to a land that crying exceeds laughter.

(The Golden Pen) As we started to travel away, in my heart I heard and saw a golden pen, and it wrote down, as it spoke, and here is what I heard:
“I forgive you your sin, and he you think you destroyed I have called back from the dead and he will be lead by the villagers into life by the great good around him—for he saw the punishments, and burnt in the fires over hell; those I destroy on earth for these I do not seek retaliation or revenge.”
It made me think, perhaps this is why God does not interfere often with the wars of man, or other such atrocities, he lets man destroy man, it is not of his doings, therefore no one in judgment can blame him of such. I had learned also, those folks go to the grave, without punishment, like the birds and beast of the earth, without knowledge either of the other life.

Last words: I think I was seeing an unbroken chain from the lower to the higher magnitude (order) of existence, a chain from the invisible world to the physical, from the Ancient Ones, the humans, to the divine to whatever was natural. The mystery that was concealed within existence itself; there was a harmonious linking, even with the evil to the good. God had allowed unbalanced forces into the habitat of existence, not as a substitute deity, but a force, real force, to create disorder, and jealousy, for a God of order and love to show mankind the polar opposite, and to choose, and so I had learned these things on my journey (especially with the man with the hammer), and so I received many things on my journey, perhaps revelations for me, a little theosophy (theories of reincarnation and karma, which correlates more into intuitive insight, and religious philosophy than, orthodox doctrine, but to get to the root of all that I had seen I needed more than the average book, I needed to fly over all this dream would allow, and received all it was willing to teach me: Christian I am, but not blind to everything else, and this was an opening and opportunity for me, I am not afraid to lay my Christian cards on the table with anyone, for how can anyone be against me, if He is for me. So there was no fear crossing other theological boundaries, or metaphysical bounders.

(Secret Knowledge) I had learned during this trip, or heard it said by Aumem, a lesser angelic being to my understanding, and meaning no disrespect, that there might be an ounce of secretes left on earth, that God himself taught angels, select angels, in a place called Paradise these things (heavenly doctrines), and some of these secrets went to Adam, and onto Noah (as even Gilgamesh sought out Noah, to learn some of these secrets), and perhaps even Moses, David and Solomon, whom had demonic forces under his finger tips) and others got an once of this knowledge I suppose like Azaz’el the once archangel renegade, and Watcher, whom taught humankind how to make and battle with swords, and shields, and used it against mankind; some of this knowledge was recorded in and around 70 AD; prior to this such things were all memorize, like the Iliad, by Homer, around 800 BC).

And so there were many things I was learning, or had now learned on this journey of journeys, but it was not over yet.



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